

Loads the AGASC and the Tycho2 and GSC 2.3 catalogs and joins them, using GSC 1.1 IDs as intermediates.

The final result is sorted by agasc_id. This is convenient for later use, so one does not have to join this table with others, but one can use np.searchsorted, which is faster.

This function does the following:

  • determine the Tycho2, Tycho2-TDSC, and GSC1.1 IDs (Tycho2 is cross-matched with TDSC so we have the Tycho2-TDSC IDs)

  • add a random index to each AGASC entry. This is useful for cross-validation later on.

  • add a column ‘R’ with the estimated angular distance moved since its epoch to the Gaia reference epoch

  • add the GSC2.3 ID using the vivzier 2.3 catalog

  • add observed magnitudes from AGASC supplement

  • add boolean flags to denote stars that are guide/acq candidates

  • remove a duplicated entry in the AGASC catalog

  • For tycho stars, take the original Tycho RA/dec instead of the ones at 2000 epoch

  • sort the final result by agasc_id


Return a subset of the agasc summary table, in CSV format to be uploaded to Gaia.


Return a subset of the agasc summary table, with positions randomly shifted 1.5 degree, in CSV format to be uploaded to Gaia.


Loads the GSC 1.1 catalog.


Loads the GSC 2.3 catalog.


Loads the AGASC catalog and adds Tycho IDs.


Return a list of potential duplicate stars in AGASC.

Two stars are considered potential duplicates if they are within 1 arcsec of each other and their positions are from different base catalogs. To decide which one of the two might be a duplicate, they are sorted by pos_catid using the following precedence order (from high to low):

  • 5: Tycho-2

  • 6: GSC-ACT

  • 4: ACT

  • 3: Tycho-1

  • 2: PPM

  • 1: GSC1.1

  • 0: No catalog

Two stars within 1 arcsec from the same catalog does occur, because there are binaries and such. But two stars within 1 arcsec and from different catalogs is unlikely unless there was an update of positions, and only one star of a multiple system was updated. Most probably, this coincidence happened when two datasets were merged without first removing cross-matches.

Galaxies, non-stars and potential artifacts are excluded from this list. All the other classes are kept.


The AGASC summary table.


A table with potential duplicate pairs of stars. The second star in the pair corresponds to potential duplicates. The first star in the pair can be a duplicate but it not always is.


Loads the TDSC catalog.


Loads the Tycho catalog.


Cross-match the positions of Tycho2 and TDSC and return a union table.

The union table includes a “tdsc_id”, which is the ID in TDSC. This is not always the same as the Tycho2 ID (hence this function).


Given a list of matches (TYC3 values from Tycho2 and TDSC), return the best matches.

The goodness of the match is determined by the xmatch_weight column.

The algorithm is the following: - sort the matches by xmatch_weight in reverse order - iterate over matches, adding pairs that have not been added yet.


Magnitude difference probability used to match Tycho2 and TDSC.


Separation probability used to match Tycho2 and TDSC.

agasc_gaia.datasets.tycho_id(t1, t2, t3)[source]

Fast function to assemble Tycho ID strings.