2021 Mattison, Edward Chandra X-ray Center Manager's Report
Chandra News, v. 30, p. 1 2021ChNew..30....1M
2019 David, Larry Chandra Calibration Update
Chandra News, v. 26, p. 28 2019ChNew..26...28D
2019 Tremblay, Grant Kraft, Ralph Nulsen, Paul HRC Update
Chandra News, v. 26, p. 19 2019ChNew..26...19T
2019 Drake, Jeremy J. LETG Update
Chandra News, v. 26, p. 25 2019ChNew..26...25D
2019 Wilkes, Belinda J. D'Abrusco, Raffaele Martínez-Galarza, Rafael Chandra X-ray Observatory Overview
The Chandra X-ray Observatory, p. 2
2017 David, Larry P. Recent Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 24, p. 15 2017ChNew..24...15D
2017 Kenter, Almus Kraft, Ralph HRC Update
Chandra News, v. 24, p. 20 2017ChNew..24...20K
2016 Wilkes, Belinda Ralph Kraft Appointed as New HRC Principal Investigator
Chandra News, v. 23, p. 21 2016ChNew..23...21W
2016 David, Larry P. Recent Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 23, p. 35 2016ChNew..23...35D
2016 Kraft, R. DiStefano, R. Primini, F. HRC
Chandra News, v. 23, p. 21 2016ChNew..23...21K
2015 David, Larry Recent Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 22, num. 25, p. 30 2015ChNew..22...30D
2015 Guainazzi, Matteo David, Laurence Grant, Catherine E. On the in-flight calibration plans of modern x-ray observatories
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, v. 1, p. 047001 2015JATIS...1d7001G
2014 Schwartz, Daniel A. Invited Review Article: The Chandra X-ray Observatory
Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 85, num. 6, p. 061101 2014RScI...85f1101S
2014 Wargelin, Brad Optimization of LETG/HRC-S spectral extractions
15 Years of Science with Chandra, p. P68 2014fysc.confP..68W
2013 Kraft, Ralph Juda, Mike Smith, Randall Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 20, p. 13 2013ChNew..20...13K
2013 David, Larry Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 20, p. 20 2013ChNew..20...20D
2012 Kraft, Ralph Kenter, Almus Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 19, p. 10 2012ChNew..19...10K
2012 David, Larry Recent Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 19, p. 18 2012ChNew..19...18D
2012 O'Dell, Stephen L. Aldcroft, Thomas L. Atkins, Carolyn Toward active x-ray telescopes II
Adaptive X-Ray Optics II, v. 8503, p. 850307 2012SPIE.8503E..07O
2012 Juda, Michael Baski, Mark Eagan, Chris Updating Chandra high-radiation safing in response to changing observatory conditions
Observatory Operations, v. 8448, p. 844805 2012SPIE.8448E..05J
2012 Weisskopf, Martin C. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory: progress report and highlights
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012, v. 8443, p. 84430Y 2012SPIE.8443E..0YW
2012 Weisskopf, Martin C. Chandra x-ray optics
Optical Engineering, v. 51, num. 1, p. 011013-011013-8 2012OptEn..51a1013W
2011 Kraft, Ralph Revnivstev, Mikhail Juda, Mike Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 18, p. 12 2011ChNew..18...12K
2011 David, Larry P. Recent Updates to Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 18, p. 20 2011ChNew..18...20D
2011 Garmire, Gordon P. The Chandra X-ray observatory
Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v. 39, p. 225 2011BASI...39..225G
2010 Kashyap, Vinay Posson-Brown, Jennifer Chandra Calibration Review
Chandra News, v. 17, p. 34 2010ChNew..17...34K
2010 Kraft, Ralph Kenter, Almus Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 17, p. 16 2010ChNew..17...16K
2009 Kraft, Ralph Ng, C. -Y. Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 16, p. 10 2009ChNew..16...10K
2008 David, Larry Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 15, p. 20 2008ChNew..15...20D
2007 Posson-Brown, Jennifer Kashyap, Vinay HRC-I gain correction
UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XV, v. 6686, p. 66860V 2007SPIE.6686E..0VP
2006 Smith, Randall K. The Chandra X-ray Observatory: An Astronomical Facility Available to the World
Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 305, num. 3, p. 321 2006Ap%26SS.305..321S
2006 DePasquale, J. M. Plucinsky, P. P. Schwartz, D. A. A historical fluence analysis of the radiation environment of the Chandra X-ray Observatory and implications for continued radiation monitoring
