<limitpager.pl> CODE documentation
CODE storage:
- Configuration control location:
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/cvs-repository/aciseng-primary/
- /data/acis0/LoadReviews/cvs-repository/aciseng-back-up/
- Execution location:
- /export/acis-flight/primary/acis/bin/ (PRIMARY)
- /home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/bin/ (BACK-UP)
- /home/acisdude/real-time/back-up/acis/bin/ (BACK-UP2)
- /export/acisops/real-time/back-up/acis/bin/ (BACK-UP3)
- Execution Machine:
- rhodes (PRIMARY)
- xcanuck (BACK-UP)
- colossus (BACK-UP2)
- luke (BACK-UP3)
Code Description:
The 14 output logfiles produced by acis-read.pl are used by
limitpager.pl to monitor thermal and electrical telemetry
yellow and red limit violations. If any values are found to
be in violation email (yellow limit), or page and email
(red limit) messages are generated and sent to the relevant parties.
Joseph DePasquale
return to last page
Last modified: