# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import division
from functools import wraps
from contextlib import contextmanager
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from astropy.table import Table
import agasc
import Quaternion
from Ska.quatutil import radec2yagzag
from .transform import yagzag_to_pixels
# rc definitions
frontcolor = 'black'
backcolor = 'white'
rcParams = {}
rcParams['lines.color'] = frontcolor
rcParams['patch.edgecolor'] = frontcolor
rcParams['text.color'] = frontcolor
rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = backcolor
rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = frontcolor
rcParams['axes.labelcolor'] = frontcolor
rcParams['xtick.color'] = frontcolor
rcParams['ytick.color'] = frontcolor
rcParams['grid.color'] = frontcolor
rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = backcolor
rcParams['figure.edgecolor'] = backcolor
rcParams['savefig.facecolor'] = backcolor
rcParams['savefig.edgecolor'] = backcolor
# Classic grid params https://matplotlib.org/users/dflt_style_changes.html#grid-lines
rcParams['grid.color'] = 'k'
rcParams['grid.linestyle'] = ':'
rcParams['grid.linewidth'] = 0.5
BAD_STAR_COLOR = 'tomato'
FAINT_STAR_COLOR = 'lightseagreen'
def custom_plt():
orig = {key: plt.rcParams[key] for key in rcParams}
[docs]def custom_plt_rcparams(func):
Decorator to make a function use the custom rcParams plt params
temporarily. This uses a context manage to ensure original
params always get restored.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with custom_plt():
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def symsize(mag):
# map mags to figsizes, defining
# mag 6 as 40 and mag 11 as 3
# interp should leave it at the bounding value outside
# the range
return np.interp(mag, [6.0, 11.0], [40.0, 3.0])
def _plot_catalog_items(ax, catalog):
Plot catalog items (guide, acq, bot, mon, fid) in yang and zang on the supplied
axes object in place.
:param ax: matplotlib axes
:param catalog: data structure containing starcheck-style columns/attributes
catalog records. This can be anything that will work with
astropy.table.Table(catalog). A list of dicts is the convention.
cat = Table(catalog)
cat['row'], cat['col'] = yagzag_to_pixels(cat['yang'], cat['zang'], allow_bad=True)
gui_stars = cat[(cat['type'] == 'GUI') | (cat['type'] == 'BOT')]
acq_stars = cat[(cat['type'] == 'ACQ') | (cat['type'] == 'BOT')]
fids = cat[cat['type'] == 'FID']
mon_wins = cat[cat['type'] == 'MON']
for row in cat:
ax.annotate("%s" % row['idx'],
xy=(row['row'] + 120 / 5, row['col'] + 60 / 5),
ax.scatter(gui_stars['row'], gui_stars['col'],
for acq_star in acq_stars:
box = plt.Rectangle(
(acq_star['row'] - acq_star['halfw'] / 5,
acq_star['col'] - acq_star['halfw'] / 5),
width=acq_star['halfw'] * 2 / 5,
height=acq_star['halfw'] * 2 / 5,
for mon_box in mon_wins:
# starcheck convention was to plot monitor boxes at 2X halfw
box = plt.Rectangle(
(mon_box['row'] - (mon_box['halfw'] * 2 / 5),
mon_box['col'] - (mon_box['halfw'] * 2 / 5)),
width=mon_box['halfw'] * 4 / 5,
height=mon_box['halfw'] * 4 / 5,
ax.scatter(fids['row'], fids['col'],
ax.scatter(fids['row'], fids['col'],
def _plot_field_stars(ax, stars, attitude, red_mag_lim=None, bad_stars=None):
Plot plot field stars in yang and zang on the supplied
axes object in place.
