Offset Point-Source Dosing

The dosing for off-aimpoint observations was investigated using MARX simulations at increasing offsets up to 22.5'. The Table's "Peak Dosing" presents the peak pixel dosing achieved versus offset angle compared to an on-aimpoint observation.

The rightmost column gives the inverse of this, which can equivalently be understood as the brightness increase required for a source at an offset to produce the same dosing as one at the aimpoint.

For instance, a 7 Crab source offset by 7.5' would produce an equivalent peak-pixel dosing as an on-aimpoint 1 Crab source. Or, a 1 Crab source offset by 15 arcmin, would produce as much dosing as a 70 mCrab source down the boresight.

Table 1: Dosing vs. offset angle.

Offset(') Peak Dosing Equiv Flux
0 1.00 1.0
3.75 0.41 2.5
7.5 0.14 7.0
15. 0.07 14.
22.5 0.03 33.