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, v. 6270, p. 62701J 2006SPIE.6270E..1JD
2006 Weisskopf, M. C. Technical Report: Synchrotron Radiation from Outer Space and the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Synchrotron Radiation News, v. 19, num. 5, p. 29 2006SRNew..19...29W
2005 Porter, F. S. Brown, G. V. Cottam, J. X-Ray Astronomy and Astrophysics
Cryogenic Particle Detection, v. 99, p. 359
2005 Weisskopf, Martin C. The Chandra X-ray observatory: Five years of observations
COSPAR Information Bulletin, v. 2005, num. 162, p. 5 2005CIBu..162....5W
2005 Kraft, Ralph Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 12, p. 10 2005ChNew..12...10K
2004 Porter, F. Scott Low-temperature detectors in X-ray astronomy
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, v. 520, num. 1-3, p. 354 2004NIMPA.520..354P
2004 Gaetz, Terrance J. Edgar, Richard J. Jerius, Diab H. Calibrating the wings of the Chandra PSF
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 411 2004SPIE.5165..411G
2004 Wargelin, Bradford J. Ratzlaff, Peter W. Pease, Deron O. Chandra LETG higher-order diffraction efficiencies
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 509 2004SPIE.5165..509W
2004 Weisskopf, Martin C. Four years of operation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 387 2004SPIE.5165..387W
2004 Chung, Sun Mi Drake, Jeremy J. Kashyap, Vinay L. Characterizing nonlinearities in the Chandra LETG+HRC-S dispersion relation
UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, v. 5488, p. 51 2004SPIE.5488...51C
2004 Beckerman, Eli Aldcroft, Tom Gaetz, Terrance J. Positional accuracy as a measure of Chandra's optical distortions
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 445 2004SPIE.5165..445B
2004 Kashyap, Vinay L. Drake, Jeremy J. Chung, Sun Mi Chandra HRC-S degapping corrections
UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems, v. 5488, p. 115 2004SPIE.5488..115K
2003 Weisskopf, Martin C. Three years of operation of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 1 2003SPIE.4851....1W
2003 David, Lawrence The Chandra Calibration Program
Chandra News, v. 10, p. 15 2003ChNew..10...15D
2003 Weisskopf, M. C. Aldcroft, T. L. Bautz, M. An Overview of the Performance of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Experimental Astronomy, v. 16, num. 1, p. 1 2003ExA....16....1W
2003 Juda, Michael Donnelly, R. H. Hole, K. T. Characteristics of the on-orbit background of the Chandra x-ray observatory high-resolution camera
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 112 2003SPIE.4851..112J
2003 Pease, Deron O. Drake, Jeremy J. Kashyap, Vinay L. In-flight effective area calibration of the Chandra low-energy transmission grating spectrometer
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 157 2003SPIE.4851..157P
2002 Freeman, P. E. Kashyap, V. Rosner, R. A Wavelet-Based Algorithm for the Spatial Analysis of Poisson Data
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, v. 138, num. 1, p. 185 2002ApJS..138..185F
2002 Weisskopf, M. C. Brinkman, B. Canizares, C. An Overview of the Performance and Scientific Results from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 114, num. 791, p. 1 2002PASP..114....1W
2002 Spitzbart, Brad D. Wolk, Scott J. Isobe, Takashi Chandra monitoring, trends, and response
Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return III, v. 4844, p. 476 2002SPIE.4844..476S
2001 Evans, Ian Chandra Data Reprocessing
Chandra News, v. 8, p. 13 2001ChNew...8...13E
2001 Smith, Randall X-ray observations and analysis with the Chandra X-ray observatory (abstract)
Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 72, num. 1, p. 1166 2001RScI...72.1166S
2001 Tananbaum, Harvey Early results from the chandra observatory
X-ray Astronomy, v. 599, p. 387 2001AIPC..599..387T
2001 HRC Team Instruments: HRC
Chandra News, v. 8, p. 5 2001ChNew...8....5H
2001 Tucker, Wallace Tucker, Karen Revealing the universe : the making of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Revealing the universe , p.
2000 Fang, Taotao Canizares, Claude R. Probing Cosmology with the X-Ray Forest
The Astrophysical Journal, v. 539, num. 2, p. 532 2000ApJ...539..532F
2000 Gaetz, Terrance J. Jerius, Diab Edgar, Richard J. Orbital verification of the CXO high-resolution mirror assembly alignment and vignetting
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 41 2000SPIE.4012...41G
2000 Murray, Stephen S. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. Event screening for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory High-Resolution Camera (HRC)
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XI, v. 4140, p. 144 2000SPIE.4140..144M
2000 Juda, Michael Austin, Gerald K. Chappell, Jon H. Improving Chandra High-Resolution Camera event positions via corrections to crossed-grid charge detector signals
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XI, v. 4140, p. 155 2000SPIE.4140..155J
2000 Pease, Deron O. Drake, Jeremy J. Johnson, C. Olivia Low-energy effective area of the Chandra low-energy transmission grating spectrometer
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 700 2000SPIE.4012..700P
2000 Elsner, Ronald F. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. O'Dell, Stephen L. Measurements with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory's flight contamination monitor
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IV, v. 4138, p. 1 2000SPIE.4138....1E
2000 Weisskopf, Martin C. Tananbaum, Harvey D. Van Speybroeck, Leon P. Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO): overview
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 2 2000SPIE.4012....2W
2000 Murray, Stephen S. Austin, Gerald K. Chappell, Jon H. In-flight performance of the Chandra high-resolution camera
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 68 2000SPIE.4012...68M
2000 Kenter, Almus T. Chappell, Jon H. Kraft, Ralph P. In-flight performance and calibration of the Chandra high-resolution camera imager (HRC-I)
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 467 2000SPIE.4012..467K
2000 Kraft, Ralph P. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. In-flight performance and calibration of the Chandra high-resolution camera spectroscopic readout (HRC-S)
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 493 2000SPIE.4012..493K
2000 Elsner, Ronald F. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. O'Dell, Stephen L. Measurements with the Chandra X-ray Observatory's flight contamination monitor
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 612 2000SPIE.4012..612E
1999 Kraft, Ralph P. Kenter, Almus T. Murray, Stephen S. Design and testing of a low-cost x-ray CCD camera for the HRC program and beyond
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, v. 3765, p. 552 1999SPIE.3765..552K
1999 Krupa, Tyler J. Chandra spectrometry: A closer look
Optics & Photonics News, v. 10, num. 11, p. 10 1999OptPN..10Q..10K
1998 O'Dell, Stephen L. Weisskopf, Martin C. Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF): calibration overview
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 2 1998SPIE.3444....2O
1998 Murray, Stephen S. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. AXAF high-resolution camera (HRC): the challenge of calibration
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 974 1998SPIE.3356..974M
1998 Patnaude, Daniel Pease, Deron Donnelly, Hank Effective area of the AXAF high-resolution camera (HRC)
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 93 1998SPIE.3444...93P
1998 Flanagan, Kathryn A. Schulz, Norbert S. Murray, Stephen S. HETG high-order diffraction efficiency
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 106 1998SPIE.3444..106F
1997 Murray, Stephen S. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. AXAF High-Resolution Camera (HRC): calibration and recalibration at XRCF and beyond
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 11 1997SPIE.3114...11M
1997 Kenter, Almus T. Chappell, Jon H. Kobayashi, K. Performance and calibration of the AXAF High-Resolution Camera I: imaging readout
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 26 1997SPIE.3114...26K
1997 Kraft, Ralph P. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. Performance and calibration of the AXAF High-Resolution Camera II: the spectroscopic detector
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 53 1997SPIE.3114...53K
1997 Meehan, G. R. Murray, Stephen S. Zombeck, Martin V. Calibration of the UV/ion shields for the AXAF High-Resolution Camera
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 74 1997SPIE.3114...74M
1997 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. Calibration of the AXAF observatory: overview
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 2 1997SPIE.3113....2W
1997 Evans, Ian N. Kellogg, Edwin M. McDermott, Walter C. High-speed imager AXAF calibration microchannel plate detector
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 18 1997SPIE.3113...18E
