HRC-I Quantum Efficiencey Verificationusing White Dwarf HZ 43K. Tabetha Hole, Deron Pease, Hank Donnelly |
For this study we employed the hot white dwarf HZ 43 (ObsID 1514) to perform HRC-I on-axis QE calibration/confirmation over the low energy range 0.065 - 0.20 keV.
The predicted counts with total model uncertainties are:
14060 ± 15.0% - MB
11610 ± 15.0% - DF
The background-subtracted observed counts are: 7752 ± 1.2%
With the MB model the HRC-I sees 81.4% less (absolute
difference) than predicted by the model. With the DF model the HRC-I sees
49.8% less than predicted by the model. Clearly, over this
low energy regime the HRC-I QE model is currently too high, and must be
modified (lowered) to match the predicted and observed within allowed uncertainties.
Last modified: 09/25/12
The Chandra X-Ray
Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2004. All rights reserved. |