Getting housekeeping data using MIT tools |
If the data of interest was dumped more than a few hours ago, it is likely in the archive. ACISpy may be a more efficient method of examining the data and producing plots.
You can use MIT tools to extract both the engineering and DEA housekeeping values from SSR dump files and real-time files. The engineering data is what appears on the ACIS R/T web pages and the DEA housekeeping on the PMON web pages.
These instructions have been adapted from Peter Ford's ACIS Quick-Look Processing Guide, Section 13 on troubleshooting.
source /home/acisdude/setup_psci
cd /home/acisdude/ceg_test
ls $RT_DIR
, which reads the telemetry
data and extract ACIS packets, and pkt2dea
or pkt2eng
, which convert the housekeeping channels
getnrt -O 2016_082_0348_082_1117_Dump_EM_86985.gz | pkt2dea -s >
getnrt -O 2016_082_0348_082_1117_Dump_EM_86985.gz | pkt2eng -s >
It doesn't matter if the telemetry data file is gzipped or not. The
tools will refuse to overwrite files, so make sure to pick a new
name or delete the old file, if running more than once.
The output consists of a header line followed by one line per engineering or DEA housekeeping packet in the input packet file. The data fields are comma separated by default. Non-numeric data fields are enclosed in double quotes. The header contains the ASCII mnemonics for the data fields, separated by the delimiter.
The time is always formatted as year, day-of-year, and seconds-of-the-day.
Each tool has optional flags, which may be of use. A few of them
are listed below. Consult the man pages for the full list.
: There are multiple ways to extract timing
information. If you don't trust the time values in the output, try
something else. See the flags -G, -M, -O, or -t in the man file.
and pkt2eng
: The -s flag skips
the first data packet, since it's often incomplete. Recommended!
and pkt2eng
: The year is assumed
to be the current calendar year. If not, use the -y
flag: pkt2dea -s -y 2012
and pkt2eng
: By default the
field delimiter is a comma. Use the -d flag to change the
delimiter to something else, such a single space: pkt2dea -s -d ' '
and pkt2eng
: Want to know all
the possible mnemonics in the housekeeping data? Use pkt2dea
all by itself (without the pipe from getnrt
or the redirect to the output file.)
and pkt2eng
: By default all
housekeeping channels are included in the output file, but you can
be more selective. Select particular housekeeping channels with
the -p flag. The -T flag includes the fields "YEAR", "DOY", and
"SEC". The -H flag includes the time fields, plus some others
including the "OBSID".pkt2dea -s -H -p FPTEMP_11,FEP0_ACTEL
: By default, the PSMC serial digital channels
are reported as a pair of 32-bit hexadecimal fields ("XPSMCA" and
"XPSMCB"). The -l flag (lower-case L) expands these into 64
individual channels or you can include one or more of the 1-bit mnemonics in
the -p argument list. pkt2eng -s -H -p
The 1-bit mnemonics can most easily be
found on the ACIS real-time web pages.
Last updated: 26 Apr 2016 by C. Grant