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Static Version: Mean --- Full Range

One Week Three Month One Year Five Year Full Range Min Mean Max

Delta/Yr below is a slope of the liear fitting over the data of the period. Delta/Yr/Yr is a slope of the liner fitting over the devivative data of the period. Slope listed on a linked plot is the slope computed on the last few periods of the data to show the direction of the trend, and different from that of Delta/Yr.

MSID MeanRMSDelta/YrDelta/Yr/YrUnitDescriptionLimit Violation
3fapos 6.858e-042.280e-04-0.78 +/- 0.16-0.00 +/- 0.01mmFA positionNo Violation
3mrmmxmv -0.0012.743e-040.25 +/- 0.19-0.01 +/- 0.01pwmSEA MAX PWM LEVEL MOST RECENT MOVENo Violation
3tscpos 2.4150.19867.47 +/- 138.100.15 +/- 3.65mmTSC positionNo Violation
faedge -0.1710.0190.70 +/- 13.24(0.00+/-0.00)e0naFA Tab Edge Detection FlagsNo Violation
fatabwid -0.0990.0110.41 +/- 7.64(0.00+/-0.00)e0naMost recently detected FA tab widthNo Violation
ldrtnum 0.0117.498e-042.13 +/- 0.560.01 +/- 0.02naLast Detected Reference Tab NumberNo Violation
ldrtrelpos -8.157e-048.540e-050.14 +/- 0.06-0.00 +/- 0.00mmLast detected reference tab relative positionNo Violation
mrmdest -125.19851.866(3.26+/-36.07)e3-(1.37+/-1.26)e3VAnalog ground A/D convert readingNo Violation
pwmlevel -8.350e-042.297e-040.26 +/- 0.17-0.00 +/- 0.01namaximum motor volrtage PWM level most recent moveNo Violation
tscedgenone0.0860.030(2.53+/-0.19)e2(0.00+/-0.00)e0naTSC Tab Edge Detection FlagsNo Violation
10.6271.618e-040.31 +/- 8.940.02 +/- 0.05No Violation Check
tsctabwid 3.9470.744(2.70+/-0.52)e34.92 +/- 18.68naMost recently detected TSC tab widthNo Violation

If you have any questions, please contact

Data Updated: Aug 10, 2023
Last Site Modification: Sep 30, 2021