1997 Skinner, Mark A. Jordan, Steven P. AXAF: the Science Instrument Module
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 2 1997SPIE.3114....2S
1997 Powell, Forbes R. Keski-Kuha, Ritva A. Zombeck, Martin V. Metalized polyimide filters for x-ray astronomy and other applications
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 432 1997SPIE.3113..432P
1996 Kenter, Almus T. Chappell, J. H. Kraft, Ralph P. High-Resolution Camera on AXAF
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 626 1996SPIE.2808..626K
1996 Barbera, Marco Collura, Alfonso Dara, Alessandro Calibration of the AXAF-HRC UV/ion shields at the Osservatorio Astronomico DI Palermo G.S. Vaiana: IV - UV rejection measurements
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 108 1996SPIE.2808..108B
1996 Barbera, Marco Collura, Alfonso Dara, Alessandro Calibration of the AXAF-HRC UV/ion shields at Osservatorio Astronomico DI Palermo G.S. Vaiana: III - synchrotron measurements of XANES in aluminum-coated Lexan film samples
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 120 1996SPIE.2808..120B
1996 Collura, Alfonso Barbera, Marco Dara, Alessandro Calibration of the AXAF-HRC UV/ion shields at Osservatorio Astronomico DI Palermo G.S. Vaiana: II - x-ray transmission measurements
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 134 1996SPIE.2808..134C
1996 Collura, Alfonso Barbera, Marco Dara, Alessandro Calibration of the AXAF-HRC UV/ion shields at Osservatorio Astronomico DI Palermo G.S. Vaiana: I -instrumental setup
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 144 1996SPIE.2808..144C
1996 Kraft, Ralph P. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. Absolute quantum efficiency calibration of the AXAF High-Resolution Camera
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 194 1996SPIE.2808..194K
1996 Meehan, G. R. Kenter, Almus T. Kraft, Ralph P. Measurement of the transmission of the UV/ion shields for the AXAF High-Resolution Camera
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VII, v. 2808, p. 210 1996SPIE.2808..210M
1996 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. van Speybroeck, Leon P. Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 2 1996SPIE.2805....2W
1995 Zombeck, Martin V. Chappell, Jon H. Kenter, Almus T. High-resolution camera (HRC) on the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, v. 2518, p. 96 1995SPIE.2518...96Z
1995 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. Elsner, Ronald F. Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF): an overview
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 312 1995SPIE.2515..312W
1995 Dietz, Kurtis L. Elsner, Ronald F. Joy, Marshall K. Shielding simulations for the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, v. 2518, p. 107 1995SPIE.2518..107D
1995 Kenter, Almus T. Flanagan, Kathryn A. Meehan, G. R. Microchannel plate testing and evaluation for the AXAF high-resolution camera (HRC)
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, v. 2518, p. 356 1995SPIE.2518..356K
1994 Kenter, Almus T. Gomes, J. Murray, Stephen S. Testing candidate microchannel plates (MCPs) for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility high-resolution camera (AXAF HRC)
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, v. 2280, p. 69 1994SPIE.2280...69K
1994 Barbera, Marco Austin, Gerald K. Collura, Alfonso Development of the UV/ion shields for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility high-resolution camera (AXAF HRC)
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, v. 2280, p. 214 1994SPIE.2280..214B
1994 Barbera, Marco Breslau, D. Flanagan, Kathryn A. Synchrotron x-ray transmission measurements in the calibration program for the UV/ion shields of the AXAF HRC
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, v. 2280, p. 229 1994SPIE.2280..229B
1994 Flanagan, Kathryn A. Barbera, Marco Murray, Stephen S. Calibration program for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) high-resolution camera
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, v. 2280, p. 243 1994SPIE.2280..243F
1994 Rose, Vincent D. Flanagan, Kathryn A. Lessing, Joshua Soft x-ray quantum efficiency of microchannel plates with CsI and KBr photocathodes
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, v. 2280, p. 32 1994SPIE.2280...32R
1993 Flanagan, Kathryn A. Germaine, G. Gomes, J. Long-term photocathode stability for microchannel plates in vacuum
X-Ray Detector Physics and Applications II, v. 2009, p. 72 1993SPIE.2009...72F
1993 Winkler, Carl E. Cumings, Nesbitt P. Randolph, Joseph L. Science instruments for the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
Astroparticle Physics and Novel Gamma-Ray Telescopes, v. 1948, p. 63 1993SPIE.1948...63W
1991 Winkler, Carl E. Dailey, Carroll C. Cumings, Nesbitt P. Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility science instruments
Space Astronomical Telescopes and Instruments, v. 1494, p. 301 1991SPIE.1494..301W