NAME - Update the Sybase starcheck catalog database tables

SYNOPSIS [ obsid [ obsids]]


print this usage and exit

print retrieved information to screen, no changes to database

sets the list of to-be-parsed obsids to include any obsid that exists in the axafapstat..obidet_0_5 table but does not exist in the mp_load_info table

-log logfilename
write processing information and warnings to file logfilename


This script populates a database that stores the starcheck output for each obsid:obi. When called without any options, the script queries the mp_load_info table to get a list of all observations that have newer ``processed dates'' than the dates already within the starcheck tables. The starcheck products are then located for these observations, and is used to extract all useful information from starcheck.txt. This information is then added to 3 tables within the aca database. If the observation is run on an observation that already exists within the table (either reprocessed in automatic processing and hence updated in the mp_load_info table, or specified at the command line), the old information is deleted and a new entry is created.


For reference, the descriptions of each of the tables updated by this script:


 name                                               type       length
 -------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
 obsid                                              int                  4
 obi                                                int                  4
 last_ap_date                                       datetimn             8
 point_ra                                           floatn               8
 point_dec                                          floatn               8
 point_roll                                         floatn               8
 target_id                                          varchar             30
 sci_instr                                          varchar             10
 sim_z_offset_steps                                 intn                 4
 sim_z_offset_mm                                    floatn               8
 grating                                            varchar             10
 dither_state                                       varchar              4
 dither_y_amp                                       floatn               8
 dither_y_period                                    floatn               8
 dither_z_amp                                       floatn               8
 dither_z_period                                    floatn               8
 mp_starcat_time                                    varchar             25
 mp_starcat_vcdu_cnt                                intn                 4


 name                                               type       length
 -------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
 obsid                                              int                  4
 obi                                                int                  4
 instance                                           int                  4
 duration_sec                                       floatn               8
 angle_deg                                          floatn               8
 slew_err_arcsec                                    floatn               8
 target_Q1                                          floatn               8
 target_Q2                                          floatn               8
 target_Q3                                          floatn               8
 target_Q4                                          floatn               8
 mp_targquat_time                                   varchar             25
 mp_targquat_vcdu_cnt                               intn                 4


 name                                               type       length
 -------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
 obsid                                              int                  4
 obi                                                int                  4
 idx                                                int                  4
 slot                                               int                  4
 id                                                 varchar             30
 type                                               varchar              4
 sz                                                 varchar             10
 minmag                                             floatn               8
 mag                                                floatn               8
 maxmag                                             floatn               8
 yang                                               intn                 4
 zang                                               intn                 4
 dim                                                intn                 4
 res                                                intn                 4
 halfw                                              intn                 4
 notes                                              varchar             30


 name                                               type       length
 -------------------------------------------------- ---------- -----------
 obsid                                              int                  4
 obi                                                int                  4
 warning                                            varchar            100
 idx                                                intn                 4


This script should be run in an overnight cron job with no input parameters.


Jean Connelly, <jeanconn@localdomain>


Copyright 2006 by Smithsonian Astrophysical Obsevatory

This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.