This ECR is to revise the ODB CHARACTERISTICS values for both the positions of
fiducial lights (ODB_*_FIDPOS) and the preferred ordering for selection
of fid light sets (ODB_*_FIDS). Small position errors are causing
problems in ground aspect processing, and the current 'default' fid light
sets are degrading post-facto absolute celestial location accuracy.
New values
ODB_ACISI_FIDS = 1,5,6, 3,5,6 1,3,5, 1,3,6, 1,4,5,
ODB_ACISS_FIDS = 2,4,5, 3,4,5, 1,4,5, 1,5,6, 2,4,6,
3,5,6, 4,5,6, 2,3,4,
ODB_HRCI_FIDS = 1,2,3, 1,3,4, 2,3,4, 1,2,4,
ODB_HRCS_FIDS = 1,2,3, 1,3,4, 2,3,4, 1,2,4,
ODB_ACISI_FIDPOS = -0.0456263, 0.0403535, 0.0368209, 0.0406489,
-0.00267406, 0.0468288, -0.105006, -0.0520996,
0.0881037, -0.0520091, -0.0196392, -0.0833504,
ODB_ACISS_FIDPOS = -0.04576060, 0.08384480, 0.0367625, 0.08404630,
-0.00281129, 0.09032730, -0.1050160, -0.00883584,
0.08800880, -0.00852147, -0.0197744, -0.03984050,
ODB_HRCI_FIDPOS = 0.0369030, 0.0628195, -0.0415231, 0.0628973,
0.0577397, -0.0492571, -0.0624450, -0.0491385,
ODB_HRCS_FIDPOS = 0.0562617, 0.0220371, -0.0604034, 0.0216822,
0.0563910, -0.0280144, -0.0603363, -0.0281311,
The current values are here.
Fid light positions (ODB_*_FIDPOS)
The current fid positions have small relative errors of up to 3 arcsec.
This is perfectly adequate for flight commanding of star catalogs, but it
causes problems in ground processing. During initial identification of
fid lights in the aspect pipeline, the predicted fid light positions are
taken from the OFLS SOE. If the relative separation between fid lights is more
than 2 arcsec different from predicted, the fid light is rejected for
processing. The same rejection limit parameter is used for stars as
well, so it is not feasible to simply change that parameter in the ground
As an example, the predicted separation of ACIS-I fids 1 and 4 (from the
OFLS SOE record for obsid 1249) is 2258.9 arcsec, while the observed
separation is 2255.5 arcsec. This difference caused the aspect pipeline
to reject both fid lights, which in this particular case (the Mars
observation) meant no remaining fid lights. Subsequent Level-2 X-ray
processing was then disrupted.
Calculation of new fid positions
The new fid light positions were calculated using Aspect L1 elliptical
gaussian centroid data for all archived observations with exposure times
between 5 - 30 ksec (ACIS) and 5 - 50 ksec (HRC). The first 4 ksec of
data were discarded, to minimize scatter due to thermal transients. Then
a median centroid position was calculated for each fid light. The
processing was done with a Perl script and an IDL script
Calculating precise apparent fid light positions (observed ACA Y and Z angle)
at the current epoch is not entirely straightforward. Two key
difficulties arise:
- Only three fid lights are observed at any one time, so the
different 'constellations' of fids need to be stitched together in a
reasonable manner. To do this, a starting set of fid positions is used
as a baseline to determine a global adjustment (a displacement in Y, Z
and rotation about X) of the constellation for each observation. The
mean adjusted position for each fid light is then calculated. Next,
the set of mean adjusted positions is used as the starting point for
another iteration. This process converges after 3-4 iterations, and
yields a substantial improvement in the overall consistency of fits.
The code to calculate the self-consistent apparent fid positions is
- The apparent fid positions have drifted by ~7 arcsec from launch,
so one needs to use data from recent measurements (see report on fid
drifts). However, certain fid lights have not been selected in
over a year within the set of observations that were analyzed.
