Load Reviews |
On December 1, 2011, the FOT uploaded a patch to the OBC to allow for the Science Only Safing Action loads, also known as SOSA or split loads. In these cases, the weekly commands are now stored in 6 SCS slots, 128,129 &130, for vehicle commands, and 131, 132, & 133 for observational commands.
The health and safety of ACIS depends on a series of checks which have been automated over the years. The latest checklist of health & safety and science checks are listed here.
This page is designed to outline the steps and scripts involved in the
load review process as well as direct you to memos that have been
written on this topic in the past. Should you have any doubts about
how current the memos are, assume that this page contains the most
recent methods of a load review (keeping in mind that some memos
explain the manual load review process and could be needed in the
event of a script malfunction).
The working directory for all of the scripts outlined in this
page is: /data/acis/LoadReviews/script/
Jump to:
Nominal Load Reviews
Load Review Steps
Contingency Reviews
To fix these problems you now MAY apply a load letter to the continuity load. You would do this under these two circumstances:
For the first possibility, we can now issue the following lr command: lr SEP2021B SEP2021A
The second possibility has not happened yet but it may. Here is a possible scenario:
There is an OCT0122 A, B and C load
OCT0122B was uplinked to the spacecraft and run
OCT0822A load comes out for review and the Continuity load is therefore OCT0122B
Therfore the command you should issue is: lr OCT0822A OCT0122B
You don't need to specify the continuity load letter under normal circumstances.
Handling this situation requires a new switch to the lr command: --VO (Vehicle Only).
There are two acceptable values for the switch:
All other lr switchology remains the same (e.g. -T, -B, --nolucky, --nomodels etc).
Under the hood, what happens is that lr will save the CR*.backstop
file to ORIG_CR*.backstop and then copy the ....vehicle/VR*.backstop
into CR*.backstop and the review done by lr is on the "new" CR file. The
benefit of this is that when the review load becomes the continuity
load the next week, lr and the thermal models will automatically
process the correct commands.
The LR command would be:
lr --VO VOC Review-load Continuity-load
This will cause lr to use the .../vehicle/VR*.backstop file in the Continuity directory for assembling a history used by lr and the thermal models.
All other lr switchology remains the same (e.g. -T, -B, --nolucky, --nomodels etc).
The FEB0724 load was interrupted with an SCS-107 due to high Solar
Radiation. There was some talk of postponing the Resumption to Science
load until after Sunday. The approved FEB1224 load had already
been uplinked. If the resumption load wasn't going to begin until
after FEB1224 began, only the FEB1224 vehicle load would
been activated. This did not subsequently happen but if it did, the handling
of the LR switches for the following Science Resumption Load reviews takes some
This discussion informs you how to handle that situation if it did occur.
Assuming it did happen, the situation, graphically, would have looked like this:
The FEB0724 load was interrupted at 2024:041:03:23:00.00, via an
SCS-107. This means that the Vehicle-Only portion of the FEB0724 load
continues to execute, but the Science Load stops (as indicated by the vertical red line
through the FEB0724 load).
The FEB1224 load was reviewed and approved prior to the shutdown. It
was uplinked to the satellite. If the start time of the Science
Resumption Load occurs
AFTER the start of the of the FEB1224 load,
some commands in the the vehicle-only portion of the FEB1224 load will
This means that the Science Resumption Load is interrupting the
FEB1224 load just like a TOO load interrupts an executing load. The
command line should look like this (assuming the Science Resumption
Load is FEB1424A):
lr --VO VOC -b FEB1424A FEB1224
Your responses to the LR questions will inform LR that this should be treated as a TOO (i.e. HRC-S was not inserted into the focal plane).
The VOC switch must be included because only the Vehicle-Only commands of the FEB1224 load were activated (in this scenario) so only the vehicle commands should be include in the assembled history.
