Background Brightness and Dark Current CalibrationThe dark current calibration data gathered on July 10, 2005 showed a significant shift in the peak of the histogram of the dark current on the CCD. See the calibration information here: Calibration Data: July 10, 2005 We examined the apparent deviation here: Evaluation of Dark Current Shift Further discussion prompted the hypothesis that the apparent shift is actually due to the use of a new dark current calibration attitude; one that might have a much brighter background. This hypothesis is supported by the data that we've since gathered about the expected background brightness. Zodiacal Brightness should be the most significant source of background brightness, and thus we've evaluated the expected zodiacal background brightness for all dark current calibration data sets and compared those brightness values to the information from the dark current histograms. Estimated Zodiacal Brightness and Observed Dark CurrentThe following is a table that includes the calibration attitude and sun position during all of the dark current calibrations, with the estimated zodiacal brightness calculated for that attitude and the peak of the resultant dark current. Table 1
RA,Dec = Target Coordinates (Equatorial) El,Eb = Target Coordinates (Ecliptic) Sun El = Sun position (Ecliptic, Sun Eb defined as 0) L - L0 = Target EL - Sun EL B = Abs(Target Eb) ZodiB = Zodiacal Brightness from Table 17 of Leinert et al. (1998), A&AS, 127, 1 (included below) Estimating Zodiacal BrightnessAs mentioned, the values of zodiacal brightness used above were taken from Table 17 of Leinert et al. (1998), A&AS, 127, 1 which we include here in its entirety.Table 2
Global Fit of Dark Current Data with a Simple CCD ModelWe attempted to fit all of the available dark current data from OAC through to the present with a simple time-dependent model of the ACA CCD. Constants for our model include a temperature multiplier, a value for the true dark current, CCD responsivity, and CCD degredation over time. The temperature multiplier is built in to our simple model to acknowledges the fact that the first 8 dark current calibrations were recorded with the CCD at -10C and to directly compare peak values from these calibrations and the later ones requires adjustment via a multiplicative constant.Thus, we minimized the sum of the squares of the differences of the observed peak dark current, peak_obs, and the predicted peak dark current, peak_pred, over the dark current observations, with peak_pred defined as: peak_pred = m ( d0 + g*T ) + r*Z m = temperature multiplier, defined as 1 for all calibrations done at -15C (peak at -10C)/m = (peak at -15C) d0 = OAC dark current (e-/sec) g = degradation (e-/sec/year) T = time (years) r = responsivity (e-/sec/SI unit flux) Z = zodiacal brightness (SI unit flux) Minimization was performed using the AMOEBA procedure. We minimized chi2 for 4 cases: 1: All: All calibrations included 2: NI First: All except first 3: NI Last: All except most recent 4: NI First,Last: All except first and most recent Table 3
Figure 1
However, based on OAC calibrations, we calculate that: 1 S10 produces a measured dark current per pixel of 7220 e-/sec / 518400 pixels = 0.0139 e-/sec/pixel 1 S10 = 1.28 "SI" units And thus we predict r = 0.0108 e-/sec / SI As we have high confidence in this value of r, we performed the above minimization again, this time fixing r. Table 4
Reexamination of Zodiacal Brightness vs PeakOur initial evalution of the zodiacal brightness data was in the form of a plot of zodiacal brightness vs peak dark current. Here is that plot again with the new constants, m and g taken from the the Table 4 "NI First,Last" fit above.Figure 3
ConclusionsThe zodiacal brightness seems to be strongly related to the measured dark current.Solving for constants for a simple model of the CCD built around the zodiacal brightness data returns values that are close to the estimates that were used previously. Our consideration of the zodiacal brightness appears to explain some of the variability in the dark current measurements that have been made. However, the last dark current measurement still appears to be an outlier. Our assumption in our simple model that degredation is a linear phenomenon that is uniform from launch may not be a good assumption. The next table and figure examine that. Below is a table that includes information from Table 1 and adds ZB_part and Int_peak. ZB_part is the expected contribution of the Zodiacal Brightness to the Peak, and Int_peak is the "intrisic" Peak dark current, Peak-ZB_part. Table 5
Int_peak = Intrinsic peak dark current, Peak-ZB_part, not adjusted for degredation Here we have plotted the intrinsic dark current over time without removing our estimate of linear degredation. Figure 4 At this point, we need more data (more calibrations) to better characterize the degredation and to determine if the information from the 10-July-2005 calibration accurately reflects the current state of the CCD. Aspect Information main page Comments or questions: Aspect Help Last modified:12/27/13 |