ACISFP temperatures check


Date start 2024:120:01:32:00.016
Date stop 2024:126:22:06:38.616
Model status NOT OK
Load directory /data/acis/LoadReviews/2024/APR2924/ofls
Run time Thu Apr 25 08:55:25 2024 by acisdude
Run log run.dat
Temperatures temperatures.dat
Earth Solid Angles earth_solid_angles.dat
States states.dat

"Hot" ACIS Observations (-109 C limit)

Obsid CCDs # of counts in seq Grating Cycle Spectra Max Count
28358 I2,I3,S1,S2,S3 20 NONE 25 100
28022 I3 120 NONE 25 1000
29397 S2,S3 20 NONE 25 100
29398 S2,S3 20 NONE 25 100
28038 S1,S2,S3,S4 1700 NONE 25 1700
29399 S2,S3 20 NONE 25 100
28791 S2,S3,S4 4 NONE 25 10
28526 I2,I3,S1,S2,S3 20 NONE 25 100
28039 S1,S2,S3,S4 1220 NONE 25 1220
28191 I2,I3,S2,S3,S4 303 NONE 25 303
28178 I2,I3,S1,S2,S3,S4 5 NONE 25 5
28953 S2,S3 500 NONE 25 500
28289 S2,S3 108 NONE 25 200

No FPTEMP Planning High (-86.0 C) Violations

No FPTEMP ACIS-I (-112.0 C) Violations

FPTEMP ACIS-S (-111.0 C) Violations

Date start Date stop Duration (ks) Max temperature Obsids
2024:121:13:08:06.816 2024:121:15:57:34.816 10.17 -110.24 28665
2024:122:02:31:42.816 2024:122:05:26:38.816 10.50 -110.20 28666
2024:124:00:37:50.816 2024:124:03:49:10.816 11.48 -109.08 28667

No FPTEMP ACIS-S Hot (-109.0 C) Violations

No FPTEMP Science Orbit ECS (-118.2 C) Violations

fptempM120toM107.png pow_sim.png roll_taco.png

ACISFP Model Validation

MSID quantiles

Note: Quantiles are calculated using only points where -120.0 C <= FPTEMP <= -100.0 C.

MSID 1% 5% 16% 50% 84% 95% 99%
fptemp -1.35 -0.88 -0.47 0.30 1.56 2.17 2.88
pitch -5.466 -0.576 -0.004 -0.000 0.004 0.377 5.082
tscpos -1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 1
roll -1.349 -0.176 -0.008 0.000 0.008 0.113 1.145

Validation Violations

MSID Quantile Value Limit
PITCH 1 -5.466 3.00
PITCH 99 5.082 3.00


Note: FPTEMP residual histograms include only points where -120.0 C <= FPTEMP <= -100.0 C.

fptemp_valid.png fptemp_valid_hist.png


pitch_valid.png pitch_valid_hist.png


tscpos_valid.png tscpos_valid_hist.png


roll_valid.png roll_valid_hist.png



Earth Solid Angle



Additional plots of FPTEMP vs TIME for different temperature ranges

fptempM120toM119.png fptempM120toM79.png