AGASC ID 916201280


Last Obs. 2023:233:07:25
magcatalog 8.63 ± 0.10
mag3 arcsec 8.69 ± 0.02
mag5 arcsec 8.69 ± 0.02
Nobs 80 (2 bad)
fok 98.8%
f3 arcsec 100.0%
f5 arcsec 100.0%


Observation Info

OBSID Time Slot Row Col N Nmag est ok Nout fmag est ok fdr3 fdbox5 fmag est ok 3 ⟨ δ mag100s ⟨ mag ⟩ σmag Comments
8477 2007:161:11:31:45.125 5 -30.6 -252.7 22815 22727 34 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.02 8.66 0.00 --
8557 2007:165:09:24:38.389 6 -30.6 -252.7 13798 13739 18 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.02 8.66 0.00 --
7712 2007:253:22:57:27.782 6 -220.4 75.1 4044 3987 7 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.02 8.66 0.00 --
26269 2022:017:23:48:53.577 5 145.3 194.5 8930 8752 8 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.06 8.70 0.00 --
25916 2022:017:23:48:53.577 5 145.2 194.3 8848 8751 8 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.06 8.70 0.00 --
26280 2022:018:23:27:03.404 5 146.5 193.9 6005 5837 8 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.04 8.68 0.00 --
25912 2022:108:16:34:55.524 5 48.1 -219.0 7704 7464 10 97.7% 100.0% 100.0% 97.7% 0.05 8.71 0.00 --
25911 2022:109:02:35:03.872 5 45.9 -218.7 8438 8302 16 99.2% 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 0.05 8.71 0.00 --
25934 2022:111:01:47:05.742 5 41.2 -220.3 9734 9540 9 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.05 8.71 0.00 --
25931 2022:113:17:10:36.717 5 9.4 -225.4 7318 7153 10 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.03 8.70 0.00 --
25954 2022:114:11:49:35.560 5 9.9 -225.2 6815 6711 8 99.5% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 0.05 8.71 0.00 --
25928 2022:123:16:48:22.723 5 -21.6 -224.9 7948 7733 12 98.2% 100.0% 100.0% 98.2% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
25942 2022:124:03:13:33.759 5 -22.1 -224.7 7606 7405 2 98.2% 100.0% 100.0% 98.2% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
25971 2022:124:12:54:58.775 5 -22.3 -224.6 6339 6205 9 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.03 8.70 0.00 --
25958 2022:124:21:54:17.761 5 -22.3 -224.6 6192 6027 9 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.03 8.69 0.00 --
25932 2022:125:08:21:24.253 5 -22.4 -224.5 7066 6916 15 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
25972 2022:138:02:47:22.269 5 -7.6 -226.1 15883 15586 26 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.04 8.68 0.00 --
25970 2022:163:11:12:11.837 5 -84.7 -211.3 12338 12115 8 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 0.05 8.70 0.00 --
25919 2022:164:02:55:34.132 5 -75.6 -214.6 12688 12429 10 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.05 8.68 0.00 --
25920 2022:164:15:47:33.138 5 -75.0 -214.9 15267 14937 13 98.3% 100.0% 100.0% 98.3% 0.07 8.68 0.00 --
25922 2022:165:19:57:46.432 5 -76.6 -214.2 15693 15414 17 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.06 8.69 0.00 --
25968 2022:193:22:27:03.186 5 -104.4 -203.8 13671 13372 8 98.2% 100.0% 100.0% 98.1% 0.05 8.68 0.00 --
25967 2022:213:07:56:37.426 5 -178.7 -150.2 16730 16282 15 97.8% 100.0% 100.0% 97.7% 0.09 8.69 0.00 --
25929 2022:238:04:32:45.153 5 -239.5 -25.7 13799 13414 19 97.8% 100.0% 100.0% 97.8% 0.04 8.71 0.00 --
25956 2022:245:00:16:48.141 5 -241.4 -2.8 6973 6769 2 97.9% 100.0% 100.0% 97.9% 0.04 8.72 0.00 --
25925 2022:245:14:44:33.078 5 -240.7 1.2 11852 11582 4 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.07 8.71 0.00 --
25913 2022:246:08:42:31.530 5 -241.4 7.1 9897 9604 11 97.8% 100.0% 100.0% 97.8% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
25915 2022:246:23:03:16.004 5 -240.9 11.5 10639 10322 14 98.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.0% 0.06 8.69 0.00 --
25923 2022:247:16:33:19.597 5 -241.0 31.8 5507 5162 7 94.9% 100.0% 100.0% 94.9% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
25279 2022:249:05:20:35.578 5 -237.1 56.2 12276 12041 5 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.07 8.70 0.00 --
25924 2022:250:12:12:16.129 5 -238.7 56.9 10874 10707 12 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 99.1% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
25944 2022:251:06:38:12.267 5 -237.9 56.5 10875 10678 5 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.05 8.70 0.00 --
