ACISFP temperatures check


Date start 2023:311:04:12:00.016
Date stop 2023:317:06:47:41.816
Model status NOT OK
Load directory /data/acis/LoadReviews/2023/NOV0723/ofls
Run time Mon Nov 6 12:58:35 2023 by acisdude
Run log run.dat
Temperatures temperatures.dat
Earth Solid Angles earth_solid_angles.dat
States states.dat

"Hot" ACIS Observations (-109 C limit)

Obsid CCDs # of counts in seq Grating Cycle Spectra Max Count
26736 S1,S2,S3,S4 100000 HETG 24 0
26950 I0,I1,I2,I3,S3 45 NONE 24 300
29043 S1,S2,S3,S4 100000 HETG 24 0
29047 I0,I1,I2,I3 45 NONE 24 300
29044 S1,S2,S3,S4 100000 HETG 24 0
29037 S2,S3 750 NONE 24 750
26850 S2,S3 600 NONE 24 1200

No FPTEMP Planning High (-86.0 C) Violations

FPTEMP ACIS-I (-112.0 C) Violations

Date start Date stop Duration (ks) Max temperature Obsids
2023:313:15:23:18.816 2023:313:15:34:14.816 0.66 -111.51 27404

No FPTEMP ACIS-S (-111.0 C) Violations

FPTEMP ACIS-S Hot (-109.0 C) Violations

Date start Date stop Duration (ks) Max temperature Obsids
2023:313:02:21:34.816 2023:313:02:32:30.816 0.66 -108.79 29037

No FPTEMP Science Orbit ECS (-118.2 C) Violations

fptempM120toM107.png pow_sim.png roll_taco.png

ACISFP Model Validation

MSID quantiles

Note: Quantiles are calculated using only points where -120.0 C <= FPTEMP <= -100.0 C.

MSID 1% 5% 16% 50% 84% 95% 99%
fptemp -2.45 -1.84 -1.32 -0.51 0.86 2.29 3.45
pitch -5.637 -0.741 -0.004 0.000 0.004 1.233 6.376
tscpos -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 375
roll -1.668 -0.269 -0.010 0.000 0.010 0.205 1.507

Validation Violations

MSID Quantile Value Limit
PITCH 1 -5.637 3.00
PITCH 99 6.376 3.00
TSCPOS 99 375.0 2.50


Note: FPTEMP residual histograms include only points where -120.0 C <= FPTEMP <= -100.0 C.

fptemp_valid.png fptemp_valid_hist.png


pitch_valid.png pitch_valid_hist.png


tscpos_valid.png tscpos_valid_hist.png


roll_valid.png roll_valid_hist.png



Earth Solid Angle



Additional plots of FPTEMP vs TIME for different temperature ranges

fptempM120toM119.png fptempM120toM79.png