ACIS fluence alert issued on Sat, 31 Mar 2001 05:10:01 EST
ACIS fluence: 1.00e+09 p/(cm^2-sr-MeV) (threshold 1.00e+09)
Rates subside, no action taken
SCS107 ran at 2001:93:02:22 GMT due to EPHIN E1300 channel violation
Science loads restarted at 2001:96:05:55 (obsid 2000)
Total lost time: 3 days 3 hours 33 minutes (272 ks)
Rad zone passage: about 9.5 hours (34.2 ks)
Lost science time: 238 ks
Affected obsids: 1578 (partial), 2145, 2143, 2235, 2236, 2237, 2238, 1660
Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 1.817e-8 CTI/day
Detrended slope 1.320e-8 CTI/day
Day (DOY) Temp (C) Width (DAY) ------------------------------------------- 89.81 -115.0 0.27 92.48 -111.5 0.54 -small shoulder on rising side 95.08 -114.4 0.31
No new or reopened problems were reported in this period
Following msids are still coming
On 3/30, a few sim and spacecraft temperature msids triggered warnings:
Also on 3/30:
On 3/31-4/01:
On 4/02-4/05:
On 4/02:
1578 | ACIS-S | NONE | NGC4111 | Partial | PROBLEM |
2062 | ACIS-S | NONE | NGC 4314 | OK | OK |
2093 | ACIS-S | HETG | NGC 3783 | IMAGE /GRAT-not yet aval. | PROBLEM |
1014 | ACIS-S | HETG | PKS2155-304 | IMAGE /GRAT | OK |
*5EIOT | EIO TEMP | - Upward trend from 310 to 335, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*5EPHINT | EPHIN TEMP | - Upward trend from 270 to 295, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKABIASLEAKI | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING A-BIAS: LEAKAGE CURRENT | - Upward trend from 0.1 to 1.0, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKBBIASLEAKI | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING B-BIAS: LEAKAGE CURRENT | - Upward trend from 0.0 to 0.25, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKCBIASLEAKI | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING C-BIAS: LEAKAGE CURRENT | - Upward trend from 1 to 8, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKDBIASLEAKI | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING D-BIAS: LEAKAGE CURRENT | - Upward trend from 1 to 10, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKEBOXTEMP | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING EBOX | - Upward trend from 275 to 295, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
*HKFBIASLEAKI | EPHIN HOUSEKEEPING F-BIAS: LEAKAGE CURRENT | - upward trend from 0 to 0.3, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
HKN6I | HK 6 Volts Rail - Current | - Scattered between 86 and 97, more at higher end |
HKN6V | HK -6 Volts Rail - Voltage | - Scattered between -5.97 and -5.92, mostly -5.92 |
HKP27I | HK 27 Volts Rail - Current | - Upward trend from 3.7 to 4.4, steeper after DOM 400 |
HKP27V | HK 27 Volts Rail - Voltage | - Flat @26.91 |
*HKP5I | HK 5 Volts Rail - Current | - Scattered between 39 and 42,more at the lower end, step up DOM 450 and again DOM 500, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
HKP5V | HK 5 Volts Rail - Voltage | - Flat around 5.13 after DOM 150 |
HKP6I | HK 6 Volts Rail - Current | - Scattered between 144 and 151, more at the higher end |
HKN6V | HK -6 Volts Rail - Voltage | - Around 5.8, slight downward trend |
TEIO | EPHIN ELECTRONICS HOUSING TEMP | - Upward trend from 280 to 300 |
*TEMPHIN | EPHIN SENSOR HOUSING TEMP | - Upward trend from 270 to 295, small dip from about DOM 580 to 605 |
EIOSTATUS_A | EIO Status Flg A | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_B | EIO Status Flg B | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_C | EIO Status Flg C | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_D | EIO Status Flg D | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_F | EIO Status Flg E | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_G | EIO Status Flg F | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EIOSTATUS_H | EIO Status Flg H | - Flat @ 0.0 |
EPHSIMSTATUS | EPHIN Simulation Status | - Flat @ 128 |
HKCMDSUCCESS | HK Command Successful | - Flat @ 0.0 |
HKRETRYNEED | HK Retry needed? | - Flat @ 0.0 |
HKRETURNCODE | HK Return Code | - Flat @ 0.0 |
HKTIMATIMOUNT | HK Timer A Timeout | - Flat @ 0.0 |
HKTIMDTMOUT | HK Timer D Timeout | - Flat @ 0.0 |
SCCMDSUCCESS | SciCommand Successful | - Flat @ 0.0 |
SCRETRYNEED | Sci Retry needed? | - Flat @ 0.0 |
SCRETURNCODE | Sci Return code | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCCMDSUCCESS | TC Command Successful | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCNAKSENT | TC NAK Sent? | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCRETRYNEED | TC Tetry needed | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCRETURNCODE | TC Return Code | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCTIMATIMOUT | TC Timer A Timeout | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TCTIMDTIMOUT | TC Timer D Timeout | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TELECMDCNT | Telecommand Count | - Flat @ 0.0 |
TELECMDCDD | Telecommand Code | - Flat @ 0.0 |
SCA00 | Sci single detector counter A00 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 6.5 (log) |
SCA01 | Sci single detector counter A01 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 5.5 (log) |
SCA02 | Sci single detector counter A02 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 5.5 (log) |