25957 2022:251:17:54:57.914 5 -237.9 56.5 10874 10698 9 99.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
27347 2022:252:05:13:08.454 5 -238.3 56.7 10954 10741 10 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
25918 2022:256:14:59:53.640 6 -229.3 88.6 10386 9935 6 96.3% 100.0% 100.0% 96.3% 0.06 8.70 0.00 --
25908 2022:266:13:16:33.766 6 -190.6 157.9 11366 11143 11 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 0.06 8.70 0.00 --
27449 2022:267:01:38:19.152 6 -188.1 160.9 5025 4908 1 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 99.1% 0.05 8.69 0.00 --
27450 2022:268:23:57:28.999 6 -180.5 172.5 5019 4819 9 97.0% 100.0% 100.0% 97.0% 0.04 8.70 0.00 --
25945 2022:270:08:09:55.568 5 -166.5 184.7 8605 8470 7 99.2% 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 0.06 8.69 0.00 --
25948 2022:273:05:17:24.844 4 -170.0 186.3 13966 13656 9 98.3% 100.0% 100.0% 98.3% 0.06 8.71 0.00 --
25969 2022:282:04:09:39.561 5 -115.3 222.2 13807 13543 14 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.05 8.69 0.00 --
25914 2022:288:10:41:35.108 5 -135.5 210.9 14044 13773 15 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.04 8.69 0.00 --
25907 2022:312:15:18:23.972 5 -6.1 250.2 9167 8983 4 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
25973 2022:315:11:09:38.464 5 -5.6 249.9 4560 4453 3 99.1% 99.9% 100.0% 99.0% 0.06 8.67 0.00 --
25930 2022:319:04:50:18.738 5 9.1 248.9 4995 4859 3 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.04 8.68 0.00 --
27556 2022:319:20:22:43.119 5 9.9 249.1 6288 6159 5 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.05 8.68 0.00 --
25951 2022:322:01:12:28.543 5 -14.0 248.9 7169 7069 1 99.3% 100.0% 100.0% 99.3% 0.14 8.65 0.00 --
25963 2022:330:00:54:21.643 5 33.7 246.0 9407 9217 8 98.5% 99.9% 100.0% 98.4% 0.10 8.67 0.00 --
25938 2022:330:21:38:32.400 5 36.5 245.2 4727 4604 4 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.06 8.65 0.00 --
25937 2022:331:08:04:11.439 5 37.9 244.8 7682 7560 41 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 99.1% 0.08 8.65 0.00 --
25278 2022:336:01:37:11.062 5 44.6 244.5 2533 2453 6 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.03 8.69 0.00 --
27575 2022:336:09:54:30.727 5 45.5 244.0 4977 4826 7 98.2% 100.0% 100.0% 98.2% 0.04 8.69 0.00 --
25936 2023:026:19:53:12.548 4 175.4 163.4 3267 3161 1 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.05 8.67 0.00 --
27678 2023:027:04:38:56.500 5 173.1 165.5 3141 3033 4 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.03 8.70 0.00 --
27679 2023:028:00:33:10.007 5 168.1 170.6 3022 2926 2 99.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 0.03 8.69 0.00 --
25939 2023:028:09:29:21.391 4 172.4 164.8 3657 3547 5 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 0.02 8.69 0.00 --
27680 2023:028:18:35:07.815 4 170.2 166.8 3341 3236 1 98.8% 100.0% 100.0% 98.8% 0.02 8.70 0.00 --
27681 2023:029:03:19:44.888 4 169.9 166.9 2533 2447 1 99.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.0% 0.02 8.70 0.00 --
25909 2023:144:23:41:18.140 5 -47.9 -221.3 4844 4786 5 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.03 8.68 0.00 --
27856 2023:145:09:56:17.098 5 -49.1 -221.0 3993 3933 3 99.9% 99.9% 100.0% 99.9% 0.03 8.68 0.00 --
27857 2023:146:23:16:20.684 4 -52.0 -220.5 3260 3203 4 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 0.03 8.69 0.00 --
27563 2023:159:16:30:34.596 5 -85.9 -211.5 3003 2958 1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.05 8.67 0.00 --
25941 2023:160:03:40:12.461 5 -92.6 -209.2 8138 8079 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
27896 2023:161:11:55:22.045 5 -79.0 -213.9 3505 3442 3 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 0.05 8.67 0.00 --
25917 2023:173:09:45:06.687 5 -101.2 -205.7 8870 8811 4 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.05 8.68 0.00 --
25950 2023:181:13:58:51.534 5 -115.4 -199.0 7408 7317 6 99.5% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 0.04 8.69 0.00 --
25946 2023:182:12:44:54.386 5 -117.2 -198.0 7403 7345 2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.06 8.70 0.00 --
25965 2023:188:12:12:03.182 5 -128.3 -191.9 8876 8824 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.08 8.69 0.00 --
25960 2023:189:10:00:06.000 5 -128.9 -191.4 6184 6128 6 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.07 8.69 0.00 --
