Developing a New Thermal Model for Use with acis_thermal_check

To develop a new thermal model for use with acis_thermal_check, the following steps should be followed. A new model needs the following:

  • A subclass of the ACISThermalCheck class, e.g. DPACheck.

  • This subclass should have information about model validation limits, histogram limits, and a method called _calc_model_supp which implements additional model components specific to this model.

  • Testing needs to be set up.

Developing a new thermal model to use with acis_thermal_check is fairly straightforward. What is typically only needed is to provide the model-specific elements such as the limits for validation, and the code which is called to load model-specific data into the xija model. There will also need to be some mainly boilerplate driver code which collects command line arguments and runs everything. Finally, one will need to set up testing.

In the following, we will use the application dpa_check as a guide on how to create a model and run it with acis_thermal_check.

The Model Script

The following describes how one designs the Python script that uses acis_thermal_check to run a particular model. This script should be placed in the acis_thermal_check/acis_thermal_check/apps directory. We will be using the script as an example.

Front Matter

The beginning part of the script should contain the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python


This code generates backstop load review outputs for checking the ACIS
DPA temperature 1DPAMZT.  It also generates DPA model validation
plots comparing predicted values to telemetry for the previous three

# Matplotlib setup
# Use Agg backend for command-line (non-interactive) operation
import matplotlib

import sys
from acis_thermal_check import \
    ACISThermalCheck, \

This includes the required imports and a beginning comment about what the script is for, the latter of which should be modified for your model case.

Subclassing ACISThermalCheck

The bulk of the script is contained in a subclass of the ACISThermalCheck class that is model-specific. This subclass will contain information specific to the model. In the case of the 1DPAMZT model, this class is called DPACheck.

This class definition will require an __init__ method which takes no arguments beyond self. Inside it, validation limits for various MSIDs should be specified, which correspond to limits on the differences between the data and the model. Violations of these limits will be flagged in the validation report on the web page. For each MSID, the violation limits are given as a list of tuples, where the first item in each tuple is the percentile of the distribution of the model error, and the second item is the amount of allowed error corresponding to that percentile. These are specified in the valid_limits dictionary, which is defined in __init__.

Also, the histograms produced as a part of the validation report do not display the histogram for all temperatures, but only for those temperatures greater than a lower limit, which is contained in the hist_limit list. This should also be defined in __init__.

If your model has special limits in the JSON model specification file which are not included in this default set:


You must include them in a special dictionary limits_map which will be passed to the ACISThermalCheck subclass. This dictionary maps the name of the limit in the JSON file to something shorter (and perhaps more descriptive). All limits can then be accessed using the self.limits dictionary, which for each element has a dictionary which specifies the numerical value of the limit and the color which should be used on plots. Examples of how this is used are shown below. In this case, the 1DPAMZT model has a limit at +12 :math:$^circ$C which is only applied when 0 FEPs are on. This is the "planning.caution.low" limit, which is renamed to "zero_feps" in this case.

The example of this class definition for the 1DPAMZT model is shown here. Both limit objects that were created are passed to the __init__ of the superclass.

class DPACheck(ACISThermalCheck):
    def __init__(self):
        # Specify the validation limits
        valid_limits = {'1DPAMZT': [(1, 2.0), (50, 1.0), (99, 2.0)],
                        'PITCH': [(1, 3.0), (99, 3.0)],
                        'TSCPOS': [(1, 2.5), (99, 2.5)]
        # Specify the validation histogram limits
        hist_limit = [20.0]
        # Add the "zero_feps" limit
        limits_map = {
            "planning.caution.low": "zero_feps"
        # Call the superclass' __init__ with the arguments
        super(DPACheck, self).__init__("1dpamzt", "dpa", valid_limits,
                                       hist_limit, limits_map=limits_map)

Custom Violations Checking and Plotting

The ACISThermalCheck class has three methods which can be used to customize plots for a specific model: custom_prediction_viols, custom_prediction_plots, and custom_validation_plots. For the ACISThermalCheck superclass, these methods are all stubs unless you override them in your subclass.

custom_prediction_viols allows you to add new violations of limits to check. This is done by calling the internal method _make_prediction_viols and telling it the following information, where we reference the example below for adding the “zero FEPs” limit to the 1DPAMZT model:

  • The limit value itself, in this case +12 :math:$^circ$C, stored in self.limits["zero_feps"].value as shown below.

  • The name of the limit, which in this case is "zero-feps".

  • Which type of temperature limit this is, (in this case) "min" or "max".

  • Optionally, a limit may only apply in certain circumstances. This one only applies when zero FEPs are on, so we compute a mask from the model values when the fep_count is zero and we also pass that in.

