bright-source CODE documentation

CODE storage:
Configuration control location:
Execution location:
Execution Machine:
Must have access to /data/acis or /data/acis_bak unless the bright source list is specified with the -s option.
Code Description:

This code will collect information from the MNVR SUMMARY file for a load review week and create a maneuver profile for each maneuver. This profile will update Chandra's pointing quaternion in 60 second intervals. The profile code originally came from matlabtools.

Once of all of the maneuvers have a profile, each source in the bright source file has the RA and Dec converted to a Quaternion and the quaternions are compared to make sure that this bright source does not fall within 0.35 degrees (variable stayOutAngle) for more than 2 minutes of time.

Holds, or times when the spacecraft quaternion is not changing during an observation, are also checked for bright source violations. All of the violations are recorded in the output file.

This is C++ code and uses Arnold Rots' XTime code for the time conversions. Other classes are: Time, Maneuver, quaternion, utils and Target. The main code is in the file The Makefile controls the builds, but a human must place the executables in the execution directories when a new version is released.

Nancy Adams-Wolk

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Last modified: Thu Feb 28 15:01:12 EST 2013