ACIS Flight Software Housekeeping Channels
ACIS Flight S/W reports instances of specific housekeeping channels, assembling them into telemetry packets to be written at 64 second intervals, or less often if output buffer space is unavailable. Each channel is accompanied by a value, only the most recent appearing in the packet, along with the number of times that the channel was reported during the interval.
Id Channel Alert Description Value Comment
0 SWSTAT_VERSION NONE Report Flight Software Version Number flight s/w version number Reported in every housekeeping packet; a sudden change to version 11 indicates a cold boot
1 SWSTAT_SWHOUSE_RANGE YELLOW Housekeeping report index too large; report ignored bad h/k index value Possible telemetry corruption
2 SWSTAT_SWHOUSE_SKIPPED NONE No telemetry buffer available for new software housekeeping packet   Frequently reported after switching to format 1 or 2 from format 4, 5, or 6
3 SWSTAT_TIMERCB_INVOKE NONE Counts the number of times the 0.1 second BEP interrupt times has been called   Reported in every housekeeping packet; the usual count is 640
4 SWSTAT_FEPLOCK_TIMEOUT RED Timed out while waiting for a semaphore to lock a FEP command FEP being locked  
5 SWSTAT_FEPLOCK_POWEROFF RED FEP unpowered while waiting for a semaphore to lock a FEP command
6 SWSTAT_FEPLOCK_RESET YELLOW FEP entered reset state while waiting for a semaphore to lock a FEP command
7 SWSTAT_FEPLOCK_NOIO RED BEP-FEP command lock initiated but no BEP-FEP mailbox defined
8 SWSTAT_FEPREPLY_TIMEOUT YELLOW BEP command sent to FEP but BEP timed out waiting for a reply FEP waiting to reply This usually indicates that a startScience command was issued while the previous run was still in progress
9 SWSTAT_FEPREPLY_POWEROFF RED BEP command sent to FEP but FEP powered down while BEP waited for a reply  
10 SWSTAT_FEPREPLY_RESET RED BEP command sent to FEP but FEP was reset  while BEP waited for a reply  
11 SWSTAT_FEPREPLY_NOIO RED Fep Wait: No mailbox unused Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
12 SWSTAT_SCI_STOPRUN NONE Science run commanded to stop   Expected whenever a stopScience command is executed to terminate a science run
13 SWSTAT_SCI_STOPRUN_IDLE NONE Science run commanded to stop when it was already idle intended result, either IDLE or INHIBITED_IDLE Expected whenever a stopScience command is executed but nothing is running in science task
14 SWSTAT_SCI_STOPRUN_RSTOP NONE Science run commanded to stop while it was in progress address of the current ScienceMode object Expected whenever a stopScience command is executed to terminate a science run
15 SWSTAT_SCI_STARTRUN NONE Science run commanded to start commandIdentifier of startScience command Expected whenever a startScience command is executed to begin a science run
16 SWSTAT_SCI_STARTRUN_BUSY YELLOW Science run commanded to start when a run was already in progress; the latter was terminated intended state, i.e., either SCIENCE_RUNNING or SCIENCE_INHIBITED_RUN This often occurs when the previous run was in rawor histogram mode and insufficient time has been scheduled to telemeter the BEP output buffers before starting the next science run
bias thief and TE Science running simultaneously;  system time returned; bias thief stopped
17 SWSTAT_SCI_STARTRUN_RUNNING YELLOW Science run commanded to start while it is already in the process of starting up; the new command is ignored startScience commandIdentifier  
18 SWSTAT_SCI_STARTRUN_RSTOP YELLOW Science run commanded to start when a run was already in progress; the latter was terminated address of the current ScienceMode object: &smTimedExposure or &smContClocking
19 SWSTAT_SCI_EXPSTART_ZERO_EXPNUM YELLOW The exposure number in a FEPexpRec from a FEP is zero; it is replaced by 0xffffffff   If it occurs occasionally, suspect corruption (SEU) of the BEP-FEP ring buffer. If it persists, suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if this doesn't fix it
20 SWSTAT_SCI_EXPEND_EXPNUM YELLOW The exposure number in a FEPexpEndRec doesn't match  the most recent FEPexpRec expnum in FepexpEndRec
21 SWSTAT_SCI_EXPSTART_NOEND YELLOW No FEPexpEndRec in FEP ring buffer expnum in FepexpEndRec
22 SWSTAT_INTR_FEPBUS RED Fatal FEP Bus Interrupt contents of Mongoose extended cause register Typically caused by the BEP attempting to read or write to a powered-down FEP
23 SWSTAT_TE_SHORT_DUMP_TLM YELLOW Timed Exposure parameter block too large to fit in a telemetry packet packet truncated to this number of words Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