25926 2023:193:11:59:09.836 5 -146.0 -180.2 15185 15124 3 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.10 8.68 0.00 --
25955 2023:201:15:21:11.528 5 -153.8 -174.3 10844 10793 5 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.12 8.67 0.00 --
25921 2023:216:18:08:50.277 5 -186.1 -142.4 4228 4180 1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.06 8.65 0.00 --
27974 2023:217:03:33:14.399 5 -187.0 -141.3 7153 7100 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.07 8.65 0.00 --
25959 2023:217:15:19:34.482 5 -187.8 -140.1 3873 3825 1 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.07 8.66 0.00 --
25940 2023:222:09:41:53.411 5 -196.0 -131.2 6911 6856 6 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.06 8.68 0.00 --
25966 2023:225:06:01:04.832 5 -174.6 -156.0 4722 4661 1 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.05 8.68 0.00 --
28370 2023:225:16:58:16.893 5 -195.4 -131.4 5184 5127 4 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.05 8.69 0.00 --
25933 2023:227:00:58:53.126 5 -200.9 -124.5 5960 5902 1 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.05 8.69 0.00 --
28483 2023:231:22:52:57.834 5 -221.8 -88.6 2486 2434 4 100.0% 99.9% 100.0% 99.9% 0.07 8.69 0.00 --
25935 2023:232:16:00:51.293 5 -220.3 -89.3 0 0 -1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% inf inf inf Error: No level 0 data.
27780 2023:233:07:25:34.697 5 -226.6 -77.7 0 0 -1 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% inf inf inf Error: No level 0 data.

  • sample: One sample of ACA image telemetry. This could be a real image readout or it could be a null 4x4 image when the ACA is not tracking. Be aware that the sample period is faster for null 4x4 images (1.025 sec) than for typical 6x6 or 8x8 tracked images (2.05 or 4.1 sec respectively).
  • Kalman samples: Subset of samples when ACA could be tracking stars (AOPCADMD == NPNT & AOACASEQ == KALM)
  • dr3: Subset of tracked Kalman samples with radial centroid residual < 3 arcsec. This corresponds to "high quality" readouts. This effectively includes the track subset (AOACFCT == TRAK) because readouts with no TRAK are assigned an infinite centroid residual.
  • dbox5: Subset of tracked Kalman samples with centroid residual within a 5 arcsec box. This corresponds to spatial filter used by the OBC for inclusion in Kalman filter. This effectively includes the track subset (AOACFCT == TRAK) because readouts with no TRAK are assigned an infinite centroid residual.
  • track: Subset of Kalman samples where the image is being tracked (AOACFCT == TRAK)
  • sat_pix: Subset of Kalman samples with saturated pixel flag OK (AOACISP == OK)
  • ion_rad: Subset of Kalman samples with ionizing radiation flag OK (AOACIIR == OK)
  • mag_est_ok: Subset of Kalman samples that have a magnitude estimate (track & ion_rad)
  • n_total: Total number of sample regardless of OBC PCAD status
  • n: Synonym for n_total
  • n_kalman: Number of Kalman samples
  • n_dr3: Number of dr3 samples.
  • n_dbox5: Number of dbox5 samples.
  • n_track: Number of track samples.
  • n_ok_3: Number of (track & sat_pix & ion_rad & dr3) samples
  • n_ok_5: Number of (track & sat_pix & ion_rad & dbox5) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok: Number of (track & ion_rad) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok_3: Number of (track & ion_rad & dr3) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok_5: Number of (track & ion_rad & dbox5) samples
  • f_dr3: Fraction of mag-est-ok samples with centroid residual < 3 arcsec((mag_est_ok & n_dr3)/n_mag_est_ok)
  • f_dbox5: Fraction of mag-est-ok samples with centroid within 5 arcsec box((mag_est_ok & n_dbox5)/n_mag_est_ok)
  • f_mag_est_ok: n_mag_est_ok_3/n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that a magnitude estimate is available.
  • f_mag_est_ok_3: n_mag_est_ok_3/n_kalman.
  • f_mag_est_ok_5: n_mag_est_ok_5/n_kalman.
  • f_ok: n_ok_5 / n_kalman. Same as f_ok_5
  • f_ok_3: n_ok_3 / n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that the Kalman filter is getting high-quality star centroids.
  • f_ok_5: n_ok_5 / n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that the Kalman filter is getting any star centroid at all. This includes measurements out to 5 arcsec box halfwidth, so potentially 7 arcsec radial offset.