NAME - Check for problems in command load star catalogs

SYNOPSIS [options]


Print this help information.

-dir <dir>
Look for backstop and (optionally) guide star summary files in <dir>. Default is '.'.

-out <out>
Output reports will be <out>.html, <out>.txt. Star plots will be <out>/stars_<obsid>.gif. The default is <out> = 'STARCHECK'.

Enable (or disable) generation of star/fid plots. These plots require the tool mp_get_agasc and the AGASC catalog online. Default is plotting enabled.

Enable (or disable) generation of report in HTML format. Default is HTML enabled.

Enable (or disable) generation of report in TEXT format. Default is TEXT enabled.

-agasc <agasc>
Specify version of agasc ( 1p4, 1p5, or 1p6 ). Default is 1p6 .

-fid_char <fid characteristics file>
Specify file name of the fid characteristics file to use. This must be in the SKA/data/starcheck/ directory.

DESCRIPTION checks for problems in ACA star catalogs produced by the OFLS, relying primarily on the output of Backstop. In addition, if a guide star summary file is available, that information is used to determine star/fid IDs and magnitudes. A report summarizing the star catalogs is generated in HTML and/or plain text formats.

The output reports are named <out>.html, <out>.txt, and star plots are named <out>/stars_<obsid>.gif. If not specified on the command line, <out> is 'STARCHECK'. looks in <dir> for a single Backstop file with the name '*.backstop'. Zero matches or multiple matches of this name results in a fatal error. The guide star summary file is assumed to be named 'mg*.sum'. If no file is found, a warning is produced but processing continues. Multiple matches results in a fatal error, however.


Tom Aldcroft ( )