Therefore it was necessary to do determine an analytical fit to the
drift (primarily from the 'default' fid lights for each detector), and
extrapolate this drift to the current epoch for all fids. The fits to
the drift data, generated with the IDL script, are available in the fid drift
Finally, the IDL script was used to convert the apparent fid position in
arcsec into a position in meters at the focal plane. This script was
derived from the scripts used by RAC to generate the ODB values currently
in place. The script produces four output files
ODB_HRCI_FIDPOS.txt) which detail the
fid positions.
The following table shows the difference between the proposed new fid
positions and the current values in the ODB from RAC in September 1999.
Only in ACIS-S is there a substantial change, and even this is
relatively small compared to the 50 arcsec (full-width) search box size.
FID 1 2 3 4 5 6
Delta Y : 6.34 5.56 5.77 6.91 5.53 6.35
Delta Z : 3.08 3.94 3.89 3.57 3.11 3.69
Delta Y : -0.28 1.85 -0.61 2.61 1.88 0.70
Delta Z : -0.72 1.40 -0.28 0.40 0.14 -0.55
Delta Y : 1.33 0.61 1.07 1.76
Delta Z : 0.10 0.91 0.14 0.44
Delta Y : 1.27 1.95 1.42 2.32
Delta Z : 1.78 0.55 0.14 0.30
The following tables show angle positions (arcsec) for ACIS-S fids 2,4,5
from obsid 2471 with nominal SIM-Z. This just serves as a sanity check
that the proposed new values are reasonable.
|Observed values | Proposed new ODB values |
| Ang_y Ang_z | Ang_y Ang_z |
|------- -------- | ----- ----- |
| -755.33 -1727.37 | -755.44 -1727.05 |
| 2157.89 181.28 | 2157.92 181.56 |
|-1808.32 174.69 | -1808.47 175.11 |
| | |
|Current (Sep99) ODB values | Commanded values from Backstop: |
| Ang_y Ang_z | Ang_y Ang_z |
| ------- ------- | ----- ------ |
| -761.000 -1731.00 | -760 -1730 |
| 2151.00 178.000 | 2151 178 |
| -1814.00 172.000 | -1814 172 |
| | |
Fid light set ordering (ODB_*_FIDS)
After studying the apparent fid light positions as a function of
off-nominal SIM-Z position, it has become clear that the current choice
of 'default' fid light sets is not optimal. For ACIS-I, HRC-S, and
HRC-I, the preferred fid light set (i.e. the first set in the list)
contains a fid whose image is split due to slight imperfections in the
FTS retro-reflector collimator. When the SIM is translated, the relative
strengths of the two split components varies, effectively altering the
apparent position of the fid light. This introduces errors in absolute
celestial location in the ground aspect solution. The effect is
especially proncounced in ACIS-I, where fids 2 and 4 both show changes of
over 3 arcsec (relative to the other fids) over the range of
off-nominal SIM-Z locations which were observed.
Below are plots of the separation (delta Y is in red and delta Z is in
blue) of various fid light pairs for ACIS-I. For the default set of fids
2, 4, and 5, it is apparent that the separation is a strong function of
SIM-Z position. (Postscript plots for all 4 detectors are available here). Since there is currently no correction in
the aspect pipeline for this effect, the result is an offset in absolute
position. Note that specifications are being written to enhance the
aspect pipeline to remove this SIM-Z dependent offset.
The source of the problem is fairly clear on inspection of the actual fid
images. A representative sample of each fid image (at nominal SIM-Z) is
shown below. ACIS-I-2, ACIS-I-4, HRC-S-4, and HRC-I-4 all show signs of
a double or extended image. The rest of the fids look much more
Change in ordering
For ACIS-I, the new fid order was determined by taking all 4 combinations
of fids 1, 3, 5, and 6, starting with the two that were already in the
ACIS-I or ACIS-S list. The final entry is geometrically equivalent to
the default 2,4,5 set, but flipped to use fid 1 instead of fid 2.
For HRC-I and HRC-S, the only change was to move the best set (1,2,3) to
the head of the list.