Ok but what about the SCS-107 cut time? We never specified that to the system because the FEB1224 load was run as Normal. This is now handled by a change in LR. When it detects the situation like the one we have here: we've specified that the continuity file (and if you did so - the Review load) should be run as VO and you have called this a TOO, it will ask you something like this:
Ok this review load: FEB1124A ... is interrupting the FEB1224 as a TOO interrupt but I also notice that the continuity load, MAY1524, is to be treated as vehicle Only. Was the FEB1224 reviewed as a NORMAL load before its continuity load was interrupted by an SCS-107 (either 107-only or Full Stop) and they uplinked FEB1224 as VO just to keep the spacecraft maneuvering until a Return to Science load could be approved? [y/n]If you answer yes, the ACIS-Continuity.txt file of the Continuity load will be adjusted with the SCS-107 cut time.
to check whether any of the obsids after the break had dropped a chip to mitigate thermal problems. The script and the further protocol to follow are described at this link.
If there is an unplanned break in the weekly loads, ie: SCS107 or fast TOO, the continuity of the load products is directly affected. In this case, one cannot simply run lr on the contingency load products as if it were a nominal weekly load. If this were done, the ACIS-History.txt file for the interrupted week would be incorrect since the loads would not have reached that point. The ACIS Ops scientist on duty will have to change the lr usage and run history_files.pl
Note that the SOSA changes to the load paradigm allows for a science resumption load to be used as a maneuver only load. Any time the vehicle is still executing commands, the -b/--break switch must be used.
IMPORTANT!Please answer these questions: Has the Spacecraft autonomously put HRC-S in the focal plane? (1=no 2=yes) Please enter the interrupt time in format YYYY:DOY:HH:MM:SS.SS
NOTE: It is important to note if this is an SCS 107/Safing Action or a TOO interrupt.
For SCS-107's, and Full Stops, the "interrupt time" required is the time of the SCS-107 execution itself. For TOO's the "interrupt time" is the start time of the TOO load.
For TOOs, answer NO ("1") for the questions about the spacecraft placing HRC-S in the focal plane. For any interrupt where the spacecraft HAS run SCS 107(whether for radiation or safing action), answer YES ("2"). This will correctly set the radmonitor and focal plane states.
For later versions of loads ("B," "C" etc.) the script simply copies ACIS-History.txt from the oflsa directory. From here, the review is exactly the same as described above. The following sections will describe the extra steps involved in a contingency review.
1. In the event of an SCS107 shutdown, the ACIS Ops scientist on duty
will need to run history-files.pl
once the exact time of the shutdown is known so that the ACIS focal
plane history is correct. Radiation Replan (SCS107) Reviews
run: history-files.pl -s107 {time} {status-array}
2. Load reviews are done using lr -break as described above.
ex: history-files.pl -s107 2002:281:01:43:57.095
run: lr -break {contingency load} {interrupted load}
ex: lr -break OCT1202A OCT0702 (where OCT12 is the replan and
OCT07 is currently running on the spacecraft)
2 a) If the load under review is a maneuver load, the history files
will need to be updated, however the history data will only be good
for the next 24 hours or so. In this case, once the manuever load is
approved, updating the history files is a simple, one step process:
3. Once the actual science replan load is approved, You will need
to run history-files.pl one more time to update the latest history to
the global history files and remove the extra "9999" entry that
preserves the history during the shutdown.
run: history-files.pl -man
This automatically runs ACE-update.pl to update the history files
with the maneuver load history information. It then "moves" the
existing "9999" line to the end of each history file,
grabbing the previous line's history information to keep it
Then, when the science replan load comes out, review it by running
lr -b (use the break if vehicle loads are running):
run: lr -b {science replan load} {maneuver load}
run: history-files.pl -go
The -go option automatically runs ACE-update.pl to update the history
files, then removes the extra "9999" line from each history file.
4. A science resumption load may be approved for vehicle only. In this case, once the approval has
occured, you want to run history files with the 'man' option to allow
only the vehicle portions of the history files to update.
run: history-files.pl -man
The -man option automatically runs ACE-update.pl to update the vehicle
files only and adds the "9999" line to all of the updated files.
