
AGASC 1p8 is the fifth update to the AXAF Guide and Acquisition Star Catalog (AGASC) since launch. This update improves ACA magnitudes and positions using the Gaia DR3 catalog and more than 94,000 stars observed with the ACA.

The AGASC 1p8 update was motivated by inaccuracies in the catalog:

It is difficult to account for these inaccuracies in daily operations, and as a consequence:

The AGASC catalog has undergone several updates, where a few external catalogs have been progressively incorporated. As of AGASC 1.7, more than 98% of stars used for attitude control and aspect determination come from either the Tycho-2 Catalog (based on ESA's Hipparcos mission) or the GSC2.3 Catalog.

AGASC 1.8 includes information from the Gaia DR3 catalog. Gaia is a European Space Agency mission providing high-precision astrometry and multi-band photometry of more than 1000 million stars in the Milky Way. The spectral response of Gaia matches the ACA response very well, thus providing a good estimate of the ACA magnitudes in different spectral bands. Gaia also has high astrometric accuracy (200 times more accurate than Hipparcos) and 99% of surveyed stars have measured proper motion. All this makes it ideal to update the AGASC.

8903379 stars were matched with stars in Gaia DR3, and their magnitudes and positions were updated in AGASC 1p8. This includes more than 98% of stars used in daily operations. The median magnitude uncertainty of the updated stars is reduced from 0.4 to 0.02, and their median position error is reduced from 100 milli-arcsec to less than 1 milli-arcsec.

For comments or questions about this release, contact Aspect Help

Data Products

The main data products of the AGASC 1p8 update are the following:

Analysis and Results

What follows is a brief summary of the analysis. More information can be found in the analysis page.


The cross-match between AGASC and Gaia was performed on 8903379 stars with defined GSC1.1 and Tycho2 IDs. Only stars with CLASS 0, 2 or 6 are cross-matched. These correspond to star, blend or member of incorrectly resolved blend and known multiple system. We used two independent algorithms:

Outlier analysis was performed to verify that the cross-matches are reasonable, with a discrepancy rate less than 0.01%

ACA Magnitude Model

The ACA magnitude is estimated from the measured Gaia magnitudes in the three Gaia passbands (magG, magRp, magBp). To derive this model, we used a sample of 94,000 stars observed with the ACA. The fit procedure only used magnitudes smaller than 8.5, as instrumental effects become important for fainter stars.

The chosen ACA magnitude model, as a function of Gaia magnitudes, is of the form: \[ \begin{eqnarray} \text{mag}_{ACA} &=& \text{mag}_{G} + Pol(color, N=2) \\ color &=& \text{mag}_{Bp} - \text{mag}_{Rp} \end{eqnarray} \]

The mean residuals and their standard deviation are summarized in the following figure as a function of magnitude and color. The horizontal lines represent the 1-sigma uncertainty given by the base uncertainty described below. Residuals

The ACA magnitude uncertainty is given by a variance model with several additive contributions:

Model Uncertainty

The final uncertainty is then given by \[ \sigma = \sqrt{\text{var}_{base} + \text{var}_{variable} + \text{var}_{missing}} \]

Validation and Testing

The magnitude model and catalog cross-match were developed using a 80/20 train/test split. The finalized dataset was tested and validated independently by the Aspect team.

Other Issues

Repeated entry. The AGASC 1p7 catalog has one repeated ID (AGASC ID 154534513). One of these two is removed in 1p8.

Potential duplicates. Looking at cross-matches with Gaia, it became apparent that there might be duplicate stars in the AGASC catalog. This can happen when the union of two catalogs is taken without accounting for stars present in both catalogs with slightly different positions and magnitudes. These potential duplicates were not removed.

AGASC Update

AGASC catalog will be updated in the following fields. The fields are updated only for the stars that have updated magnitude, unless otherwise stated:


SSAWG discussed and approved the proposed AGASC 1p8 update on 2024-06-18 .

The updated was approved by the flight director on...