:param ax: matplotlib axes
:param stars: astropy.table compatible set of records of agasc entries of stars
:param attitude: Quaternion-compatible attitude
:param red_mag_lim: faint limit
:param bad_stars: boolean mask of stars to be plotted in red
stars = Table(stars)
quat = Quaternion.Quat(attitude)
if bad_stars is None:
bad_stars = np.zeros(len(stars), dtype=bool)
if 'yang' not in stars.colnames or 'zang' not in stars.colnames:
# Add star Y angle and Z angle in arcsec to the stars table.
# radec2yagzag returns degrees.
yags, zags = radec2yagzag(stars['RA_PMCORR'], stars['DEC_PMCORR'], quat)
stars['yang'] = yags * 3600
stars['zang'] = zags * 3600
# Update table to include row/col values corresponding to yag/zag
rows, cols = yagzag_to_pixels(stars['yang'], stars['zang'], allow_bad=True)
stars['row'] = rows
stars['col'] = cols
# Initialize array of colors for the stars, default is black. Use 'object'
# type to not worry in advance about string length and also for Py2/3 compat.
colors = np.zeros(len(stars), dtype='object')
colors[:] = 'black'
colors[bad_stars] = BAD_STAR_COLOR
if red_mag_lim:
# Mark stars with the FAINT_STAR_COLOR if they have MAG_ACA
# that is fainter than red_mag_lim but brighter than red_mag_lim
# plus a rough mag error. The rough mag error calculation is
# based on the SAUSAGE acq stage 1 check, which uses nsigma of
# 3.0, a mag low limit of 1.5, and a random error of 0.26.
nsigma = 3.0
mag_error_low_limit = 1.5
randerr = 0.26
caterr = stars['MAG_ACA_ERR'] / 100.
error = nsigma * np.sqrt(randerr**2 + caterr**2)
error = error.clip(mag_error_low_limit)
# Faint and bad stars will keep their BAD_STAR_COLOR
# Only use the faint mask on stars that are not bad
colors[(stars['MAG_ACA'] >= red_mag_lim) &
(stars['MAG_ACA'] < red_mag_lim + error) &
~bad_stars] = FAINT_STAR_COLOR
# Don't plot those for which MAG_ACA is fainter than red_mag_lim + error
# This overrides any that may be 'bad'
colors[stars['MAG_ACA'] >= red_mag_lim + error] = 'none'
size = symsize(stars['MAG_ACA'])
# scatter() does not take an array of alphas, and rgba is
# awkward for color='none', so plot these in a loop.
for color, alpha in [(FAINT_STAR_COLOR, FAINT_STAR_ALPHA),
('black', 1.0)]:
colormatch = colors == color
c=color, s=size[colormatch], edgecolor='none',
def plot_stars(attitude, catalog=None, stars=None, title=None, starcat_time=None,
red_mag_lim=None, quad_bound=True, grid=True, bad_stars=None,
plot_keepout=False, ax=None):
Plot a catalog, a star field, or both in a matplotlib figure.
If supplying a star field, an attitude must also be supplied.
:param attitude: A Quaternion compatible attitude for the pointing
:param catalog: Records describing catalog. Must be astropy table compatible.
Required fields are ['idx', 'type', 'yang', 'zang', 'halfw']
:param stars: astropy table compatible set of agasc records of stars
Required fields are ['RA_PMCORR', 'DEC_PMCORR', 'MAG_ACA', 'MAG_ACA_ERR'].
If bad_acq_stars will be called (bad_stars is None), additional required fields
['CLASS', 'ASPQ1', 'ASPQ2', 'ASPQ3', 'VAR', 'POS_ERR']
If stars is None, stars will be fetched from the AGASC for the
supplied attitude.
:param title: string to be used as suptitle for the figure
:param starcat_time: DateTime-compatible time. Used in ACASC fetch for proper
motion correction. Not used if stars is not None.
:param red_mag_lim: faint limit for field star plotting.
:param quad_bound: boolean, plot inner quadrant boundaries
:param grid: boolean, plot axis grid
:param bad_stars: boolean mask on 'stars' of those that don't meet minimum requirements
to be selected as acq stars. If None, bad_stars will be set by a call
to bad_acq_stars().
