AGASC ID 615520664


Last Obs. 2024:313:07:34
magcatalog 9.51 ± 0.02
mag3 arcsec 9.50 ± 0.03
mag5 arcsec 9.50 ± 0.03
Nobs 48 (0 bad)
fok 98.4%
f3 arcsec 99.9%
f5 arcsec 100.0%


Observation Info

OBSID Time Slot Row Col N Nmag est ok Nout fmag est ok fdr3 fdbox5 fmag est ok 3 ⟨ δ mag100s ⟨ mag ⟩ σmag Comments
12882 2010:270:04:15:27.884 7 -140.3 -204.1 41884 41654 69 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 0.04 9.49 0.00 --
14348 2011:276:09:18:13.109 4 -64.3 102.0 31701 31499 43 99.5% 100.0% 100.0% 99.5% 0.04 9.49 0.00 --
55146 2011:277:03:40:13.336 3 -64.3 102.0 86 48 0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.01 9.48 0.00 --
13374 2011:280:05:19:50.076 7 -64.3 102.0 37843 37601 47 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 0.05 9.49 0.00 --
17304 2015:186:15:55:18.442 7 54.4 -375.0 22628 22143 19 98.1% 100.0% 100.0% 98.1% 0.07 9.54 0.00 --
17305 2015:187:20:07:58.203 7 23.0 -303.6 24110 23668 31 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.05 9.55 0.00 --
17306 2015:189:06:59:25.138 7 14.4 -251.3 25649 25198 29 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 98.4% 0.07 9.55 0.00 --
17311 2015:248:23:25:54.324 7 -33.0 -251.4 24472 24312 29 99.6% 100.0% 100.0% 99.6% 0.06 9.50 0.00 --
51647 2015:249:13:38:15.537 3 -33.0 -251.4 191 61 0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.01 9.49 0.00 --
17296 2015:250:03:07:11.429 7 -172.7 -247.3 24997 24106 32 96.9% 100.0% 100.0% 96.9% 0.06 9.48 0.00 --
17298 2015:252:22:45:51.417 7 -90.6 -448.1 24533 24292 24 99.2% 100.0% 100.0% 99.2% 0.05 9.48 0.00 --
17299 2015:253:16:31:01.311 7 -97.2 -378.1 24539 24160 24 98.7% 100.0% 100.0% 98.7% 0.07 9.45 0.00 --
17300 2015:256:14:07:18.266 6 -81.7 -307.5 24532 23296 16 95.2% 100.0% 100.0% 95.2% 0.05 9.48 0.00 --
17301 2015:258:01:41:09.914 6 -108.1 -248.3 25216 24527 37 97.7% 100.0% 100.0% 97.7% 0.04 9.48 0.00 --
17303 2015:261:13:26:50.037 7 -111.3 -433.9 25416 25121 14 99.1% 100.0% 100.0% 99.1% 0.08 9.49 0.00 --
17309 2015:262:04:22:41.151 6 -125.1 -360.9 25502 24811 21 97.5% 100.0% 100.0% 97.5% 0.06 9.49 0.00 --
51620 2015:262:18:59:53.922 3 -125.1 -360.9 143 28 3 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.00 9.49 0.00 --
17287 2015:266:11:19:49.000 7 -241.0 -485.0 23794 23003 22 96.7% 100.0% 100.0% 96.7% 0.06 9.50 0.00 --
17292 2015:267:01:05:06.000 7 -248.4 -479.8 24555 24249 32 99.0% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.07 9.50 0.00 --
17289 2015:268:14:39:00.677 7 -242.9 -340.1 23134 22692 25 98.3% 100.0% 100.0% 98.3% 0.06 9.49 0.00 --
17295 2015:270:03:45:38.286 6 -231.0 -261.5 22961 21484 28 93.8% 100.0% 100.0% 93.8% 0.07 9.48 0.00 --
51609 2015:270:17:06:51.253 4 -231.0 -261.5 150 27 0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.03 9.48 0.00 --
17293 2015:271:13:01:28.463 7 -270.6 -395.8 24538 24209 34 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 98.9% 0.05 9.49 0.00 --
17290 2015:273:21:17:38.828 7 -247.2 -249.1 23957 23376 23 98.1% 100.0% 100.0% 98.1% 0.07 9.47 0.00 --
17288 2015:275:08:51:49.919 7 -293.6 -380.3 24116 23977 41 99.7% 100.0% 100.0% 99.7% 0.05 9.49 0.00 --
51587 2015:275:23:05:31.925 7 -293.6 -380.3 212 74 0 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 0.01 9.50 0.00 --
17291 2015:277:11:15:51.528 7 -254.3 -174.1 24534 24023 22 98.2% 100.0% 100.0% 98.2% 0.05 9.49 0.00 --
18257 2016:282:08:41:22.521 7 333.5 92.8 5028 4893 10 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 98.6% 0.06 9.45 0.00 --
23741 2020:341:11:55:20.658 7 -55.8 -334.3 1167 1085 3 97.1% 100.0% 100.0% 97.1% 0.03 9.50 0.00 --
26738 2023:217:12:05:37.482 7 159.8 317.4 2607 2515 3 99.9% 96.3% 100.0% 96.2% 0.11 9.49 0.00 --
27162 2023:292:20:05:25.650 7 -181.4 -4.7 3270 3212 2 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.11 9.54 0.00 --
28985 2023:293:04:55:41.276 6 -176.9 54.4 5210 5156 6 99.8% 99.9% 100.0% 99.7% 0.07 9.52 0.00 --
27164 2023:293:14:37:57.658 7 -176.7 55.9 3747 3690 5 99.9% 99.9% 100.0% 99.9% 0.06 9.53 0.00 --
28986 2023:294:02:29:33.100 6 -174.5 61.5 3742 3694 3 99.9% 99.4% 100.0% 99.3% 0.06 9.54 0.00 --
27165 2023:301:07:41:26.606 7 -170.9 66.4 2839 2793 4 99.9% 98.2% 100.0% 98.1% 0.11 9.54 0.00 --
29004 2023:301:14:46:21.061 7 -171.1 66.6 2847 2708 2 99.9% 99.3% 100.0% 99.2% 0.10 9.53 0.00 --
29005 2023:301:21:57:23.058 7 -172.8 64.0 2400 2346 3 99.8% 100.0% 100.0% 99.8% 0.07 9.54 0.00 --
27168 2023:302:04:53:58.862 7 -173.4 64.3 2575 2523 1 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.08 9.53 0.00 --
27167 2023:303:01:08:39.342 7 -175.2 55.2 3399 3348 2 99.9% 97.9% 100.0% 97.8% 0.09 9.53 0.00 --
29022 2023:303:10:12:34.370 7 -174.9 55.1 3569 3514 2 100.0% 98.0% 100.0% 98.0% 0.09 9.53 0.00 --
29023 2023:303:18:36:55.942 7 -174.9 55.1 3449 3394 4 99.9% 99.4% 100.0% 99.3% 0.07 9.52 0.00 --
27163 2023:304:02:59:49.891 7 -175.0 55.1 3451 3394 2 99.9% 99.7% 100.0% 99.6% 0.08 9.52 0.00 --
29024 2023:304:11:22:43.841 7 -175.1 55.2 3352 3299 2 99.9% 98.8% 100.0% 98.7% 0.08 9.53 0.00 --
29025 2023:304:19:38:57.791 7 -175.2 55.2 3425 3367 4 99.8% 98.7% 100.0% 98.5% 0.08 9.54 0.00 --
27166 2023:305:16:35:18.840 7 -171.0 66.5 3743 3688 2 99.9% 99.8% 100.0% 99.6% 0.12 9.54 0.00 --
29021 2023:307:09:44:03.315 7 -151.2 110.8 3569 3528 3 99.9% 100.0% 100.0% 99.9% 0.12 9.55 0.00 --
26790 2023:309:06:52:34.018 6 -133.2 130.5 3014 2972 2 100.0% 90.1% 100.0% 90.0% 0.15 9.49 0.00 --
42991 2024:313:07:34:47.702 7 -478.5 -133.8 878 803 5 97.8% 97.1% 100.0% 95.0% 0.10 9.55 0.00 --

