Measuring ACA CCD contamination using commonly revisited guide stars

Contamination of the ACA CCD can be revealed by seeing systematic changes in the observed magnitude of individual guide stars that have been repeatedly used during the course of the mission. The two calibration fields pointing at the stars Ar Lac and Capella are ideal for this investigation, as they have each been observed dozens of times at fairly regular intervals since launch. In each field there is a core set of guide stars that are typically used. We have extracted data from the aspect Level-1 pipeline to determine the average observed magnitude of all such guide stars. Those stars which have at least one data point within both the first year of the mission and after the second year are included.

The plot below shows the change in magnitude (with reference to the mean within the first year) for all stars in the sample. There is no obvious trend in delta magnitude with time. Fitting a line to the data confirms that the change in average star magnitude is less than 0.002 mags/year. Therefore there is no evidence for appreciable optically obscuring contamination on the surface of the primary ACA CCD.


Analysis and data are in /proj/sot/ska/analysis/contam_aca

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Last modified:12/27/13