- Check for problems in command load star catalogs [options] checks for problems in ACA star catalogs produced by the OFLS, relying primarily on the output of Backstop. In addition, if a guide star summary file is available, that information is used to determine star/fid IDs and magnitudes. A report summarizing the star catalogs is generated in HTML and/or plain text formats.
The output reports are named <out>.html, <out>.txt, and star plots are named <out>/stars_<obsid>.gif. If not specified on the command line, <out> is 'STARCHECK'. looks in <dir> for a single Backstop file with the name '*.backstop'. Zero matches or multiple matches of this name results in a fatal error. The guide star summary file is assumed to be named 'mg*.sum'. If no file is found, a warning is produced but processing continues. Multiple matches results in a fatal error, however.
Tom Aldcroft ( )