24 SWSTAT_2D_SHORT_DUMP_TLM YELLOW Timed exposure parameter block and 2-D window block too large to fit in a telemetry packet Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
25 SWSTAT_TE_BAD_FEP_MODE RED Unrecognized Timed Exposure FEP Mode bad FEP Mode Suspect a fepMode field in the uplinked loadCcBlock or loadTeBlock command that is illegal for the current BEP flight software version
26 SWSTAT_TE_BAD_BEP_MODE RED Unrecognized Timed Exposure BEP Mode bad BEP Mode Suspect a bepPackingMode field in the uplinked loadCcBlock or loadTeBlock command that is illegal for the current BEP flight software version
27 SWSTAT_CCD_NULL_SETTING YELLOW Unassigned ccdId/queryId setting in DEA housekeeping block request bad setting index Suspect a bad field in a loadDeaBlock command
28 SWSTAT_CMDECHO_NULL YELLOW Null packet pointer passed to method   Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
29 SWSTAT_CMDECHO_MISMATCH YELLOW Original command packet isn't the same as the one being reported BEP address of the original command
30 SWSTAT_CMDECHO_BADLENGTH YELLOW The commandEcho packet is too long and is truncated word length of echoed command
31 SWSTAT_CMDECHO_TRUNCATE YELLOW The command itself is too long and is truncated to 256 halfwords halfword length of truncated command Suspect a bad software serial command: the value of its first halfword must not exceed 256
32 SWSTAT_CMDECHO_DROPPED NONE The command was executed but there was no buffer available for the commandEcho packet commandEcho pkt ID (Txings: TX block address) This is a common condition when telemetry is saturated and multiple commands are executed
33 SWSTAT_CMDMAN_INVALID RED Invalid software serial command packet halfword pkt length The first halfword of the command (its length) is valid, but the second (the type) isn't
34 SWSTAT_CMDMAN_ERRCALLED YELLOW Incremented for each command error   This item is used to count the number of errors
35 SWSTAT_CMDMAN_ERRRETRY YELLOW Incremented for each error retry This item is used to count the number of retries
36 SWSTAT_CMDMAN_HANDLED NONE Incremented for each executed command This item is used to count the number of executes
37 SWSTAT_CMDMAN_BADLENGTH YELLOW Bad command length (< 3 or > 256) halfword length Suspect a bad software serial command: the value of its first halfword must not exceed 256
38 SWSTAT_DEAMAN_PRAMWRITE YELLOW write to PRAM address out of bounds PRAM index Suspect a bad address in a writePram command
39 SWSTAT_DEAMAN_PRAMREAD YELLOW read from PRAM address out of bounds Suspect a bad address in a readPram command
40 SWSTAT_DEAMAN_SRAMWRITE YELLOW write to SRAM address out of bounds SRAM index Suspect a bad address in a writeSram command
41 SWSTAT_DEAMAN_SRAMREAD YELLOW read from SRAM address out of bounds Suspect a bad address in a readSram command
42 SWSTAT_DEAMAN_BADCNTLREG RED DEA control register out of bounds offset in settingMap Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
43 SWSTAT_PHHIST_BADQUAD RED Bad quadrant mode while beginning to process a timed exposure histogram record from a FEP bad quadrant mode If it occurs occasionally, suspect corruption (SEU) of the BEP-FEP ring buffer. If it persists, suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if this doesn't fix it
44 SWSTAT_PIX1X3_CORRUPTROW YELLOW Illegal row in 1x3 CC event candidate row > 511
45 SWSTAT_PIX1X3_CORRUPTCOL YELLOW Illegal column in 1x3 CC event candidate column > 1023
46 SWSTAT_PMTEHIST_BADQUAD YELLOW Bad quadrant mode when completing a timed exposure histogram packet bad quadrant mode
47 SWSTAT_PIX3X3_CORRUPTROW YELLOW Illegal row in 3x3 CC event candidate row > 1023
48 SWSTAT_PIX3X3_CORRUPTCOL YELLOW Illegal column in 3x3 CC event candidate column > 1023
49 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_RINGRDINDX RED Bad FEP-BEP ring buffer read index read index
50 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_RINGWRINDX RED Bad FEP-BEP ring buffer write index write index
51 SWSTAT_PM_BADRECTYPE RED Bad BEP-FEP ring buffer record type record type
52 SWSTAT_DEACCD_LOADINVALID RED CCD Cntl Start on invalid load unused Suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if the error persists
53 SWSTAT_DEABOARD_ERROR RED DEA hardware error, returning slot ID and error code as two 16-bit integers see comment Several instances are to be expected at the start of a science run when id is 11 or 12 and the code is 1 or 3; PMON will not treat them as genuine alerts; otherwise, they indicate a possible error in a video board or in the BEP-DEA interface