SCA03 | Sci single detector counter A03 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 5.5 (log) |
SCA04 | Sci single detector counter A04 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 5.5 (log) |
SCA05 | Sci single detector counter A05 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 5.5 (log) |
SCB00 | Sci single detector counter B00 | - Scatter between 2.5 and 6.5 (log) |
SCB01 | Sci single detector counter B01 | - Scatter between 200 and 1000, more at the lower end |
SCB02 | Sci single detector counter B02 | - Scatter between 200 and 1000, more at the lower end |
SCB04 | Sci single detector counter B04 | - Scatter between 200 and 1000, more at the lower end |
SCB05 | Sci single detector counter B05 | - Scatter between 200 and 1000, more at the lower end |
SCC00 | Sci single detector counter C0 | - Scatter between 3.5 and 6.5, more at both extreme |
*SCCT1 | Sci coincidence counter CT1 | - Downward trend between 1 and 6, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
*SCCT2 | Sci coincidence counter CT2 | - Downward trend between 1 and 6, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
*SCCT3 | Sci coincidence counter CT3 | - Downward trend between 1 and 6, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
*SCCT4 | Sci coincidence counter CT4 | - Downward trend between 1 and 6, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
*SCCT5 | Sci coincidence counter CT5 | - Downward trend between 1 and 6, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
SCD0 | Sci single detector counter D0 | - Around 3.5 in log scale, but scattered upward to 6 in log |
SCE0 | Sci single detector counter E0 | - Around 3.5 in log scale, scattered upward to 5 in log |
SCF0 | Sci single detector counter F0 | - Around 4 in log scale, scattered upward of 5.5 in log |
SCG0 | Sci single detector counter G0 | - Around 4 in log scale, scattered upward of 6.5 in log |
SCH25GR | Sci coincidence counter H25GR | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.1 |
SCH25S1 | Sci coincidence counter H25S1 | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.1 |
SCH25S23 | Sci coincidence counter H25S23 | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.1 |
SCH41GR | Sci coincidence counter H41GR | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.05 |
SCH41S1 | Sci coincidence counter H41S1 | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.05 |
SCH41S23 | Sci coincidence counter H41S23 | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.1 |
SCH4GR | Sci coincidence counter H4GR | - Flat @0.0 scatter to 1.0 |
SCH4S1 | Sci coincidence counter H4S1 | - Flat @0.0 scatter to 1.5 |
SCH8GR | Sci coincidence counter H8GR | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.4 |
SCH8S1 | Sci coincidence counter H8S1 | - Flat @0.0, some scatter to 0.6 |
SCH8S23 | Sci coincidence counter H8S23 | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.7 |
SCP25GR | Sci coincidence counter P25GR | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 1.5 |
SCP25S | Sci coincidence counter P25S | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 5 |
SCP41GR | Sci coincidence counter P41GR | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.3 |
SCP41S | Sci coincidence counter P41S | - Flat @0.0 some scatter to 0.8 |
SCP4GR | Sci coincidence counter P4GR | - Slight upward trend, mostly 0, some scatter to 60 |
SCP4S | Sci coincidence counter P4S | - Slight upward trend, mostly 0, some scatter to 250 |
SCP8GR | Sci coincidence counter P8GR | - Slight upward trend, mostly 0, some scatter to 25 |
SCP8S | Sci coincidence counter P8S | - Slight upward trend, mostly 0, some scatter to 100 |
SCCT0 | Sci coincidence counter CT0 | - Slight downward trend, flatter after DOM 400, scatter to 2 to 16 |
SCE1300 | Sci coincidence counter E1300 rate | - Scattered between 0 and 4,but more at the both extremes (in log scale) |
SCE150 | Sci coincidence counter E150 rate | - Scatter between 1 and 5, but more at the both extremes (in log scale) |
SCE300 | Sci coincidence counter E300 rate | - Scatter between 1 and 5, but more at the both extremes (in log scale) |
SCE3000 | Sci coincidence counter E3000 | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 50 |
SCH25GM | Sci coincidence counter H25GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 500 |
SCH41GM | Sci coincidence counter H41GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 6 |
SCH4GM | Sci coincidence counter H4GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 1.5 |
SCH8GM | Sci coincidence counter H8GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 400 |
*SCINT | Sci coincidence counter INT | - Downward trend between 110 and 70, flatter after DOM 400, increasing since DOM 550 |
SCP25GM | Sci coincidence counter P25GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 5 in log scale |
SCP41GM | Sci coincidence counter P41GM | - Flat @0.0, scatter up to 30 |
SCP4GM | Sci coincidence counter P4GM | - Mostly 0, also around 5 in log scale, scatter between 0 and 6 in log |
SCP8GM | Sci coincidence counter P8GM | - Mostly 0, also around 5 in log scale, scatter between 0 and 6 in log |