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Chandra Radiation Environment Summary

See about rad_summ for the definition and origin of the values below.

Orbit start: 2024:199:14:19:03 (33.2 ksec in this period)
Current altitude/orbit leg: 95652 A (km)
Current configuration: ACIS-S HETG
Next comm: 2024:200:02:24:00 (2.9 hours)
Next rad zone: 2024:201:22:25:00 (46.9 hours)
Last updated: 2024:199:23:32:00

(all times on this page are UTC)

 Attenuated - projects fluences based on upcoming SI and grating configuration
ACIS effective exposure times (ks)     Until next radzone: 151.6     Until next comm: 10.4
 Current FluxCurrent fluence
(total so far in current orbit)
Projected fluence
until next rad zone
Projected fluenceProjected fluenceLimits
 (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV)(p/cm^2-sr-MeV) at current flux
(at 2X flux)
*at 10X flux*
until next comm.until second comm. 
CRM 2.224e+02 4.540e+06 3.826e+07
6.847e+06 1.318e+07 working yellow limit:
1.000E+09 (fluence)
ACE P3 1.820e+01 2.490e+05 3.009e+06
4.378e+05 9.565e+05 alert trigger: 1.000E+09 (fluence)
GOES-R (P4) 4.712e-03 1.990e+01 7.344e+02 6.878e+01 2.031e+02  
GOES-R (P7) 4.630e-05 5.579e-01 7.578e+00 1.038e+00 2.358e+00  
GOES-R (E>2.0MeV) 2.696e+00 9.887e+03 4.187e+05 3.785e+04 1.147e+05  
 External - does not take into account the instrument configuration
 Current FluxCurrent fluence
(total so far in current orbit)
Projected fluenceProjected fluence Limits
 (p/cm^2-s-sr-MeV) (p/cm^2-sr-MeV)until next radzone
(total for current orbit)
until next comm.until second comm. 
CRM 1.112e+03 1.526e+08 3.403e+08 1.641e+08 1.958e+08  
ACE P3 9.110e+01 1.770e+06 1.715e+07 2.715e+06 5.311e+06 3.6e8 (2 hr fluence, red)
GOES-R (P4) 2.356e-02 6.690e+02 4.647e+03 9.134e+02 1.585e+03 30.0/90.9 (flux, yellow/red)
GOES-R (P7) 2.315e-04 1.875e+01 5.783e+01 2.115e+01 2.775e+01 0.25/0.70 (flux, yellow/red)
GOES-R (E>2.0MeV) 1.348e+01 3.323e+05 2.608e+06 4.721e+05 8.563e+05  

The current fluence is calculated from the beginning on the current orbit. The ACE P3 external fluence starts integrating above 10 kkm.
* EPHIN "fluxes" are raw counts as of the last support [ 2024:199:17:26:29 (Jul17) ], not averaged.

Attenuated CRM Proton Fluence

Green liness indicates fluence estimates based on the current KP value.