Initial Skare implementation / deployment notes ================================================== To Do ------ - Need to update skare config to use 0.10. (Have done this manually for /proj/sot/ska/{,dev}/lib/perl. - Make a task_schedule launcher for doing test and development. - Break template into installable packages as much as possible - IDL startup and batch startup into template (or as a package) - $SKA/include/Task_template etc - Write HowTo for binary exec installation - Find a way to run skare on rhodes: - Force perl to be /usr/local/bin/perl on rhodes --or-- - Make flt_envs run on 5.005 ?? Transition plan --------------- :: X Install skare for Solaris 8, 10 and FC8 (i686 and x86_64) in /proj/sot/ska/dev - Skip python installation on Solaris - Include DBD::Sybase X Install starcheck and test on Solaris 10 and x86_64 - Solaris 10 - test on zip and kracko X Check devel procedure for arc on x86_64. ** Actual install 2008-Dec-12 Friday evening X Shut down cron jobs - arc - dsn_summary X Do everything as user aca X From /proj/sot/ska mkdir classic mv bin lib include classic/ - Set prompt X From /pool14/aca/skare set prompt="aca-$prompt" setenv SKA /proj/sot/ska ./configure --prefix=/proj/sot/ska # Solaris 8 and Solaris 10 make except_python >&! log.$HOST & # i686 and x86_64 make all >&! log.$HOST & X Install and test starcheck Dec-2008-B release cd /pool14/aca svn checkout file:///proj/sot/ska/svn/starcheck/tags/Release-2008-Dec-B cd Release-2008-Dec-B ./configure --prefix=/proj/sot/ska make install env SKA=/proj/sot/ska PERL5LIB='' SYBASE='' \ /proj/sot/ska/bin/ -dir AUG0104A -fid_char fid_CHARACTERIS_JUL01 -out test X Copy select bin files from classic using copy_bin X Install latest arc X Install latest dsn_summary X Restart arc and dsn_summary X Change my occweb access permission back X Copy scat* bin files from classic/bin/sun4 X Move all old arch prefixes into classic Fallback -------- :: cd /proj/sot/ska mkdir skare mv bin lib include arch skare/ mv classic/* ./ cd /pool14/aldcroft/Release.. env SKA=/proj/sot/ska PERL5LIB='' SYBASE='' SYBASE_OCS='' \ /proj/sot/ska/bin/ -dir AUG0104A -fid_char fid_CHARACTERIS_JUL01 -out test Install notes -------------- - Should update test on Ska::Web to not require occweb access - Schedule::Cron failed one test (dubious) on baffin i686 FC8 first time when piping to log file. Passed next time on interactive run. - CFITSIO::Simple was at version 0.09 instead of 0.10. This messed up telem_archive processing. Summary of changes for mpweekly -------------------------------- Starcheck 2008-Dec-B * Changes to accomodate new SKA runtime environment: - A few very minor changes in actual code. - Mostly updates to Makefile and regression test script logic. **SKA runtime environment update 2008-Dec** * Significant update to aspect operations tool infrastructure: libraries, perl modules, and environment definition scripts. * Complete runtime environment of starcheck is now configured. * Perl and python scripts now use the native (/usr/bin) interpreter instead of /proj/axaf. * Key driver: /proj/axaf perl no longer being maintained on Solaris. * Runtime environment can be installed in arbitrary root directory. * Development is done in a sandbox runtime environment. * Now using SYBASE version 15 libraries instead of version 12. * Aspect ops development guidelines were overhauled. * Full regression test of starcheck. No change required in MP load review script. * Tested Replan Central code. Copy from classic/bin --------------------- :: rsync -av vv_asp \ \ ps2any \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ arc5gl \ \ locate_ska \ \ \ rbrow \ ascii2rdb \ \ \ tkdiff \ \ \ \ fetch \ \ \ doapp \ \ \ /proj/sot/ska/bin/