Past observations have uncovered a 'flickering' behavior in warm
pixels on the ACA CCD, where the dark current fluctuates between two
or more values (
Dec-15-2000). This variation is of interest for two reasons.
First, there is a large potential impact on aspect solutions from
centroid deviation. Additionally, the behavior itself is not well
understood physically. To more solidly characterize the nature of
this behavior, long time series data were needed for many warm pixels.
Test Description
Over the past several months, from April-2002 to Aug-2002, 8x8 monitor
windows have been added to available slots in perigee pass
observations. The positions of the monitor windows were fixed with
respect to specific pixels, ignoring dither. To best monitor the dark
current these windows were placed in regions known to be fairly free of stars.
In all, 20 observations containing a grand total of 32 8x8 readouts
have been completed, with 9 or 10 warm pixels per slot. There has
been some repetition in the selection process, generating
very long (~10Ms), but discontinuous time series for several
pixels. The graphic below shows the positions (in row/col space) of
the cataloged warm pixels on the ACA CCD.
For this analysis we define a pixel as 'warm' if the 50th percentile
dark current exceeds 100 e-/sec. This cutoff is somewhat
arbitrary, but consistent with the recent dark current calibration.
In order to accurately determine the transitions between dark current
values, light curves for each warm pixel were examined by eye. An IDL
routine facilitated the selection and recording of these 'jumps'.
Below are representative light curves from single pixels. Blue tick
marks represent the time stamp of a 'jump' while the red line indicates
the median dark current between transitions.
When selecting transitions by eye a certain amount of error is
inevitable. However, the desire was to pick out changes in signal
amplitude that were significant to over the 3 sigma level and that
maintained that new level for at least several hundred seconds.
It should be noted that statistics were compiled separately for pixels
which maintained a steady dark current or contained a single (one-way)
transition. The duration statistics here are strictly lower limits.
Lower limits were also compiled for each pixels state at the beginning
and end of observations.
The plots below are compiled from the full data set of monitored warm
pixels. The two most basic parameters of interest are the magnitude (the
percent difference in dark current), and duration (the time between
transitions). We see that short (~1ks) transitions dominate, but that
long periods of stability (~50ks) can exist between state changes.
Although jump sizes of up to 350 e-/sec have been observed, the vast
majority (90%) of transitions are limited to less than a 25% change from
their initial magnitudes.
In the scatter plots over the initial amplitude, we see what appears to
be a population of very warm pixels. Further examination revealed
this to be a single blazingly hot pixel sampled several times over.
Pixels with dark currents over 600 e-/sec are in fact quite rare.
Here we have a histogram of the median dark current values for the
tested warm pixels. According to our most recent (
MAY-17-2002) dark current calibration, we should see more cooler
(~100e-/sec) pixel than appear in this analysis. Selection effects
may be responsible, as 8x8 regions of the CCD were chosen to contain a
high density of warm pixels.
Stable Pixels
There appear to be very few warm pixels that maintain a consistent
dark current. Only 9 of the 89 cataloged pixels remained at a constant
level through one observation. Of these, 4 were found to flicker in
other observations.
Data Availability
All data and analysis tools are available in /proj/gads6/beu/DarkCurrent.
Brett Unks
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