After that, we have to add the violation structure which is returned from _make_prediction_viols to the viols dict (see below), and we are done.

def custom_prediction_viols(self, times, temp, viols, load_start):
    Custom handling of limit violations. This is for checking the
    +12 degC violation if all FEPs are off.

    times : NumPy array
        The times for the predicted temperatures
    temp : NumPy array
        The predicted temperatures
    viols : dict
        Dictionary of violations information to add to
    load_start : float
        The start time of the load, used so that we only report
        violations for times later than this time for the model
    # Only check this violation when all FEPs are off
    mask = self.predict_model.comp['fep_count'].dvals == 0
    zf_viols = self._make_prediction_viols(
        times, temp, load_start, self.limits["zero_feps"].value,
        "zero-feps", "min", mask=mask)
    viols["zero_feps"] = {
        "name": f"Zero FEPs ({self.limits['zero_feps'].value} C)",
        "type": "Min",
        "values": zf_viols

We also want to show this limit on the plot for the 1DPAMZT model. For this, we use the custom_prediction_plots method of the ACISThermalCheck class. This gives us access to all of the prediction plots which will appear on the thermal model webpage.

The plots dict that is the sole argument to custom_prediction_plots contains PredictPlot objects for the temperature being modeled as well as other quantities. Each of these PredictPlot objects has Matplotlib Figure and AxesSubplot instances attached for further annotating or adjusting plots, as well as the plot filename. To add a limit line, call the add_limit_line method of the PredictPlot object. An example for this is done to add the zero-FEPs line for the 1DPAMZT model is shown here:

def custom_prediction_plots(self, plots):
    Customization of prediction plots.

    plots : dict of dicts
        Contains the hooks to the plot figures, axes, and filenames
        and can be used to customize plots before they are written,
        e.g. add limit lines, etc.
                                    "Zero FEPs", ls='--')

Something similar can be done for the validation plots in custom_validation_plots, except here the input plots structure is a bit different. Each item of plots is a dict with two sub-dicts, "lines" and "hist", the former for the actual model vs. data comparison and the latter for the histogram of model-data error. In practice, you will only need to worry about the first, as shown below.

def custom_validation_plots(self, plots):
    Customization of validation plots.

    plots : dict of dicts
        Contains the hooks to the plot figures, axes, and filenames
        and can be used to customize plots before they are written,
        e.g. add limit lines, etc.
        self.limits["zero_feps"].value, linestyle='--', zorder=-8,
        color=self.limits["zero_feps"].color, linewidth=2,
        label="Zero FEPs")

The _calc_model_supp Method

The subclass of the ACISThermalCheck class will probably require a _calc_model_supp method to be defined. For the default ACISThermalCheck class, this method does nothing. But in the case of each individual model, it will set up states, components, or nodes which are specific to that model. The example of how to set up this method for the 1DPAMZT model is shown below:

def _calc_model_supp(self, model, state_times, states, ephem, state0):
    Update to initialize the dpa0 pseudo-node. If 1dpamzt
    has an initial value (T_dpa) - which it does at
    prediction time (gets it from state0), then T_dpa0
    is set to that.  If we are running the validation,
    T_dpa is set to None so we use the dvals in model.comp

    NOTE: If you change the name of the dpa0 pseudo node you
          have to edit the new name into the if statement
    if 'dpa0' in model.comp:
        if state0 is None:
            T_dpa0 = model.comp["1dpamzt"].dvals
            T_dpa0 = state0["1dpamzt"]
        model.comp['dpa0'].set_data(T_dpa0, model.times)

Note that the method requires the XijaModel model object, the array of state_times, the commanded states array, the ephemeris MSIDSet ephem, and the state0 dictionary providing the initial state. These are all defined and set up in ACISThermalCheck, so the model developer does not need to do this. The _calc_model_supp method must have this exact signature.

main Function

The main function is called when the model script is run from the command line. What it needs to do is gather the command-line arguments using the get_options function, create an instance of the subclass of the ACISThermalCheck we created above, and then call that instance’s run method using the arguments. It’s also a good idea to run the model within a try...except block in case any exceptions are raised, because then we can control whether or not the traceback is printed to screen via the --traceback command-line argument.

def main():
    args = get_options("dpa") # collect the arguments
    dpa_check = DPACheck() # create an instance of the subclass
    try: # run the model using the arguments
    except Exception as msg:
        # handle any errors
        if args.traceback:
            print("ERROR:", msg)

# This ensures main() is called when run from the command line
if __name__ == '__main__':

The Full Script

For reference, the full script containing all of these elements in the case of the 1DPAMZT model is shown below:

