<ace-flux.pl> script documentation

  1. Introduction:
    ace-flux.pl was originally written by Robert Cameron to integrate all of the ACE/EPAM channels irrespective of what instrument was in the Chandra focal plane and regardless of whether the gratings were deployed or not. Shanil Virani then modified this script. The purpose of this script is to produce the latest ACE flux measurement (5-min sample) for all the ACE/EPAM channels. This is achieved by retrieving the "ace_epam_5m.txt" file from the SEC site via lynx. The script retrieves this file and determines the last valid ACE/EPAM flux measurement. It does this by requiring that all the ACE EPAM fluxes must be positive since "status flags" are not reliable. It also reads in a Chandra ephemeris file produced and maintained by Tom Aldcroft and located in /proj/rac/ops/ephem/gephem.dat. If the Chandra altitude is greater than 55000 km, it then writes the latest flux measurements for all the EPAM channels (both electrons and protons) to an output file ('ACE-flux.dat') for use by either acis-fluence_P3pscaling.pl or acis-fluence_FP6pscaling.pl. If the altitude is less than 55000 km, it integrates zero flux for all of the ACE EPAM channels as Chandra is in the radiation zones. Therefore, two fluence measures are available for each orbit. One that folds in which instrument is in the focal plane as well as the gratings history (acis-fluence_P3pscaling.pl and acis-fluence_FP6pscaling.pl), and one that ignores what instrument and whether the gratings are deployed or not.
  2. Execution dependencies:
    There are three executions of this script currently in place. The first, the "primary" version runs in /export/acis-flight/FLU-MON on rhodes for use by acis-fluence_P3pscaling.pl. The second one, the "back-up" version, runs in /proj/sot/acis/FLU-MON on xcanuck for use by acis-fluence_P3pscaling.pl. The third execution, the "redundant" version, runs in /home/acisdude/FLU-MON also on colossus for use by acis-fluence_FP6pscaling.pl. All three versions are run via CRON by 'acisdude' but on 3 different machines: rhodes xcanuck and colossus. Therefore, to see the primary version, you must be on rhodes, to see the other two, you must be on the HEAD LAN (xcanuck) or OPS LAN (colossus).
  3. Script dependencies:
    Requires access to the SEC FTP site and to the Chandra ephemeris file located at /proj/rac/ops/ephem/gephem.dat. Must also be able to access /opt/local/bin/lynx.
    Scripts used by ace-flux.pl
    Scripts that depend on the outputs
  4. File dependencies:
    Input files:
    http://sec.noaa.gov/ftpdir/lists/ace/ace_epam_5m.txt (obtained via lynx)
    /proj/rac/ops/ephem/gephem.dat (produced and maintained by RAC)
    Output files:
  5. Code Location and execution
  6. Problems and Issues
  7. Notes

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Last modified: Wed Jan 14 10:17:37 EST 2004