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Chandra Electronic Announcement #16
"YOUNG NEUTRON STARS AND SUPERNOVA REMNANTS" to be held as part of the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004

Registration and abstract submission NOW OPEN:
-------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the meeting "Young Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants", which will be session E1.4 of the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, to be held in Paris, France, over the period 18-25 July, 2004. We invite you to participate in this meeting and in the COSPAR assembly. "Young Neutron Stars and Supernova Remnants" will address recent observational and theoretical developments taking place in the study of young neutron stars, supernova remnants, and the interactions between them. Issues addressed will include neutron star demographics, birth properties and thermal evolution; the interaction of supernova remnants with their environment; high-energy and non-thermal emission from neutron stars and supernova remnants; and the connection between pulsar magnetospheres, winds and nebulae. Session E1.4 will take place over three (to be confirmed) sucessive days during the week of the COSPAR assembly. Within this event, two special half-day joint sessions will be held: with event E1.5, on "Nucleosynthesis and Supernova Remnants", and with event E1.6, on "Supernova Remnants and Cosmic Rays". It is likely that the other sessions of events E1.5 and E1.6 will be held on adjacent but non-overlapping days, so that those interested may attend all three events. Abstract submission and conference registration are now open. We invite you to submit abstracts for talks and posters via the COSPAR WWW site (see below). There will be room within the programme to upgrade some contributed talks to longer (solicited) talks if such talks are considered of special interest to participants. Further information is contained below. We look forward to seeing you in Paris! Bryan Gaensler, Main Scientific Organiser Yves Gallant, Deputy Organiser --------------------------------------------------------------------- * SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE * B. Gaensler (USA, Main Scientific Organiser), Y. Gallant (France, Deputy Organiser), E. Amato (Italy), J. Arons (USA), Y. Chen (China), A, Decourchelle (France), S. Johnston (Australia), Y. Lyubarsky (Israel), P. Slane (USA), H. Tsunemi (Japan) --------------------------------------------------------------------- * SOLICITED SPEAKERS AND TOPICS * (all confirmed; partial list) *Jean Ballet (CEA Saclay): "X-ray synchrotron emission from shell-type SNRs" *Evgeny Berezhko (ICRA, Yakutsk) "Gamma-ray astronomy and cosmic-ray origin problem" *Don Ellison (North Carolina State): "Cosmic ray acceleration in SNR shocks" Bryan Gaensler (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): "Pulsar bow shocks" Kouichi Hirotani (MPI-K Heidelberg): "Theories of high-energy emission from pulsars" *John Hughes (Rutgers): "Observing nucleosynthesis in Type Ia supernova remnants" *Una Hwang (NASA GSFC): "Observing nucleosynthesis in core collapse supernova remnants" Victoria Kaspi (McGill): "Diversity in observations of young neutron stars" John Kirk (MPI-K Heidelberg): "Pulsar magnetosphere and wind theory" Serguei Komissarov (Leeds): "Relativistic MHD simulations of pulsar winds and inner nebulae" Dong Lai (Cornell): "The mechanisms behind initial spin periods and kicks" Cara Rakowski (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): "Electron-ion equilibration in SNR shocks" Mallory Roberts (McGill): "Pulsars and their nebulae as gamma-ray sources" Patrick Slane (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA): "Compact X-ray and optical structures in pulsar winds" Eric van der Swaluw (FOM Rijnhuizen): "MHD interaction of pulsar wind nebulae with ISM and SNRs" *Jacco Vink (SRON) "Gamma-Ray Observations of Supernova Nucleosynthesis" *Mark Wiedenbeck (Caltech) "Composition of Galactic cosmic rays" ("*" = speaker in joint sessions) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IMPORTANT DEADLINES * Applications for Financial Support : 15 Feb 2004 Abstract Submission : 15 Feb 2004 Early Pre-Registration : 15 May 2004 Standard Pre-Registration : 10 Jul 2004 Very limited financial support is available. Applications for financial support should be made via the form available at http://www.copernicus.org/COSPAR/paris2004/financial_support_form.pdf. Before submitting an application, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY the instructions and information on eligibility at http://www.copernicus.org/COSPAR/paris2004/finance.htm. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONTACT * Session E1.4 organisers : Main Scientific Organiser - Bryan Gaensler (bgaensler@cfa.harvard.edu) Deputy Organiser - Yves Gallant (gallant@gamum2.in2p3.fr) COSPAR 2004 WWW site : http://www.cospar2004.org/ COSPAR 2004 organisers : cospar2004@colloquium.fr Abstract Submission & : http://www.copernicus.org/COSPAR/COSPAR.html Financial Support : cospar@copernicus.org Please note that the session E1.4 organisers are responsible only for the scientific organisation of this event. Questions about logistics, payment, accommodation, etc, should all be addressed to the COSPAR 2004 organisers (cospar2004@colloquium.fr). Questions about electronic abstract submission should be addressed to Copernicus Gesellschaft (cospar@copernicus.org). --------------------------------------------------------------------- * CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS * The conference proceedings will be refereed, and will be published in "Advances in Space Research". The editors will be Shami Chatterjee (NRAO) and Cara Rakowski (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This Electronic Bulletin is used for the dissemination of important announcements and information about the Chandra X-Ray Observatory to members of the community. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, simply reply to this email to let us know.

Last modified: 12/03/10

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