#!/usr/bin/env python


This code generates backstop load review outputs for checking the ACIS
DPA temperature 1DPAMZT.  It also generates DPA model validation
plots comparing predicted values to telemetry for the previous three

# Matplotlib setup
# Use Agg backend for command-line (non-interactive) operation
import matplotlib

import sys
from acis_thermal_check import \
    ACISThermalCheck, \

class DPACheck(ACISThermalCheck):
    def __init__(self):
        valid_limits = {'1DPAMZT': [(1, 2.0), (50, 1.0), (99, 2.0)],
                        'PITCH': [(1, 3.0), (99, 3.0)],
                        'TSCPOS': [(1, 2.5), (99, 2.5)]
        hist_limit = [20.0]
        limits_map = {
            "planning.caution.low": "zero_feps"
        super(DPACheck, self).__init__("1dpamzt", "dpa", valid_limits,
                                       hist_limit, limits_map=limits_map)

    def custom_prediction_viols(self, times, temp, viols, load_start):
        Custom handling of limit violations. This is for checking the
        +12 degC violation if all FEPs are off.

        times : NumPy array
            The times for the predicted temperatures
        temp : NumPy array
            The predicted temperatures
        viols : dict
            Dictionary of violations information to add to
        load_start : float
            The start time of the load, used so that we only report
            violations for times later than this time for the model
        # Only check this violation when all FEPs are off
        mask = self.predict_model.comp['fep_count'].dvals == 0
        zf_viols = self._make_prediction_viols(
            times, temp, load_start, self.limits["zero_feps"].value,
            "zero-feps", "min", mask=mask)
        viols["zero_feps"] = {
            "name": f"Zero FEPs ({self.limits['zero_feps'].value} C)",
            "type": "Min",
            "values": zf_viols

    def custom_prediction_plots(self, plots):
        Customization of prediction plots.

        plots : dict of dicts
            Contains the hooks to the plot figures, axes, and filenames
            and can be used to customize plots before they are written,
            e.g. add limit lines, etc.
                                        "Zero FEPs", ls='--')

    def custom_validation_plots(self, plots):
        Customization of validation plots.

        plots : dict of dicts
            Contains the hooks to the plot figures, axes, and filenames
            and can be used to customize plots before they are written,
            e.g. add limit lines, etc.
            self.limits["zero_feps"].value, linestyle='--', zorder=-8,
            color=self.limits["zero_feps"].color, linewidth=2,
            label="Zero FEPs")

    def _calc_model_supp(self, model, state_times, states, ephem, state0):
        Update to initialize the dpa0 pseudo-node. If 1dpamzt
        has an initial value (T_dpa) - which it does at
        prediction time (gets it from state0), then T_dpa0
        is set to that.  If we are running the validation,
        T_dpa is set to None so we use the dvals in model.comp

        NOTE: If you change the name of the dpa0 pseudo node you
              have to edit the new name into the if statement
        if 'dpa0' in model.comp:
            if state0 is None:
                T_dpa0 = model.comp["1dpamzt"].dvals
                T_dpa0 = state0["1dpamzt"]
            model.comp['dpa0'].set_data(T_dpa0, model.times)

def main():
    args = get_options()
    dpa_check = DPACheck()
    except Exception as msg:
        if args.traceback:
            print("ERROR:", msg)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Setting Up An Entry Point

We need to tell the acis_thermal_check package that there needs to be a new command-line script installed which corresponds to this model. The way to do that is to edit the entry_points dictionary in the file in the top-level acis_thermal_check directory. We need to simply add a new entry to the console_scripts list, following the same convention as those which already exist:

entry_points = {
'console_scripts': [
    'dea_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.dea_check:main',
    'dpa_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.dpa_check:main',
    'psmc_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.psmc_check:main',
    'acisfp_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.acisfp_check:main',
    'fep1_mong_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.fep1_mong_check:main',
    'fep1_actel_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.fep1_actel_check:main',
    'bep_pcb_check = acis_thermal_check.apps.bep_pcb_check:main'


What this does is tell the installer that we want to make an executable wrapper for the script that can be run from the command line. It does this for you, so you just need to make sure it points to the correct script name.

Testing Scripts and Data

The acis_thermal_check testing suite checks prediction and validation outputs against previously generated “gold standard” answers for a number of previously run loads, as well as checking to make sure violations are appropriately flagged.

