make_stars - Generate a FOT request for an ACA star catalog, with graphical assistance. Other operating parameters come from make_stars.par, and the the parameter files used by the CXC Star/Fidlight Evaluator (SFE): ssa.par, assa_filt.par, gssa_filt.par

SYNOPSIS [options]


Print this help information.

-ra <RightAscension>
Specify Right Ascension (decimal degrees: 0 - 360) of the field center.

-dec <Declination>
Specify Declination (decimal degrees) of the field center.

-roll <RollAngle>
Specify Roll Angle (decimal degrees) of the field center.

-si <ScienceInstrument>
Focal plane science instrument (hrc-i, hrc-s, acis-i, acis-s).

-starcat <Starcat_Data_File>
Set star catalog data file. This file specifies a star catalog in an easily readable (and editable) format. If this option is present, there are two possibilities:

1. The file does not exist. In this case, MP_SFE will be run and the star catalog will be WRITTEN to <Starcat_Data_File>. This allows the possibility of editing the file, re-running, and falling through to option (2).

2. The file exists. In this case, MP_SFE is not run, and the catalog is READ from the file. Upon exiting make_stars, the catalog will be written back to this file.

An example file is as follows:

 # COMMENTS indicated with '#'
 # type  ID      RA/yag      Dec/zag    Mag_ACA   color/DTS
 fid   1
 fid   3
 both  645801360 165.691682  -06.393698 07.293411 1.288
 both  645804080 166.358573  -06.441543 08.464642 0.786
 both  645803712 165.397216  -06.981153 08.610718 0.978
 guide 645792448 166.532539  -07.344630 09.006122 1.187
 acq   645792808 165.765410  -7.221470   9.069001 1.024
 # For MON boxes, appending the coordinate with 'a' will 
 # cause it to be interpreted as a yag/zag pair in arcsec.
 # One can also specify in RA/Dec as for other Types.
 mon   3          165.6      -7.0        6.500000  0

The fid light ID is specific to the instrument, so ACIS fids always go from 1 to 6 and HRC fids go from 1 to 4.

-fidlight_set <FidlightSet>
Fiducial light set, as defined in: /home/ascds/DS.release/data/fids_ACIS-I.dat /home/ascds/DS.release/data/fids_ACIS-S.dat /home/ascds/DS.release/data/fids_HRC-I.dat /home/ascds/DS.release/data/fids_HRC-S.dat

-sim_z_offset <SIM_Z>
SIM Z offset. Default unit is mm, but if the value is followed by by 's' (e.g. -1192s), or has absolute value greater than 300, then it is assumed to be in steps.

-focus_offset <FOCUS>
SIM X (focus) offset, in mm.

Display AGASC environment variables


You need to be working in the CXCDS environment on a HEAD computer. In your root directory, setup the following links:

 .ascrc -> /home/ascds/DS.release/config/system/.ascrc
 .ascrcuser -> /home/ascds/DS.release/config/system/.ascrcuser

Then do:

 prompt> source ~/.ascrc

Make sure you have the parameter file for installed in either the local directory or in ~/ascds_iraf/uparm. This can be copied from a couple of places:

 /proj/sot/ska/data/make_stars/make_stars.par   [PREFERRED]


Typical usage is first to set up the environment:

 source ~/.ascrc
 source /proj/sot/ska/bin/ska_envs.csh

Next run the program: -ra <ra> -dec <dec> -roll <roll> -si <SI> -starcat <STARCAT_NAME>

The <STARCAT_NAME> should be in the fixed format:


where <OBSID> is the 5 digit ObsId (use leading zeroes if needed). The data within the starcat file is described above. Note that starcheck will rewrite the starcat file so you might want to make a differently named copy.

Once the star catalog is generated, you will get a PGPLOT display of the selected stars. With the mouse in the plot window, you can do:

 Left button:  Display short AGASC info for star nearest arrow
 <space>    :  Same as left button
 "r"        :  Display full AGASC info for star nearest arrow
 "a"        :  Add/delete ACQ star nearest the cursor
 "g"        :  Add/delete GUI star nearest the cursor
 "q"        :  Quit

The output is the FOT request ``<out>.fot'', where <out> is specified in the make_stars parameter file. Typically <out> = ``starcat''. The logfile from SFE is ``sfe.log''


Tom Aldcroft ( )