ACIS Load Review Checklist

Version: 12.0
Date: April 7, 2022
Maintainer: Gregg Germain

The following software and data files are installed in the HEAD LAN environment.


Input Files Note that the lr script allows us to collect the backstop.tar.gz file that contains all of the following inputs except the ACIS-History.txt file. Output Files Instructions on how to use Software

Mission Planning Guideline Wiki

NOTE: Priority Definitions:

  1. Priority 3: Failure to meet guideline jeopardizes the primary science objectives of an observation. CARD Limitations fall into this category.

  2. - WAIVER: FOT Mission Planner must coordinate with SOT Mission Planning (who in-turn will likely coordinate with CDO) to ensure that the primary science objectives of the observation as accepted will be met.

  3. Priority 4: FOT Mission Planner must coordinate with SOT Mission Planning (who in-turn will likely coordinate with CDO) to ensure that the primary science objectives of the observation as accepted will be met.

  4. - WAIVER: While no formal waiver process is required, any increase in operational complexity should be pre-coordinated with the parties effected. Repeated failure to meet a guideline regarding long term degredation or use of consumables may result in a more stringent, higher priority, guideline.

ID Category V C Check Check Performed CARD/Guideline Implications
ACIS-005 Radiation - x A Pad on rad zone entry matches request by CTI report file used to build load; pad time = EEF1000 - OORMPDS ACIS-R-007 Mitigates risk of proton damage. Optimizes calibration time.
ACIS-006 Radiation n/a x A Pad on rad zone exit matches request by CTI report file used to build load; pad time = OORMPEN - XEF1000 ACIS-R-008 Mitigates risk of proton damage. Optimizes calibration time
ACIS-007 Radiation - x A Radmon disabled before E1 entry; On EEF1000, check EEF1000 - previous OORMPDS < 15 ks Radiation Zone Handling Ensures no inadvertent radmon trip of SCS 107.
ACIS-008 Radiation - x A Radmon enabled after E1 exit; On OORMPEN, check OORMPEN - previous XEF1000 < 15 ks Radiation Zone Handling Ensures no inadvertent radmon trip of SCS 107.
ACIS-009 SIM - x A No SIM translation to ACIS-I or ACIS-S between Radmon disable and Radmon enable Radiation Zone Handling Mitigates risk of inadvertently placing ACIS at focal point during radiation belt passage.
ACIS-010 SIM - x A On descending: EEF1000 - OORMPDS <= 10 ks Radiation Zone Handling Mitigates science inefficiency
ACIS-013 SIM - x A No SIM translation during data collection on target SIM translations Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-014 SIM - x A On ascending: OORMPEN - XEF1000 < 10 ks Radiation Zone Handling Mitigates science inefficiency.
ACIS-016 SIM - x A At HRC-S position commanded prior to OORMPDS Radiation Zone Handling Mitigates risk if inadvertently placing ACIS at focal point during radiation belt passage.
ACIS-017 ACIS - x A/M OBSID change at least 3 minutes after STOP SCIENCE (Except for non-Raw ECS) n/a Allows telemetry buffers to empty. Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-019 ACIS - x M At least one WSVIDALLDN or WSPOW00000 for each START SCIENCE command n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-020 ACIS - x A At least one RS_0000001 for each START SCIENCE command n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-021 ACIS - x A At least one RH_0000001 for each START SCIENCE command n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-022 ACIS - x A At least one STOP SCIENCE for each START SCIENCE command n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-023 Telemetry - x A/M Format 2 for ACIS in focal plane ACIS-L-004 Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-024 Telemetry - x A/M Format 2 for CTI measurement ACIS-L-004 Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-025 OTG - x A LETG position matches Obscat request for all observations. n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-026 OTG - x A HETG position matches Obscat request for all observations. n/a Protects focal point from optical damage. Mitigates science loss..
ACIS-029 OCAT - x A SI mode in OCAT consistent with SI mode in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-030 OCAT - x A Chips selected in OCAT are same as selected in parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-031 OCAT - x A Sub-arrays selected in OCAT are same as selected in parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-032 OCAT - x A Exposure mode selected in OCAT is same as selected in parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-033 OCAT - x A Telemetry format selected in OCAT is same as selected in parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-034 OCAT - x A ACIS CCD Power-on is appropriate for chip selection in OCAT as selected in parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-035 OCAT - x A Z-sim offset specified in OCAT is within 2 steps of offset in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-036 OCAT - x A SIM location consistent with either ACIS-I or ACIS-S as specified in OCAT and the parameter block in load for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-037 OCAT - x M WSVIDALLDN or WSPOW00000 prior to START SCIENCE command for all OBSIDs n/a Clears any t-plane latchup. Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-038 OCAT - x A Dump of system configuration and Huffman tables for all OBSIDs n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-039 OCAT - x A Proper OTG state for each observation as defined in OCAT n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-040 OCAT - x A Correct window block is used for each observation as defined in OCAT n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-041 OCAT - x A Correct integration time is used for each observation as defined in OCAT n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-044 MISC - x A Video board power down prior to perigee ACIS-R-007 Ensures video boards not exposed to high radation whilst powered. Mitigates damage to electronics.
ACIS-045 MISC - x A Dump of system configuration and Huffman tables prior to perigee Radiation Zone Handling Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-046 MISC - x M ACIS taking event histogram data for HRC observations > 5 ks ACIS NIL Requirements Mitigates calibration loss.
ACIS-047 MISC - x M Less than 1 minute between OORMPDS and start of CTI on descending leg. n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-048 MISC - x M Less than 1 minute between end of CTI and OORMPEN on ascending leg. n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-049 MISC - x M OBSID issued no later than 3.25 minutes after the associated start science. n/a Mitigates complex ground processing.
ACIS-050 MISC - x A/M For each with-bias observation with ACIS in the focal plane, DITHER enabled within 2 minutes from the first ACIS command (AA00000000), maintained for at least 12 minutes, and continued throughout the science run unless by observer request. Dither Commanding Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-051 ACIS - x M Confirm that 1PDEAAT remains below the Mission Planning Yellow Alert Limit. ACIS-R-006/PSMC DEA Ensure that the PSMC temperatures stay within the allowed range.
ACIS-053 SIM x - A No SIM move to ACIS in vehicle load. n/a Mitigates risk of radiation damage to ACIS.
ACIS-054 Radiation x - A No radmon commanding in vehicle load. n/a Ensures no redundant radmon trip of SCS 107.
ACIS-055 ACIS x - A No START SCIENCE or START BIAS in vehicle load. n/a Mitigates damage to electronics.
ACIS-056 ACIS x - A No boards powered on in vehicle load. n/a Mitigates damage to electronics.
ACIS-057 ACIS x - A/M Warn of any EXECUTE BEP commands in vehicle load. n/a Allows manual check that called routine is benign.
ACIS-058 ACIS x - A Warn of any other ACIS hw or sw command in vehicle load. n/a Allows manual check that command was requested by SAR.
ACIS-059 Radiation - x A Warn of any constantly or intermittently X-ray bright source within 1/2 degree of aimpoint. n/a Mitigates damage to pixels.
ACIS-060 Radiation - x A Radmon triplet start matches "TIME (adj EVENT)" requested by CTI report file used to build load ACIS-R-007 Margin required to mitigate risk of radiation damage to ACIS.
ACIS-061 Radiation - x A Ascending CTI initial Stop Science matches "TIME (adj EVENT)" requested by CTI report file used to build load ACIS-R-008 Margin required to mitigate risk of radiation damage to ACIS.
ACIS-062 ACIS - x A ACIS SW commands must be at least 1 second apart. ACIS-L-003 Prevents command collision
ACIS-063 ACIS - x M Confirm that 1DPAMZT remains below the Mission Planning Limit. ACIS DPA Thermal Limit Ensure that the DPA temperatures stay within the allowed range to prevent damage to the DPA.
ACIS-064 ACIS - x M

