<acis-www.pl> CODE documentation

CODE storage:
Configuration control location:
Execution location:
/export/acis-flight/primary/acis/bin/ (PRIMARY)
/home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/bin/ (BACK-UP)
Execution Machine:
rhodes (PRIMARY)
xcanuck (BACK-UP)
Code Description:
The 14 output logfiles produced by acis-read.pl are used by acis-www.pl to produce the ACIS real-time hardware telemetry web page. Moreover, limitpager-primary.pl also reads in these log files and compares the mean value for all MSIDs monitored against a set of red and yellow limits. If an excursion is gound, email and/or pager alerts are issued to personnel of the CXC ACIS Ops team. If an excursion is found email and/or pager alerts are spawned. Yellow limit violations are colored "yellow" and red limit violations are colored "red" on the html display page.

Shanil Virani

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Last modified: Wed Jan 14 10:17:37 EST 2004