Fast TOO Replan Reviews
When there is a fast TOO requiring anywhere from 1 to 3 days
turnaround, there are two possibilities to contend with:
1. Re-Open: The new load will re-open a load that was
previously approved, but has not yet begun to execute.
Maybe not even uploaded to the spacecraft. Planners decided that the load presently
executing aboard the spacecraft will run to completion.
The new load containing the TOO(s) will execute when the
presently executing load has finished.
2. Interrupted: The load presently executing aboard the spacecraft will be
interrupted and a new load is created. The new load will include
the TOO(s), possibly some leftover observations from the executing
load, and, possibly, the entire following week's load.
In the "interrupted" case, the history files are correct until the interrupt time;
the time at which the new TOO load is uploaded to the space craft and
The Example Setup:
- MAR1714 load aboard and executing.
- MAR2414A load approved but not uploaded.
But because of the TOO, the planners will create:
- MAR2414B TOO load containing the TOO, some or all of the MAR2414
(Note: one or more
observations had to be removed from either the MAR2414 load
to make room for the TOO).
The Steps: Run lr using the simple form, followed by
The script will ask if the replan load is
another iteration of an already approved load, in which case, you
answer yes. This will preserve the continuity of the history files
once the TOO replan has been approved (see step 2 below).
run: lr {current load} {previous load}
after loads are approved: history-files.pl -too******************** {time} {status-array}
It is the prior approval, not the loading of the schedule onto the
spacecraft, which requires history-files.pl to be run. This case
includes loads the FOT builds as "Re-Open schedules". Here {time} is
taken from the load review announcement e-mail as the
time of first command. Use:
"Time of First Command: 2014:087:19:25:00.000"
The {status array} is the final status taken from the MAR1714 ACIS-LoadReview.txt file.
Please also refer to Joe's memo(PS)
on load review scenarios.
The Example Setup:
- MAR1714 load aboard and executing.
- MAR2414A load being worked or approved
But because of the TOO, the planners will create:
- MAR2114 TOO load containing the TOO, some or all of the MAR1714
load; some or all of the MAR2414 load.
The Steps: Load reviews are done using lr --break.*, followed by history-files.pl:
run: lr --break {contingency load} {interrupted load}
Then after the TOO load is approved for upload, you will then run:
run: history-files.pl -too {time}
{status array}
Here {time} is taken from the load review
announcement e-mail as the time of first command. Use:
"Time of First Command: 2014:087:19:25:00.000"
To obtain the status array, what you do is look at the
load to be broken (MAR1714 in our example),
and obtain
the status array closest to, but
not beyond, the Time of First Command. (This should match the status array at the head of the TOO load.)
USING LR: lr --break MAR2114A MAR1714
(where MAR1714 is aboard the spacecraft and executing and MAR2114A is the replan)
* Occasionally, the mission planners may want to "re-use" some
portions of the previously approved load when creating a TOO load if
the TOO fits "nicely" in the existing load. If you have already
updated the history files to reflect the approved load, you will need
to run lr --break.
VERY IMPORTANT: If the TOO load interrupts the
current load in the middle of a science run, the TOO load MUST contain
a stopScience command at least 3 minutes before the first scheduled
obsid update in that load.
USING history-files.pl: Once the TOO load is
approved for upload, the history files will
need to be updated to reflect the new addition to the load. This is
done using history-files.pl with another switch*. ACE-update.pl will
be run automatically from within history-files.pl in this case.
run: history-files.pl -too {time} {status array}
ex: history-files.pl -too 2002:281:01:43:57.095
*Again, if the mission planners decide to "re-use"
an existing, approved load to start the TOO load, you will need to
supply the start time of that load to history-files.pl to update the
history files. In most cases, this will simply overwrite previous
history data with the same data up until the time of
the TOO.
Last updated: 10/28/24