:param plot_keepout: plot CCD area to be avoided in star selection (default=False)
:returns: matplotlib figure
if stars is None:
quat = Quaternion.Quat(attitude)
stars = agasc.get_agasc_cone(quat.ra, quat.dec,
if bad_stars is None:
bad_stars = bad_acq_stars(stars)
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5.325, 5.325))
# Make an empty plot in row, col space
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
fig = ax.get_figure()
plt.xlim(-580, 590) # Matches -2900, 2900 arcsec roughly
plt.ylim(-580, 590)
# plot the box and set the labels
b1hw = 512
box1 = plt.Rectangle((b1hw, -b1hw), -2 * b1hw, 2 * b1hw,
b2w = 520
box2 = plt.Rectangle((b2w, -b1hw), -4 + -2 * b2w, 2 * b1hw,
ax.scatter(np.array([-2700, -2700, -2700, -2700, -2700]) / -5,
np.array([2400, 2100, 1800, 1500, 1200]) / 5,
c='orange', edgecolors='none',
s=symsize(np.array([10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0, 6.0])))
# Manually set ticks and grid to specified yag/zag values
yz_ticks = [-2000, -1000, 0, 1000, 2000]
zeros = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
r, c = yagzag_to_pixels(yz_ticks, zeros)
r, c = yagzag_to_pixels(zeros, yz_ticks)
ax.set_xlabel("Yag (arcsec)")
ax.set_ylabel("Zag (arcsec)")
[label.set_rotation(90) for label in ax.get_yticklabels()]
if quad_bound:
ax.plot([-511, 511], [0, 0], color='magenta', alpha=0.4)
ax.plot([0, 0], [-511, 511], color='magenta', alpha=0.4)
if plot_keepout:
# Plot grey area showing effective keep-out zones for stars. Back off on
# outer limits by one pixel to improve rendered PNG slightly.
row_pad = 15
col_pad = 8
box = plt.Rectangle((-511, -511), 1022, 1022, edgecolor='none',
facecolor='black', alpha=0.2, zorder=-1000)
box = plt.Rectangle((-512 + row_pad, -512 + col_pad),
1024 - row_pad * 2, 1024 - col_pad * 2,
edgecolor='none', facecolor='white', zorder=-999)
# Plot stars
_plot_field_stars(ax, stars, attitude=attitude,
bad_stars=bad_stars, red_mag_lim=red_mag_lim)
# plot starcheck catalog
if catalog is not None:
_plot_catalog_items(ax, catalog)
if title is not None:
ax.set_title(title, fontsize='small')
return fig
[docs]def bad_acq_stars(stars):
Return mask of 'bad' stars, by evaluating AGASC star parameters.
:param stars: astropy table-compatible set of agasc records of stars. Required fields
are ['CLASS', 'ASPQ1', 'ASPQ2', 'ASPQ3', 'VAR', 'POS_ERR']
:returns: boolean mask true for 'bad' stars
return ((stars['CLASS'] != 0) |
(stars['MAG_ACA_ERR'] > 100) |
(stars['POS_ERR'] > 3000) |
(stars['ASPQ1'] > 0) |
(stars['ASPQ2'] > 0) |
(stars['ASPQ3'] > 999) |
(stars['VAR'] > -9999))
def plot_compass(roll):
Make a compass plot.
:param roll: Attitude roll for compass plot.
:returns: matplotlib figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3, 3))
ax = plt.subplot(polar=True)
ax.annotate("", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0, 1),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<-", color="k"))
ax.annotate("", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(np.radians(90), 1),
arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="<-", color="k"))
ax.annotate("N", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(0, 1.2))
ax.annotate("E", xy=(0, 0), xytext=(np.radians(90), 1.2))
ax.set_theta_offset(np.radians(90 + roll))
plt.ylim(0, 1.4)
return fig