First, within the acis_thermal_check/tests/ directory, there should be a subdirectory for the model in question, given an identifying name. The current subdirectories in this directory are:


The data directory is used to store test NLET files and other items needed for tests. Inside the test directory for your model, it should look like this (again using the 1DPAMZT model as an example):


The file should be empty, and the answers directory should initially be empty. The rest of the files will be described in turn.

directory, a model specification file, and three Python scripts for testing. These include a script which tests the “ACIS” state builder, another which tests the legacy “SQL” state builder, and another which checks for violations. All of these scripts make use of a RegressionTester class which handles all of the testing.

The ACIS state builder test script makes use of a RegressionTester object, which handles all of the testing machinery. This runs the models using the run_models method, called with the ACIS state builder, and then runs prediction and validation tests. The script itself is shown below. Note that both functions test_prediction and test_validation take an extra argument, answer_store, which is a boolean used to determine whether or not the tests should be run or new answers should be generated. The use of this argument is explained in Using the acis_thermal_check Regression Testing Framework.

from acis_thermal_check.apps.dpa_check import DPACheck
from acis_thermal_check.tests.regression_testing import \
    RegressionTester, all_loads
import pytest

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
def dpa_rt(test_root):
    # ACIS state builder tests
    rt = RegressionTester(DPACheck, test_root=test_root, sub_dir='acis')
    return rt

# Prediction tests

@pytest.mark.parametrize('load', all_loads)
def test_prediction(dpa_rt, answer_store, load):
    dpa_rt.run_test("prediction", load, answer_store=answer_store)

# Validation tests

@pytest.mark.parametrize('load', all_loads)
def test_validation(dpa_rt, answer_store, load):
    dpa_rt.run_test("validation", load, answer_store=answer_store)

The kadi state builder tests in are nearly identical to the ACIS ones, but in this case the answers are not generated if answer_store=True. We assume that the two state builder methods should generate the same answers, and this is a test of that. This example script is shown below:

from acis_thermal_check.apps.dpa_check import DPACheck
from acis_thermal_check.tests.regression_testing import \
    RegressionTester, all_loads
import pytest

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='module')
def dpa_rt(test_root):
    # kadi state builder tests
    rt = RegressionTester(DPACheck, test_root=test_root, sub_dir='kadi')
    return rt

# Prediction tests

@pytest.mark.parametrize('load', all_loads)
def test_prediction(dpa_rt, answer_store, load):
    if not answer_store:
        dpa_rt.run_test("prediction", load)

# Validation tests

@pytest.mark.parametrize('load', all_loads)
def test_validation(dpa_rt, answer_store, load):
    if not answer_store:
        dpa_rt.run_test("validation", load)

Finally, tests of thermal violation flagging should also be generated. These tests check if violations of planning limits during model predictions are flagged appropriately. They test a single load, and require a new JSON file to be stored in the (for this example) acis_thermal_check/tests/dpa/answers subdirectory which contain the details of the test. For this, you need to select a load, and then create a JSON file which contains the run_start for the model (this is to ensure reproducibility) and new limits for the model run, to ensure that a violation actually occurs. These should be set a few degrees lower than the real limits. For the 1DPAMZT model, the file is named JUL3018A_viol.json and looks like this:

    "run_start": "2018:205:00:42:38.816",
    "limits": {
        "yellow_hi": 37.2,
        "plan_limit_hi": 35.2

The JUL3018A load was selected for this test. The script to run this test looks like this:

from acis_thermal_check.apps.dpa_check import DPACheck
from acis_thermal_check.tests.regression_testing import \
    RegressionTester, tests_path

def test_JUL3018A_viols(answer_store, test_root):
    answer_data = tests_path / "dpa/answers/JUL3018A_viol.json"
    dpa_rt = RegressionTester(DPACheck, test_root=test_root, sub_dir='viols')
    dpa_rt.check_violation_reporting("JUL3018A", answer_data,

After the test is run with the --answer_store flag set (see Using the acis_thermal_check Regression Testing Framework), the JSON file will look like this:

    "datestarts": [
    "datestops": [
    "temps": [
    "run_start": "2018:205:00:42:38.816",
    "limits": {
        "yellow_hi": 37.2,
        "planning_hi": 35.2
    "duration": [

Note that the start and stop times of the violations and the values of the maximum temperatures themselves have been added to the JSON file. These are the values which will be tested, as well as whether or not the page flags a violation.

The dpa_test_spec.json file is a special model specification file used for testing. For more information about this, see Using the acis_thermal_check Regression Testing Framework.

The first set of answers for the tests should also be committed. To do this, see Using the acis_thermal_check Regression Testing Framework.

Finally, the test answer directory for your new model needs to be added to the file at the top of the acis_thermal_check package, which contains a list of data files and file wildcards that need to be installed along with the package.

include acis_thermal_check/tests/dpa/answers/*