To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 23 Mar 01, 12:00noon EST Subject: SOT shift report 2001-03-23 L610 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Mar_23_2001_L610.txt. Shift L610. Start at 082:13:00 GMT = 08:00am 23 Mar EST End 12:00 noon 23 Mar SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect WAP (Times will be given in GMT on day 082.) PLAN ---- Continue running load MAR1901c. Running a series of ACIS-S observations. No Comm this shift. Next Comms: 082:21:00 to 22:00 083:06:00 to 07:00 083:15:00 to 16:00 083:22:50 to 00:50 084:07:25 to 08:25 084:15:45 to 16:45 085:00:55 to 01:55 Orbital events: 2001:083:05:42:33.737 225 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2001:084:13:25:54.296 225 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2001:085:21:09:57.403 226 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2001:087:04:53:19.817 226 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE EVENTS ------ Status at LOS, 082:12:58, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 220.791 deg Dec = 52.029 deg ROLL = 135.712 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 1623 3C 303 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) HETG = OUT (79.84 deg) LETG = OUT (78.34 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = LARG E1300 = 0.0 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 0.0 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 0.2480 mu-a Ascending through 113547 km at 13:39. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.7. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From the 9am status meeting: CAP 710 was successfully run to retract the LETG yesterday. OTG ASVT testing yesterday caught several errors. New patches received this morning and retest is in progress. OCC has lost Cambridge power. Essentially systems operating on UPS, but FOT has no email. Quick look data: OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 2091 NGC 3783 ACIS-S/HETG looks good. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 877-693-7198 PIN 693-7198 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------