Cheta Telemetry Archive#
The cheta telemetry archive is a suite of tools and data products that provide the majority of all Chandra engineering telemetry since the start of the mission (1999:204). This includes about 6300 MSIDs which are taken directly from CXC Level-0 (L0) telemetry decom, plus numerous pseudo-MSIDs that are derived from the primary engineering telemetry.
The telemetry are stored in a way that allows for very fast retrieval into memory. Typical retrieval rates are around 10^7 samples/sec, so for an MSID sampled once per second this translates to about 3 sec per year of data.
The data archive includes:
Full time-resolution data: time, value, quality.
5-minute statistics: min, max, mean, sampled value, number of samples.
Daily statistics: min, max, mean, sampled value, standard deviation, percentiles (1, 5, 16, 50, 84, 95, 99), number of samples.
The cheta package includes:
A powerful
class to fetch, manipulate, and plot telemetry data.Interface to the MAUDE telemetry server which uses the
interface.User-definable classes to compute pseudo-MSIDs from archive MSIDs.
Tools to synchronize a local archive of telemetry data from the primary archive.