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Last modified: 15 December 2008
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ChaRT: The Chandra Ray Tracer

ChaRT is a Chandra PSF simulator. It is a web interface to the SAOsac raytrace code which was developed by the CXC for calibration purposes. In addition to the most current mirror model, SAOsac (and ChaRT) includes many of the details of the HRMA's physical construction such as the stray light baffles and support structures as well as a detailed model of the reflective properties of the mirror surface. ChaRT uses the trace-nest3 driver script, and several other SAOsac routines. This software includes the multi-layer reflectivity and uses the HRMA model configuration file. More information on the configurations is available from this database.

See the ChaRT webpage for more information.

The HRMA model includes:

For further details on SAOsac code and the history see "Running Raytraces."

Hardcopy (PDF): A4 | Letter
Last modified: 15 December 2008

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
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