To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 24 Oct 01, 12:00noon EDT Subject: SOT shift report 2001-10-24 L825 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Oct_24_2001_L825.txt. Shift L825. Start at 297:12:00 GMT = 08:00am 24 Oct EDT End 12:00 noon 24 Oct SOT Lead DAS (Times will be given in GMT on day 297.) PLAN ---- Continue running load OCT2301A. Finish ACIS-S observation SAX J1806.5-2215 a new X-ray source detected only during type I bursts, obsid 1916. Then do ACIS-S observations of the ultraluminous infrared galaxy IRAS 17208-0014, obsid 2035; a search for shadowing of the X-ray background by the cloud CHVC125, obsid 2484; and the distant sloan survey quasar SDSS094108+594725,obsid 3035. Next Comms: 297:1510 to 1710 297:2100 to 2300 298:0500 to 0600 298:1535 to 1635 298:2315 to 0015 299:0700 to 0900 299:1800 to 1900 299:2315 to 0015 300:1330 to 1430 300:2030 to 2130 301:0545 to 0645 301:1320 to 1420 301:2340 to 0040 Orbital events: 2001:297:10:35:10.958 306 ORBIT APOGEE 2001:298:12:54:11.897 306 ELECTRON1 RADIATION ENTRY0 2001:298:18:19:30.689 306 ORBIT PERIGEE 2001:298:22:36:11.897 307 ELECTRON1 RADIATION EXIT0 2001:300:02:02:59.615 307 ORBIT APOGEE 2001:301:03:17:33.488 307 ELECTRON1 RADIATION ENTRY0 2001:301:09:46:33.612 307 ORBIT PERIGEE 2001:302:17:30:39.098 308 ORBIT APOGEE 2001:304:01:13:51.942 308 ORBIT PERIGEE 2001:305:08:58:32.407 309 ORBIT APOGEE 2001:306:16:42:15.779 309 ORBIT PERIGEE 2001:308:00:27:00.241 310 ORBIT APOGEE EVENTS ------ Status at LOS, 297:05:22, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 274.259 deg Dec = -36.288 deg ROLL = 265.259 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 2011 PSR1813-36 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) HETG = OUT (79.46 deg) LETG = OUT (77.96 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = LARG E1300 = 0.4 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 3.2 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.1 LT 8.47 A-leak = 0.4840 mu-a B-leak = 0.0880 mu-a Ascending through 135612 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.9. 1512 AOS Status at AOS, 297:15:12, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 260.825 deg Dec = -0.276 deg ROLL = 284.763 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 2035 PSR1813-36 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) HETG = OUT (79.46 deg) LETG = OUT (77.96 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = LARG E1300 = 0.2 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 2.5 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.3 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 0.2520 mu-a Descending through 136109 km. 1708 LOS. Status is essentially unchanged. Ascending through 133937 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.9. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From the 9am status meeting: Load review for OCT2901B will be this afternoon at 2pm. Load is known to need star catalog replacements, but otherwise should be ready. Gyro 2 is showing noise in its current over the past two days, but not the out-of-spec bias jog which occured on Sunday. There will be a meeting and telecon at 11am EDT to discuss the bright star hold event. 405 244 5060 1165# There will be a meeting and telecon at 2:30pm EDT to discuss preparations and plans for the Leonid meteor shower which will occur on Nov 18. 405 244 5060 1165# Radiation is moderate, but at tolerable levels for ACIS. However, two CME on Tuesday may hit today or tomorrow. EPHIN rates larger than usual for this orbital position, but factors of 25 to 100 below trigger rates. Quick look data: OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 1963 1 RXS J1708-4009 296:10:29 HRC-I NONE Looks good. 2188 NGC 7130 296:13:44 ACIS-S NONE Looks good. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 877-693-7198 PIN 693-7198 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------