MTA Monitoring Report 10/20/00 - 10/27/00
Archive of all weekly reports
Archive of Monthly reports
Rates rising at week's end due to Full Halo CME on 2000/10/25
No Violations
Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 2.305e-8 CTI/day
Detrended slope 1.456e-8 CTI/day
For this period, there were 3 peaks.
Day (DOY) Temp (C) Width (DAY)
294.7 -116.1 0.28
297.3 -116.5 0.33
299.9 -117.6 0.28
Small, brief spike to -119.0 at Day 300.9
due to ACIS warm reboot after DPA anomaly (see Notes)
No new or reopened problems were reported in this period.
The following MSIDS are still coming:
8 TSC moves this period
weekly average time/step 0.00134 s
mission average time/step 0.00139 s
10/23-24 TSCIUSF1 S/C Temp SC-IUS FITTING-1 TEMP reaches upper yellow limit 349.7
10/26 DPA A off - See Notes below - Lost obsids 979 980
This Week's focus Ephin
- EPHIN Temperatures and Voltages:
5EIOT | EIO TEMP | - climbed steadily up 15 degrees K since launch |
5EPHINT | EPHIN TEMP | - climbed steadily up 15 degrees K since launch |
HKABIASLEAKI | HK A bias leakage current | - climbed steadily up 0.2 amp since launch |
HKBBIASLEAKI | HK B bias leakage current | - climbed steadily up 0.1 amp since launch |
HKCBIASLEAKI | HK C bias leakage current | - climbed steadily up 2 amp since launch |
HKDBIASLEAKI | HK D bias leakage current | - climbed steadily up 2 amp since launch |
HKEBIASLEAKI | HK E bias leakage current | - climbed steadily up 2 amp since launch |
HKFBIASLEAKI | HK F bias leakage current | - rate of rise seems to be increasing since August total clime 0.1 amp |
HKEBOXTEMP | HK EBox tempreture | - climbed steadily up 12 degrees K since launch |
TEIO | EPHIN ELECTRONICS HOUSING TEMP | - rate of rise seems to be decreasing up 15 degrees K since launch |
TEPHIN | EPHIN SENSOR HOUSING TEMP | - rate of rise seems to be decreasing up 12 degrees K since launch |
HKGHV | HK G high voltage | - dropped 1 ADU around January, flat otherwise |
HKN6I | HK -6V rail current | - flat |
HKN6V | HK -6V rail voltage | - rate of rise seems to be increasing total rise 0.4 V |
HKP27I | HK +27V rail current | - climbed steadily up 0.02 V since launch |
HKP27V | HK +27V rail voltage | - flat |
HKP5I | HK +5V rail current | - flat |
HKP5V | HK +5V rail voltage | - flat |
HKP6I | HK +6V rail current | - flat |
HKP6V | HK +6V rail voltage | - flat |
- EPHIN Key Rates:
SCCT0 | Sci single detector counter CT0 | - Low rate down from 6 to 2, perhaps rising again since day 400 |
SCE1300 | Sci single detector counter E1300 | - flat |
SCE150 | Sci single detector counter E150 | - flat |
SCE300 | Sci single detector counter E300 | - flat |
SCE3000 | Sci single detector counter E3000 | - flat |
SCH25GM | Sci single detector counter H25GM | - flat |
SCH41GM | Sci single detector counter H41GM | - flat |
SCH4GM | Sci single detector counter H4GM | - flat |
SCH8GM | Sci single detector counter H8GM | - flat |
SCINT | Sci single detector counter INT | -High rate down from 120 to 60, perhaps rising again since day 400 |
SCP25GM | Sci single detector counter P25GM | - flat |
SCP41GM | Sci single detector counter P41GM | - flat |
SCP4GM | Sci single detector counter P4GM | - flat |
SCP8GM | Sci single detector counter P8GM | - flat |
- EPHIN Housekeeping:
Monitored houskeeping values ALL listed below are discreets and
have been flat 0 for the duration of the mission except for
EPHSIMSTATUS EPHIN Simulation Status, which has been flat at 128.
Trended quantities: EIOSTATUS_A - EIO Status Flag A, EIOSTATUS_B - EIO Status Flag B, EIOSTATUS_C - EIO Status Flag C,
EIOSTATUS_D - EIO Status Flag D, EIOSTATUS_E - EIO Status Flag E, EIOSTATUS_F - EIO Status Flag F,
EIOSTATUS_G - EIO Status Flag G, EIOSTATUS_H - EIO Status Flag H, EPHSIMSTATUS - EPHIN Simulation Status,
HKCMDSUCCESS - HK Command Successfull, HKRETRYNEED - HK Retry needed?,
HKTIMDTIMOUT - HK Timer D Timeout, SCCMDSUCCESS - Sci Command Successfull,
SCRETRYNEED - Sci Retry neede?, SCRETURNCODE - Sci Return Code,
TCCMDSUCCESS - TC Command Successfull?, TCNAKSENT - TC NAK Sent?,
TCRETRYNEED - TC Retry needed,TCRETURNCODE - TC Return Code,
TCTIMATIMOUT - TC Timer A Timeout, TCTIMDTIMOUT - TC Timer D Timeout,
TELECMDCNT - Telecommand Count, TELECMDCODE - Telecommand Code,
The ACA Problem is in the specified handling of guide star positional
errors. This issue in not signifcant to the final product and so
is being worked at low priority.
ACIS Anomaly
From: Roger Brissenden
During last week the observing schedule was completed as planned with
the exception of approximately 6 hours of ACIS observing that was
impacted when the ACIS Digital Processing Assembly (DPA-A) powered off
at 11:42 am EDT on 26 Sept. The turn-off was detected during a
real-time pass and following engineering assessment, the DPA was
powered on and ACIS returned to science operation. ACIS has operated
nominally since then and the cause of the turn-off is being
investigated by the ACIS engineering team. Observations of HD100546,
HD104237 and a portion of Sgr A were impacted and will be rescheduled.
From: Paul Plucinsky
For DPA A we need to watch:
1DP28AVO - input voltage which is currently 29.92 V,normal
1DPICACU - DPA Input Current which is currently ZERO, definitely not normal
1DPP0AVO - DPA +5V Analog which is currently 0.02 V which is consistent
with being off, not normal
1DPPSAX - DPA A Enabled/Disabled, currently enabled, normal
1DPPSA - DPA A On/Off, currently OFF !!!
DPA B looks OK to me:
1DP28BVO - input voltage which is currently 30.08 V,normal
1DPIBCU - the input current on side B of the DPA currently 0.27 A,
which is consistent with the FEPs on side B begin off.
We always keep the FEPs on in the load. So, I am not sure
why the FEPs on side B are off. Perhaps Bob can explain
why cutting the power on side DPA A would cause the B side
FEPs to turn off. But 0.3 A and 8.0 W is a reasonable value
for he side B power consumption.
1DPP0BVO - DPA +5V Analog Side B which is currently 5.13 V which is
with DPA B being on.
1DPPSBX - DPA B Enabled/Disabled, currently enabled, normal
1DPPSB - DPA B On/Off, currently ON, normal
SO, DPA A is enabled but off, DPA B looks fine. The DPA A Over-current
indicator 1DPCPAOC indicates that we did not have an overcurrent situation.