  • sample: One sample of ACA image telemetry. This could be a real image readout or it could be a null 4x4 image when the ACA is not tracking. Be aware that the sample period is faster for null 4x4 images (1.025 sec) than for typical 6x6 or 8x8 tracked images (2.05 or 4.1 sec respectively).
  • Kalman samples: Subset of samples when ACA could be tracking stars (AOPCADMD == NPNT & AOACASEQ == KALM)
  • dr3: Subset of tracked Kalman samples with radial centroid residual < 3 arcsec. This corresponds to "high quality" readouts. This effectively includes the track subset (AOACFCT == TRAK) because readouts with no TRAK are assigned an infinite centroid residual.
  • dbox5: Subset of tracked Kalman samples with centroid residual within a 5 arcsec box. This corresponds to spatial filter used by the OBC for inclusion in Kalman filter. This effectively includes the track subset (AOACFCT == TRAK) because readouts with no TRAK are assigned an infinite centroid residual.
  • track: Subset of Kalman samples where the image is being tracked (AOACFCT == TRAK)
  • sat_pix: Subset of Kalman samples with saturated pixel flag OK (AOACISP == OK)
  • ion_rad: Subset of Kalman samples with ionizing radiation flag OK (AOACIIR == OK)
  • mag_est_ok: Subset of Kalman samples that have a magnitude estimate (track & ion_rad)
  • n_total: Total number of sample regardless of OBC PCAD status
  • n: Synonym for n_total
  • n_kalman: Number of Kalman samples
  • n_dr3: Number of dr3 samples.
  • n_dbox5: Number of dbox5 samples.
  • n_track: Number of track samples.
  • n_ok_3: Number of (track & sat_pix & ion_rad & dr3) samples
  • n_ok_5: Number of (track & sat_pix & ion_rad & dbox5) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok: Number of (track & ion_rad) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok_3: Number of (track & ion_rad & dr3) samples
  • n_mag_est_ok_5: Number of (track & ion_rad & dbox5) samples
  • f_dr3: Fraction of mag-est-ok samples with centroid residual < 3 arcsec((mag_est_ok & n_dr3)/n_mag_est_ok)
  • f_dbox5: Fraction of mag-est-ok samples with centroid within 5 arcsec box((mag_est_ok & n_dbox5)/n_mag_est_ok)
  • f_mag_est_ok: n_mag_est_ok_3/n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that a magnitude estimate is available.
  • f_mag_est_ok_3: n_mag_est_ok_3/n_kalman.
  • f_mag_est_ok_5: n_mag_est_ok_5/n_kalman.
  • f_ok: n_ok_5 / n_kalman. Same as f_ok_5
  • f_ok_3: n_ok_3 / n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that the Kalman filter is getting high-quality star centroids.
  • f_ok_5: n_ok_5 / n_kalman. This is a measure of the fraction of time during an observation that the Kalman filter is getting any star centroid at all. This includes measurements out to 5 arcsec box halfwidth, so potentially 7 arcsec radial offset.