<catnrt> CODE documentation
CODE storage [Backup 1 - colossus]:
- Configuration control location:
- /home/acisdude/pmon2/ -- NOT configuration controlled!
- Execution location:
- /home/acisdude/pmon2/
- Execution Machine:
- Colossus (OPS LAN)
CODE storage: [Backup 2 - xcanuck]
- Configuration control location:
- /home/acisdude/pmon/ -- NOT configuration controlled!
- Execution location:
- /home/acisdude/pmon/
- Execution Machine:
- Xcanuck (HEAD LAN)
Code Description:
catnrt is a shell script originally written by Peter Ford and modified
by Shanil Virani to enable PMON to be run on the CXC side.
Peter Ford (minor modifications by Shanil Virani)
return to last page
Last modified: Tue Nov 21 2006