Chandra Time#

The cxotime package provides the CxoTime class to represent and manipulate times. It also provides fast converter functions for converting between time formats.

The CxoTime class adds Chandra-specific functionality to the Time class of the astropy.time package. The astropy.time package provides robust 128-bit time representation, arithmetic, and comparisons.


The CxoTime class can be initialized with a variety of input formats, including strings, floats, integers, and arrays of these. The following examples show some of the ways to create a CxoTime object.

>>> from cxotime import CxoTime
>>> t = CxoTime('2022:001:00:00:00.123')
>>> t
<CxoTime object: scale='utc' format='date' value=2022:001:00:00:00.123>
>>> print(t)

Now you can convert to a different format:

>>> t.greta
>>> t.iso
'2022-01-01 00:00:00.123'
>>> t.secs

You can get the current time with the now() class method:

>>> t =

String formatted inputs are unique and you do not need to specify the format when creating a CxoTime object. The format is automatically inferred from the input.

>>> t = CxoTime('2022001.000000123')
>>> t.format

The greta format is a little special since it can be input as either a string or a float. However, CxoTime will always return it as a string. By default CxoTime always interprets a float number as CXC seconds, so if you have a greta float then you can explicitly specify the format:

>>> t = CxoTime(2022001.000000123, format='greta')

You can also create a CxoTime object from a numpy array of strings, floats, or integers. When possible, the format is inferred from the input. However, if performance is an issue and you know the format in advance, you should specify it.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> t = CxoTime(np.array([2022001.000000123, 2022002.000000123]), format='greta')
array(['2022:001:00:00:00.123', '2022:002:00:00:00.123'], dtype='<U21')

Time arithmetic#

You can add and subtract times using the standard arithmetic operators and astropy units and Quantity objects:

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> t0 = CxoTime("2025:001")
>>> dt = [1, 2] * + [10, 20] * u.s  # Quantity with time units (day)
>>> t1 = t0 + dt
>>> print(t1)
['2025:002:00:00:10.000' '2025:003:00:00:20.000']

If you subtract two times you get a TimeDelta object:

>>> dt = t1 - t0
>>> dt.sec
array([ 86410., 172820.])
>>> dt.jd  # days
array([1.00011574, 2.00023148])

You can convert the TimeDelta object to a float type with any time unit:

>>> dt.to_value(u.ks)
array([ 86.41, 172.82])

Available time formats#

The Chandra-specific time formats which are added to the astropy Time class are shown in the table below. Like DateTime, the CxoTime class default is to interpret any numerical values as secs (aka cxcsec in the native Time class).




Seconds since 1998-01-01T00:00:00 (TT)



YYYY.ffffff = date as a floating point year


YYYYDDD.hhmmsssss (string)


YYYYDDDhhmmsssss (integer)

Some of more useful built-in Time formats that are also available in CxoTime are:





Python datetime class

datetime(2000, 1, 2, 12, 0, 0)


Numpy datetime64 class



Same as frac_year



ISO time with a space

‘2000-01-01 00:00:00.000’


ISO time with a T



Julian Date



Matplotlib date



Unix time (approx)


Fast format conversion#

Converting between time formats (e.g. from CXC seconds to Year Day-of-Year) is easily done with the CxoTime class, but this involves some overhead and is relatively slow for scalar values or small arrays (less than around 100 elements). For applications where this conversion time ends up being significant, the cxotime package provides a different interface that is typically at least 10x faster for scalar values or small arrays.

For fast conversion of an input date or dates to a different format there are two options that are described in the next two sections.


