On 2005-Sep-04, an ACA dark current calibration was performed. This consisted
of 5 pointings at slightly offset (2 arcmin) attitudes. At each pointing, two
full frame readouts were performed, one with a 5 second integration and one
with 10 seconds, giving a total of 10 full frame readouts. For each
integration time, the 5 images were median filtered on a pixel-by-pixel basis
to remove star images. Then the 5-second median-filtered image was subtracted
from the 10-second median-filtered image to remove dark current accumulation
during the readout period. This is important as it takes approximately 8
seconds to read out a CCD quadrant. Finally, the dark current image was
converted from counts/integration to electrons per second (e-/s).
Standard processing was used to reduce the data, the same as used for previous calibrations. This calibration was the ninth ACA dark current calibration since the ACA CCD operating temperature was reduced to -15C in July 2003. Comparison to previous calibrationsThe first in-flight ACA dark current calibration was performed on 1999-Aug-11 (1999:223) during Orbital Activation and Checkout (OAC) while Chandra's Sunshade Door was closed. We tabulate and plot results from each flight calibration below.Basic statistics The table below gives a summary of the statistical properties of the
pixel dark current values. The 'Peak' is calculated by fitting a 2nd order
polynomial to the histogram values within 5 e-/s of the median, and then
quoting the peak of the fitted polynomial. The 'Mean near peak' is
the mean for pixels with a dark current within 5 e-/s of the median.
The statistics above show the significant effect of the CCD cooldown to -15C
in July 2003. There was little change in the peak dark current between OAC until
then. There appeared to be a dramatic shift in the peak with the data from the
2005-Jul-10 dark current measurement. This has since been explained as an
increase due to the use of an acquisition attitude with a much brighter
background than previous attitudes due to zodiacal light. (See the analysis
here: Background
Brightness and Dark Current Calibration). This dark current calibration
report has now been modified to include estimates of "intrinsic dark current"
with removal of the zodiacal contributions to the dark current. Differential histogramThe plot below shows the differential distribution of dark current values, in the number of pixels per 1.0 e-/s bin. The factor of 10 increase in warm pixels since OAC is evident in the tail above ~30 e-/s. For clarity, only the OAC calibration and the most recent four calibrations are shown in this and following plots.![]() The graph below shows the same data, plotted on a linear scale near zero.
There is a substantial non-gaussian tail of negative dark current values.
It is not clear if this is real or a processing artifact. The OAC dark
calibration shows only a gaussian tail consistent with electronic
read-out noise.
Cumulative histogramBelow, the cumulative histogram is shown, indicating the fraction of pixels with dark current greater than a given value.![]() ImplicationsThe CCD cooldown to -15C, which reduced the overall dark current by about a factor of 2, has effectively removed almost 2 years of CCD dark current degradation, as measured by the fraction of warm pixels on the CCD. However, the latest dark current histograms are clearly different to the OAC calibration: pixel-to-pixel dark-current variations are now larger because of the high dark current tail of the distribution.Background Brightness and Intrinsic Dark CurrentThe Background Brightness of the attitude used for the calibration can be estimated using tables of the zodiacal light. Here we've found the ecliptic coordinates of the calibration attitudes and the ecliptic coordinates of the sun during the calibration acquisition. The resulting estimates of Zodiacal brightness are also given.Table 2
Time = Years since launch RA,Dec = Target Coordinates (Equatorial) El,Eb = Target Coordinates (Ecliptic) Sun El = Sun position (Ecliptic, Sun Eb defined as 0) EL - SUN EL = Target EL - Sun EL ZodiB = Zodiacal Brightness from Table 17 of Leinert et al. (1998), A&AS, 127, 1 . Values are given in 10-8 W m-2 sr-1 µm-1, for a wavelength of 0.50 µm. In the next table, we've estimated the fraction of the Peak that is actually due to the background brightness and we've subtracted this to estimate the intrisic dark current. Table 3
Int_peak = Intrinsic peak dark current, Peak-ZB_part, not adjusted for degredation In the following figure, we've plotted the intrisic peak dark current over time. The first 8 measurements have been scaled by 1/1.69 to adjust for the CCD temperature change before 2003:195. Again, see Parameters from Zodiacal Light Inquiry for more information. Future work may involve finding the best model to explain the degredation over time. ![]() Comments or questions: Aspect Help Last modified: 12/27/13 |