Impact of using different fid sets
The tables below show the impact of using different fid light sets on
aspect solution quality. The script calculates the uncertainty of the X-axis and
roll angle determination in arcsec, using the formulas derived by Murray
and VanSpeybroeck (1976). This assumes a centroiding uncertainty for fid
lights of 0.07 arcsec. The result is that there is very little
dependence on the fid light set, and the new proposed ordering for ACIS-I
fid sets will not degrade aspect solution accuracy. For a sanity check,
I included the fid set 1,2,3, which is the three closest fid lights. As
expected, the aspect errors are substantially worse for this case.
Detector Fid 1 Fid 2 Fid 3 Sigma_x Sigma_theta
-------- ------ ----- ----- ------- -----------
ACIS-S 1 5 6 0.0407 3.66
ACIS-S 3 5 6 0.0416 3.93
ACIS-S 1 3 5 0.0463 3.99
ACIS-S 1 3 6 0.0464 4.59
ACIS-S 1 4 5 0.0415 3.12
ACIS-S 2 4 5 0.0410 3.09
ACIS-S 3 4 5 0.0411 3.13
ACIS-S 2 4 6 0.0420 3.65
ACIS-S 3 5 6 0.0416 3.93
ACIS-S 4 5 6 0.0412 3.57
ACIS-S 2 3 4 0.0464 3.82
ACIS-S 1 2 3 0.0832 8.47 <--
-------- ------ ----- ----- ------- -----------
ACIS-I 1 5 6 0.0421 3.66
ACIS-I 3 5 6 0.0429 3.93
ACIS-I 1 3 5 0.0410 3.99
ACIS-I 1 3 6 0.0417 4.59
ACIS-I 1 4 5 0.0414 3.12
ACIS-I 2 4 5 0.0409 3.09
ACIS-I 3 4 5 0.0409 3.13
ACIS-I 2 4 6 0.0433 3.65
ACIS-I 3 5 6 0.0429 3.93
ACIS-I 4 5 6 0.0463 3.56
ACIS-I 2 3 4 0.0416 3.82
ACIS-I 1 2 3 0.0542 8.48 <--
Current FID values (CHARACTERIS_20JUL00)
ODB_ACISI_FIDS = 2,4,5, 3,4,5, 1,4,5, 1,5,6, 2,4,6, !Final Value: Source: Tom Aldcroft CXC
ODB_ACISS_FIDS = 2,4,5, 3,4,5, 1,4,5, 1,5,6, 2,4,6, !Final Value: Source: Tom Aldcroft CXC
3,5,6, 4,5,6, 2,3,4,
ODB_HRCI_FIDS = 1,3,4, 2,3,4, 1,2,3, 1,2,4, !Final Value: Source: Dave Cheshire TRW
ODB_HRCS_FIDS = 1,3,4, 2,3,4, 1,2,3, 1,2,4, !Final Value: Source: Dave Cheshire TRW
ODB_ACISI_FIDPOS = -0.0456402, 0.0403179, 0.0369114, 0.0407170, !Updated Values R. Cameron 08/25/99 CXC [meters]
-0.00270407, 0.0468147, -0.104879, -0.0520802,
0.0881952, -0.0520023, -0.0196049, -0.0833771,
ODB_ACISS_FIDPOS = -0.04545204, 0.0839952, 0.037033108, 0.084238534, !Final Value: Source: Paul Green CXC [meters]
-0.002530503, 0.090516604, -0.104679031, -0.008662109,
0.088277905,-0.008370127, -0.019465433, -0.039660977,
ODB_HRCI_FIDPOS = 0.0369652, 0.0629061, -0.0414281, 0.0629239, !Flight Data: Source: R. Cameron CXC [meters]
0.0578093, -0.0492498, -0.0623322, -0.0491234,
ODB_HRCS_FIDPOS = 0.0563269, 0.0220424, -0.0603735, 0.0217264, !Final Value: Source: Paul Green CXC [meters]
0.0564435, -0.0280076, -0.0602503, -0.0281097,
Section heading
(Updated 07/13/01)

Aspect Information main page
Comments or questions: Tom Aldcroft
Last modified:07/13/01