saa_checker CODE documentation

CODE storage:
Configuration control location:
Execution location:
Code Description: is run from within lr and examines the mm*.sum file provided in the backstop tar file for each load. This file contains, along with many other useful bits of information, the solar array angle (SAA) for each observation. If an SAA is below 60 degrees, or above 135 degrees, the observation is listed in a text file called saa_check.txt. The format of this text file is that of a tab seperated list containing the obsid, start and stop times, saa and duration. The script can be run from the command line if need be provided the mm*.sum file is in the same directory as the script is being run from. Though it is unlikely that anyone would need to run this script from the command line, the manual execution is as follows: {previous load}
Here, "previous load" refers to the last load that was reviewed (ie. the continuity to the current load under review).

Joe DePasquale
Nancy Adams-Wolk

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Last modified: Thu Feb 28 12:31:48 EST 2013