CAP Checklist Date: 9 April 2007 CAP#: 1033 _ |x| Has the interaction with the load been checked? Yes, CAP intercepts the daily load during perigee and there should be no commanding conflicts. _ |x| Has comm been identified and duration estimated accurately? Yes: 101:17:45:00 - 101:18:45:00 - Is a partial command buffer uplink possible for this CAP (uplink via 26m antenna), and if so what is the worst case scenario? Buffered commands are sent. ACIS operators would detect the failure to receive a command echo, and call for a retry. _ |x| If SCS slots are used, is there SCS slot contention? SCS slots 201 and 202 are used for the dump commands. housekeeping. There should be no SCS slot contention during this CAP. _ |x| Does the CAP perform SCS slot cleanup? Yes. _ |x| Does the CAP set the correct format at completion? N/A, FMT 2 is used throughout. _ |x| What happens if comm is lost during the CAP execution? We would fail to obtain the dumped flight software, and have to schedule a repeat of the CAP. _ |x| Does CAP require radmon to be enabled or disabled to be compatible with current load? CAP expects RADMON to be disabled since the spacecraft is in the radzone. _ |x| What is the worst case scenario for the CAP execution? - what science can be lost? The worst case scenario would be failure to acquire the dumped data. No science can be lost. - does action generate significant momentum? No - can safe mode be triggered during the CAP? No _ |x| List (or attach list) of products that are required (loads, scripts, SOPs). Include version number for scripts and SOPs. 1. 1A_RBDCA_201.CLD 2. 1A_RBICA_202.CLD 3. 1A_RU000_202.CLD 4. O_SCSCTRL _ |x| Are all products certified and do SOP and scripts have version 3.0 or higher? Yes _ |x| Has OC verified that all required products are available on console? _ |x| Does the CAP require an OBSID change? NO. _ |x| If a Flight Software Patch, has the checkbook checksum been compared with the value in the CAP? N/A _ |x| Who will be on-console and is the CAP being run at a reasonable time? OC/CC, ACIS, CAP will be run between 1:40pm-2:45pm EDT Wed Apr 11. _ |x| Has CAP been reviewed by FD, FOM, SOT lead and OC or their designee? Comments: None To be attached to the signed CAP. Rev 1.6, 13 Dec 2001, RJB