54 SWSTAT_FEPCMD_MBOXSTATE YELLOW BEP-FEP mailbox not empty: still handling the previous command prior mailbox state If it occurs occasionally, suspect corruption (SEU) of the BEP-FEP ring buffer. If it persists, suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if this doesn't fix it
55 SWSTAT_FEP_READMEM NONE Called for each FEP memory read request FEP index Used to report the number of FEP memory reads
56 SWSTAT_FEP_WRITEMEM NONE Called for each FEP memory write request Used to report the number of FEP memory writes
57 SWSTAT_FEP_EXECMEM NONE Called for each FEP execute request This is used to report the number of FEP executes
58 SWSTAT_FEP_STARTBIAS NONE FEPs commanded to create bias maps These items are used to report the state of the science manager as it steps through the phases of the science run
59 SWSTAT_FEP_STOP NONE FEPs commanded to stop abortFlag value
61 SWSTAT_FEP_QUERY NONE FEP commanded to return status record FEP index
62 SWSTAT_SMPROC_RSTOP NONE FEPs commanded to halt current activity
63 SWSTAT_SMWAITBIAS_ABORT YELLOW Task manager aborts the science mode which is waiting for bias to complete task signal  
64 SWSTAT_SMWAITEVENT_CAUGHT YELLOW Task manager sends a signal to the science mode which is waiting for events
65 SWSTAT_SMWAITEVENT_ABORT YELLOW Task manager aborts the science mode which is waiting for events
66 SWSTAT_SMRABORT NONE The science mode is requesting that the FEPs and science tasks abort the run error code
67 SWSTAT_SCI_DUMPFAILED YELLOW The science manager is unable to dump the parameter block and/or window block to telemetry  
68 SWSTAT_SCI_SETUPFAILED RED The science manager is unable to set up the FEPs and video boards at the start of a run
69 SWSTAT_SCI_DEADUMPFAILED YELLOW The science manager is unable to dump housekeeping from the video boards at the start of a run
70 SWSTAT_SCI_DEACHECKFAILED YELLOW The science manager is unable to verify that the SRAM and PRAM copied to the video boards will not overheat components
71 SWSTAT_SCI_BIASFAILED YELLOW The science manager cannot start the bias thief or the latter terminates abnormally
72 SWSTAT_SCI_DATACOMPLETE NONE The science run has terminated These items are used to report the state of the science manager as it steps through the phases of the science run
73 SWSTAT_SCI_BIASCOMPLETE NONE The bias-only run has terminated
74 SWSTAT_SCI_INHIBIT_ON YELLOW Science task switching into inhibited mode new state These are expected in response to the (rarely used) 1RMONIRM hardware serial commands
75 SWSTAT_SCI_INHIBIT_OFF NONE Science task switching out of inhibited mode
76 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_POWERON NONE FEP commanded to power up FEP index These are expected when the BEP is commanded to power FEPs and video boards up and down
77 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_POWEROFF NONE FEP commanded to power down
78 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_STARTLOAD NONE BEP starting to load a program into a FEP
79 SWSTAT_FEPMAN_ENDLOAD NONE FEP program loaded and (possibly) running
80 SWSTAT_DEACCD_POWERON NONE DEA commanded to power up video board board id - 1
81 SWSTAT_DEACCD_POWEROFF NONE DEA commanded to power down video board
82 SWSTAT_SCI_EXPSTART_FEPTIME YELLOW Reported FEP timestamp exceeds 25 bits reported time The FEPs are passed only the low order 25 bits of the 100 kHz BEP clock; any excess bits indicate a corruption of the FEP-BEP ring buffer or a more serious corruption of D-CACHE or I-CACHE.
83 SWSTAT_FEPREPLY_BADTYPE YELLOW BEP-FEP mailbox reply type doesn't match the type of the original BEP command FEP index If it occurs occasionally, suspect corruption (SEU) of the BEP-FEP ring buffer. If it persists, suspect corruption of BEP D-CACHE or I-CACHE; warm boot the BEP; cold boot if this doesn't fix it
84 SWSTAT_FEPREC_POWEROFF RED Attempt to read from an unpowered FEP  
85 SWSTAT_FEPREC_RESET RED Attempt to read from a reset FEP This often indicates that the FEP has entered reset state because its watchdog timer expired, e.g., when no video pixels were received
86 SWSTAT_FEPCFG_NACK RED FEP rejects a single BEP command  
87 SWSTAT_FEPDIST_NACK NONE FEP rejects a multi-FEP BEP command
88 SWSTAT_SYSCFG_IN_CLIP RED New configuration table value is clipped by mask table index The value of the configuration table entry will be changed by the BEP's mask; suspect a bad field in the changeConfigSetting command
89 SWSTAT_SCI_JITTERFAILED RED The science manager is unable to jitter the video board DACs at the start of a run    
90 SWSTAT_SMWAITTRICKLE_ABORT YELLOW The science manager received an abort signal while waiting for the bias thief to end task signal