FP_TEMP temperatures check


Date start 2016:235:04:27:16.488
Date stop 2016:241:15:58:16.540
FP_TEMP status OK
Run time Sun Aug 21 18:30:00 2016 by acisdude
Run log run.dat
Temperatures temperatures.dat
States states.dat

No ACIS-I -114 deg C FP_TEMP Violations

No ACIS-S -112 deg C FP_TEMP Violations

No Focal Plane Sensitive Observation -118.7 deg C FP_TEMP Preferences Unmet

FP_TEMP -118.7 deg C Violations for Perigee Passages

Date start Date stop Max temperature
2016:233:18:58:39.816 2016:234:08:16:47.816 -111.21
2016:236:12:51:03.816 2016:236:13:45:43.816 -118.04
2016:239:04:26:47.816 2016:239:06:10:39.816 -117.28
2016:239:13:06:07.816 2016:241:15:51:03.816 -112.21
fptempM120toM112.png pow_sim.png

FP_TEMP Model Validation

MSID quantiles

MSID 1% 5% 16% 50% 84% 95% 99%
FPTEMP -0.95 -0.55 -0.19 0.08 0.55 1.28 2.52
PITCH -1.860 0.007 0.113 0.201 0.375 0.641 3.374
TSCPOS -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 1

Validation Violations

MSID Quantile Value Limit
PITCH 99 3.374 3.00


Red = telemetry, blue = model


Data for FPTEMP residual plots limited between -120.0 and -112.0 deg. C

fptemp_valid_hist_log.png fptemp_valid_hist_lin.png


Red = telemetry, blue = model


Data for FPTEMP residual plots limited between -120.0 and -112.0 deg. C

pitch_valid_hist_log.png pitch_valid_hist_lin.png


Red = telemetry, blue = model


Data for FPTEMP residual plots limited between -120.0 and -112.0 deg. C

tscpos_valid_hist_log.png tscpos_valid_hist_lin.png


Additional plots of FPTEMP vs TIME for different temerature ranges

fptempM120toM119.png fptempM120toM90.png