2011:299 CTU reset EPHIN rates
While in Normal-Sun Mode following the day 2011:299 CTU TLM-processor
reset event, the EPHIN detector reached its highest temperature
to-date, with a TEPHIN reading of 147.16 degF. At the highest
temperatures we observed the E150 coincidence channel rates at
levels well above their RadMon safing threshold; the rates,
in-fact, hit the ceiling of their encoding (6930432
cts/sample). The data from this interval provide an upper-limit to
the temperature that we can expect to allow EPHIN to operate
without causing an unnecessary RadMon trigger.
Below are plots of the EPHIN coincidence channel and individual
detector rates as a function the sensor temperature for times
after the CTU reset until the end of 2011:300. In the E150 plot
we can see a sharp rise in the rates once 5EPHINT exceeds 57.5
degC (135.5 degF). We exceeded this temperature during the
2011-July safemode event without seeing such a rise in the E150
rate, so this is "new" behavior.
Also plotted is the observed TEPHIN vs 5EPHINT correlation. While the
unit is heating, the TEPHIN reading is hotter than the 5EPHINT
reading as expected for the flow of solar heat into the
unit. During this warming, when the 5EPHINT reading is
~57.5 degC the TEPHIN reading is ~136 degF.
EPHIN Coincidence Channels
EPHIN Detector Rates
Detector B0
Detector C
Detector D
Detector E
Detector F
Mike Juda
Last modified: Wed Nov 2 11:42:40 EDT 2011