Based on input from Reinhold Mueller-Mellin of the EPHIN IPI team, we expected the "Post-" data in the electron channels to have a rate 6.88 times the "Pre-" channel small-geometry rate due to the geometry change. In addition the rate should include a contribution from protons and nuclei. The observed change in rates is much smaller, increasing by only a factor of ~1.4 in the E150 channel and ~1.5 in the E1300 channel. The individual detector rates do not show great differences between the two time intervals; so, it seems unlikely that the discrepancy between expecting a factor of 6.88 increase and seeing ~1.5 is due to environment.
Pre- | Post- |
Last modified: Tue Feb 10 17:14:09 EST 2009
Dr. Michael Juda
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
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