N-DOF thermal model of connected nodes
Calculate temperatures for given states and initial temperatures T0s, and model parameters U, Ue, P.
Solve for dT/dt = A T + B where T is a vector, A is a tri-diagonal matrix and B is vector.
For reference the 2-dof model calculates:
dT0_dt = U01 * T1(t) + P0(t) + U0e * Te - (U01 + U0e) * T0(t)
= U01 * (T1 - T0) + P0 + U0e * (Te - T0)
= U01 * (T1 - T0) + (P0 + U0e * Te) - U0e * T0
where T1 is the coupled node temperature and U0e is the external coupling.
Looking at the last equation there is a degeneracy with P0(pitch) and U0e * Te. So T_e is actually always frozen at 0.0 and U0e * Te gets slurped into P0:
dT0_dt = U01 * (T1 - T0) + P0 - U0e * T0
To add an internal power term (e.g. for ACIS modeling):
dT0_dt = U01 * (T1 - T0) + P0(pitch) + C0 * P_int(state) - U0e * T0