1) Science observations sensitive to the FP temperature: less than -118.7 C for the entire duration of the observation (from the start-science command through stop-science command) Priority 3

2) All other ACIS-I science observations: less than -114.0 C for the entire duration of the observation (from the start-science command through stop-science command)
Priority 3

3) All other ACIS-S science observations: less than -112.0 C for the entire duration of the observation (from the start-science command through stop-science command)
Priority 4

4) Calibrations (ACIS Undercover, ACIS NIL, and ECS measurements): less than -118.7 C for the entire duration of the observation (from the start-science command through stop-science command)
Priority 4
ACIS Focal Plane Temperature Management Ensures maximum science return for those ACIS observations that are sensitive to the focal Plane temperature; the -114 deg. C limit check ensures maximum science return for all ACIS observations.
ACIS-065 SIM - x M No SIM move to ACIS-I or ACIS-S while Radmon is disabled ACIS-R-007 Mitigates risk of radiation damage to ACIS
ACIS-066 SIM - x M No SIM translation to HRC-I between OORMPDS and EEF1000 n/a Mitigates calibration loss
ACIS-067 SIM - x M No SIM translation to HRC-I between XEF1000 and OORMPEN n/a Mitigates calibration loss
ACIS-068 ACIS - x M Confirm that 1DEAMZT remains below the Mission Planning Limit. ACIS DEA Thermal Limit Ensure that the DEA temperatures stay within the allowed range to prevent damage to the DEA.
ACIS-069 ACIS - x M When moving the SIM from non-ACIS to ACIS positions, the SIM motion must end no later than 150 seconds after a start science command. n/a Mitigates science loss.
ACIS-070 MISC - x A/M Dither enabled when Chandra is not maneuvering and ACIS is in the focal plane, unless ACIS confirms instrument will not receive more than 0.1% of mission dose. n/a Mitigates damage to pixels.
ACIS-071 ACIS - - A/M When the predicted DPA temperature (1DPAMZT), as determined by the FOT Matlab Tools, decreases below +12 deg C, 3 or more FEPs must be powered on except:
  1. During an ACIS observation
  2. When 1 or 2 FEPs remain powered from the prior ACIS observation
Guideline: ACIS DPA Thermal Management Reduces the range of temperature cycling in order to reduce expansion/contracction stresses on the FEP and BEP boards.
ACIS-072 Radiation - - A When HRC data is not used for onboard radiation monitoring and safing, ensure the following:

  1. SCS-155 Deadman is enabled and activated 48 hours prior to the next Rad Entry
  2. SCS-155 Deadman is disabled 5 minutes after the next Rad Entry
Guideline:Radiation Safing Without HRC Data Mitigates risk of radiation damage to ACIS in case of an improperly built load or a hung load.
ACIS-073 Radiation - - A When HRC data is not used for onboard radiation monitoring and safing, ensure the following:

HETG is inserted by Rad Entry, either during the same maneuver used to safe the SIM or prior, and kept in until at least the start of the maneuver to the first target exiting the rad zone. Priority 2.

Guideline:Radiation Safing Without HRC Data Mitigates risk of radiation damage to ACIS. Protects against the event of a failed SIM move, leaving ACIS at the aimpoint. An inserted HETG attenuates potential damage to the instrument.
1. All checks are done on the combined load. An 'x' in the V column indicates that the SCS slot is examined to verify correct assignment to vehicle or observing load.
2. An 'A' in the checks column indicates an automated check; 'M' indicates manual check only.
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