The first option is a generalized time format conversion function convert_time_format() that can be used to convert between any of the supported fast formats:

  • secs: CXC seconds

  • date: Year Day-of-Year

  • greta: GRETA format (input can be string, float or int)

  • maude: MAUDE format (input can be string or int)

  • jd: Julian Day (requires fmt_in="jd" to identity this format)

For example:

>>> from cxotime import convert_time_format
>>> convert_time_format("2022:001:00:00:00.123", "greta")
>>> convert_time_format(100.123, "date")
>>> convert_time_format(2459580.5, "date", fmt_in="jd")

Note that this function can be used to convert between any of the supported CxoTime formats, but it will internally use a CxoTime object so the performance will not be improved. For example:

>>> convert_time_format(2022.123, fmt_out="date", fmt_in="frac_year")

# Exactly equivalent to:
>>> CxoTime(2022.123, format="frac_year").date

Convenience functions like secs2date#

For historical compatibility and for succinct code, direct conversion between any two of the “fast” formats is also available via convenience functions. These have the name <fmt_in>2<fmt_out> where fmt_in and fmt_out are the input and output formats.

The full list of available functions is shown in cxotime.converters.

Examples include date2secs(), secs2greta(), and greta2jd().

>>> from cxotime import secs2greta
>>> secs2greta([100, 1000])
array(['1998001.000036816', '1998001.001536816'], dtype='<U17')

Common time conversions#

The cxotime package has functionality to convert a time betweeen a variety of common time formats. This convenience function is available in two ways, either as a command line script or as class method get_conversions():

$ cxotime 2022:002:12:00:00
local       2022 Sun Jan 02 07:00:00 AM EST
iso_local   2022-01-02T07:00:00-05:00
date        2022:002:12:00:00.000
cxcsec      757512069.184
decimalyear 2022.00411
iso         2022-01-02 12:00:00.000
unix        1641124800.000

If you do not provide an argument then it will use the current time.

From Python you can do the same using the get_conversions() method:

>>> from cxotime import CxoTime
>>> tm = CxoTime("2022-01-02 12:00:00.000")
>>> tm.get_conversions()
{'cxcsec': 757512069.184,
 'date': '2022:002:12:00:00.000',
 'decimalyear': 2022.004109589041,
 'iso': '2022-01-02 12:00:00.000',
 'iso_local': '2022-01-02T07:00:00-05:00',
 'local': '2022 Sun Jan 02 07:00:00 AM EST',
 'unix': 1641124800.0}


The CxoTime class has a special value CxoTime.NOW which signifies the current time when used to initialize a CxoTime object. This is commonly useful for example when defining a function that has accepts a CxoTime-like argument that defaults to the current time.


Prior to introduction of CxoTime.NOW, the standard idiom was to specify None as the argument default to indicate the current time. This is still supported but is strongly discouraged for new code.

For example:

>>> from cxotime import CxoTime
>>> def my_func(stop=CxoTime.NOW):
...     stop = CxoTime(stop)
...     print(stop)
>>> my_func()

This can also be used in a dataclass to specify an attribute that is optional and defaults to the current time when the object is created:

>>> import time
>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from cxotime import CxoTime, CxoTimeDescriptor
>>> @dataclass
... class MyData:
...     start: CxoTime = CxoTimeDescriptor(required=True)
...     stop: CxoTime = CxoTimeDescriptor(default=CxoTime.NOW)
>>> obj1 = MyData("2022:001")
>>> print(obj1.start)
>>> time.sleep(2)
>>> obj2 = MyData("2022:001")
>>> dt = obj2.stop - obj1.stop
>>> round(dt.sec, 2)

Compatibility with DateTime#

The key differences between CxoTime and DateTime relate to the handling of time deltas:

  • In CxoTime the difference of two dates is a TimeDelta object which is transformable to any time units. In DateTime the difference of two dates is a floating point value in days.

  • In CxoTime you can add or subtract with a TimeDelta or a Quantity like 500 * u.s. If you add or subtract a float number it is interpreted as days but a warning is issued. In DateTime you can only add or subtract with a float number which is interpreted as days.

A less common difference is that in CxoTime the date ‘2001-01-01T00:00:00’ is UTC by default, while in DateTime that is interpreted as TT by default. This is triggered by the T in the middle. A date like ‘2001-01-01 00:00:00’ defaults to UTC in both CxoTime and DateTime.