If you've encountered a problem in assigning an SI mode or dropping a
chip, this page lists some common types of problems and recommended
actions, starting with the most basic and building from there.
Basic Checks
- Did you start from a clean terminal window? There can be
environment interaction problems between SACGS and other packages.
- Are you logged in as yourself (not acisdude) and does your setup
procedure source "sg_env_source"?
- Check that you didn't skip any steps in the normal procedure. The
"make setup/clean/start" at the beginning ensures that you're not
looking at old setup data.
- Check for typos in the initial "ocatByObsid" call, particularly in
the ObsID and in the order of "-drop obsid drop#"
- Could you have mistyped your password? Look back at the messages
printed to screen. A bad login will look something like this:
Server message:
10/28/2020 11:55:09.983006 Message number: 4002 Severity: 14 State:
1 Line: 0 Server lsqlocc
Message String: Login failed.
Open Client Message:
10/28/2020 11:55:09.984452 Message number: LAYER = 4 ORIGIN = 1
Message String:
ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to
connect to the server failed.
ERROR: Couldn't connect to sybase server
Failed to connect to server ocatsqlsrv
ocatByObsid: Unable to find an obscat record for obsid 23823
After you've checked for the above, try again from a clean
terminal window in a clean directory. If the problem was a simple one
or a transient issue with connecting to the OCAT, you may be successful.
Configuration Issues
- Are you allowed to update the SI mode for this ObsID?
- Check
whether the "Status" of the ObsID is "unobserved" or "untriggered".
If the status is anything else ("scheduled", "observed", "archived"),
ACIS ops cannot change the SI mode. (More on fast TOO replans
below.) You can find the status by looking at the OCAT entry on the
web, or by looking at the output <root> file from "ocatByObsid".
- Check that the instrument is "ACIS" and not "HRC". ACIS ops does
not have permission to change the SI mode for non-ACIS observations.
- TBD: Locks go here. Need example output, then point to the
instructions. Unlocking
instructions (which also need editing) Short form step 6.1,
running creates the smt file and locks the OCAT entry for
these ObsIDs so that no one but you can change them. Step
6.2 updates the SI modes in the OCAT and then unlocks the ObsIDs.
If this process is somehow interrupted, the ObsIDs can stay locked.
Issues with fast TOO replans
Fast TOOs which interrupt an already running command load present a
special case. You may be asked to review a preliminary schedule
which consists almost entirely of ObsIDs in the already running
schedule. These ObsIDs have a status of "scheduled" and their OCAT
entries cannot be changed by ACIS Ops.
If you are asked to drop chips in a TOO interrupt schedule, first
check the review of the preliminary schedule of the load that will
be interrupted. In most cases, the TOO interrupt schedule will be
nearly identical to the running load, with the same chip drops. In
that case, you do not need to redrop the chips (in fact, you
cannot). After the load is approved and arcops unschedules the
ObsIDs from the running schedule, the SI modes for the chip drops
will be blanked out. At that point you will need to redrop the chips.
An example of this is the OCT1920 schedule which was interrupted by
OCT2120. Both preliminary schedules request one dropped chip from ObsID
24474. At the time of the OCT2120 preliminary schedule review, ObsID
24474 had a status of "scheduled" and the OCAT lists the correct SI
mode and drop count for one dropped chip. No action is needed by
ACIS Ops since the chip is already dropped and attempting to drop
the chip again would fail due to the status of "scheduled".
If you are asked to drop chips in a TOO interrupt schedule and the
chip drop list is not identical to the load that will be
interrupted, there are four scenarios:
- An ObsID with chip drops in the original schedule does not appear
in the chip drop list for the interrupt schedule because it has
already been observed before the interrupt schedule begins. No ACIS ops action required.
- An ObsID with chip drops in the original schedule does not appear
in the chip drop list for the interrupt schedule because it has been
removed from the schedule. After the ObsID has been unscheduled,
ACIS ops will need to re-assign the SI mode with 0
dropped chips.
- An ObsID was added to the interrupt schedule that was not in the
original interrupted schedule. ACIS ops should drop the requested
chip as usual.
- An ObsID is in both the original and the interrupt schedule but with a
different chip drop number. (I do not believe this has happened
in real-life, but am including for completeness.) In this case, ACIS cannot change the
dropped chip count or the SI mode at the preliminary review
stage. You should contact SOT MP immediately to make sure they are
aware. SOT MP can edit their OR list to have the requested chip drop
SI mode (they already do this regularly), which will be propagated to FOT MP and the command
load. ACIS reviews of the OR list and the load will show that the SI
mode in the OCAT and in the load do not agree, so special care will
need to be taken to confirm the commanding is correct. After the load
is approved and the ObsID is unscheduled, ACIS ops can assign the
correct chip drop SI mode in the OCAT.
Last modified: October 28, 2020