Chandra Frontiers in Time-Domain Science
October 2020
Virtual (online) Hosted by the Chandra X-ray Center
Time-sensitive observations of astrophysical phenomena provide strong constraints on physical processes and have been a hallmark of high-energy astrophysics for decades. Such observations are expected to increase with future detections by gravitational wave (LIGO/Virgo) and large scale survey (SDSS, ZTF, VRO) facilities. While high-energy facilities exist for rapid responses, localization, and monitoring of such events, the high sensitivity and high spatial resolution of Chandra pave the way for unique discoveries and breakthroughs. Balancing the demand for time-sensitive observations with mission scheduling capabilities becomes imperative as operations increase in complexity. Chandra is generally well-poised to pursue time-domain science with its peer-reviewed General Observing (GO) and Target of Opportunity (ToO) programs, Director’s Discretionary Time (DDT) programs,and with well-organized scheduling and rapid data processing. How might Chandra enhance these existing observing programs for time-domain science? How should Chandra prepare for the expected increase in time-sensitive observation requests? Reviews of past, present, and future time-sensitive Chandra observations that highlight Chandra’s scientific contributions to time-domain science will help address these questions. Topics covered in this science workshop include a broad range of astrophysical processes including mergers, tidal disruption events, outbursts, and flares from a variety of astrophysical objects from the solar system to distant active galactic nuclei.
Please contact us at with any questions.
Talk Schedule and Abstracts
Abstracts of all scheduled presentations
Invited Speakers
- Arash Bahramian (Curtin University)
- Dennis Bodewits (Auburn University)
- Bradley Cenko (NASA Goddard)
- George Chartas (College of Charleston)
- Francesca Civano (CfA)
- Ilse Cleeves (University of Virginia)
- Lia Corrales (University of Michigan)
- Nathalie Degenaar (University of Amsterdam)
- Maria Diaz Trigo (European Southern Observatory)
- Will Dunn (University College London)
- Elizabeth Ferrara (University of Maryland & NASA-GSFC)
- Anna Franckowiak (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
- Felix Furst (European Space Agency)
- Victoria Grinberg (University of Tubingen)
- Moritz Guenther (MIT)
- Daryl Haggard (McGill University)
- Erin Kara (MIT)
- Mansi Kasliwal (Caltech)
- Vicky Kaspi (McGill University)
- Erik Kuulkers (European Space Agency)
- Raffaella Margutti (Northwestern University)
- Brian Metzger (Columbia University)
- Jon Miller (University of Michigan)
- Joseph Neilsen (Villanova University)
- Kristina Nyland (Naval Research Laboratory)
- Rachel Osten (STScI)
- Maurizio Paolillo (Università di Napoli Federico II)
- Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz (University of California - Santa Cruz)
- Arne Rau (Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics)
- Nanda Rea (Institute of Space Sciences, CSIC-IEEC, Barcelona)
- Manami Sasaki (Dr. Karl Remeis Observatory Bamberg)
- Gregory Sivakoff (University of Alberta)
- Jennifer Sokoloski (Columbia University)
- Alexandra Tetarenko (East Asian Observatory)
- Eleonora Troja (University of Maryland & NASA-GSFC)
- Josh Wing (CfA/CXC)
- Andreas Zezas (University of Crete & CfA)
Science Topics
Topics for this meeting include:
- Galactic Center
- Mergers and Tidal Disruption Events
- X-ray Binaries
- Neutron Stars (mergers)
- Pulsars and Pulsar Wind Nebulae
- Novae
- Supernovae
- Stars
- Accretion
Registration and Contributions
Registration is free but required to participate in the programming. Please visit the registration form to register.
As of August 26th, we are no longer accepting requests for contributed (10-15 minute) and/or lightning (3-5 minute) presentations.
Science Organizing Committee
- Eric Bellm (University of Washington & Vera Rubin Observatory)
- Wen-fai Fong (Northwestern University)
- Sebastian Heinz (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Tom Maccarone (Texas Tech University)
- Rodolfo Montez Jr. (CfA), co-chair
- Ada Nebot (Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg)
- Dave Pooley (Trinity University)
- Katja Pottschmidt (University of Maryland Baltimore County & NASA-GSFC)
- Andrea Prestwich (CfA), co-chair
- David Principe (MIT)
- Jack Steiner (CfA)
- Malgosia Sobolewska (CfA)
- Jeno Sokoloski (Columbia University & LSST Corporation)
- Joern Wilms (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Local Organizing Committee
- Tara Gokas (CfA)
- Karla Guardado (CfA)
- Ray Hemond (CfA)
- Rodolfo Montez Jr. (CfA), chair
- Lauren Robbins (CfA)
- Aldo Solares (CfA)