The table below is of dwells with high background events.
- Dwell Start is the start time of the dwell.
- Obsid is the observation ID.
- N events is the number of high background events in the dwell.
- N Slots is the number of slots showing high background in the dwell.
- Max Duration is the maximum duration of a high background event in the dwell.
- Max Slot Seconds - The slot-seconds for an event are the integrated sum of number
of seconds where high background is seen in any slot. "Max" shows the largest sum over
the events in the dwell.
- Sun Pitch Sun pitch
- Auto Notes - code-determined info about the status at the end of the dwell and if there were any full reacquisition events during the dwell.
- Manual Notes - any manual notes entered by the ACA team
The manual notes are entered in the Google sheet at".
That sheet can also be used to exclude any false positives from the high background event list.
Events are considered significant enough to be on this summary if they impact 5 or more slots
or have an integrated sum of 60 or more "slot-seconds".