Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 1.173e-8 CTI/day
Detrended slope 1.129e-8 CTI/day
The following pixels consistently showed a bias level more than 5 sigma away
the chip's mean level during this period.
We suspect some of the recurring bad pixels may be due to biases which
are taken just after perigee, when the focal plane is somewhat warm.
For more information see the link above and MTA monthly reports.
CCD0 | CCD2 | CCD3 | CCD4 | CCD5 | CCD6 | CCD7 | CCD8 | CCD9 | |
New this week/ Reappeared | (995,200) | (483,816) | |||||||
Previously reported - still observed | (811,637) | (247,364) |
(1-3,775-1024) (226,565) (226-245,313) (509,spurious rows) (510-511,775-1024) (512,775) (513,776-1024) (607,281) (1022,166) |
(360,249) (766,501) |
(1-3,1-114) (1-3,775-1024) (4,spurious rows) (509,spurious rows) (510-511,775-1024) (512,775) (513-515,775-1024) (516,spurious rows) (514,850) (514,940) (1021,1) (1021,198) (1021,408) (1021,684) (1022,775) |
(62,482) (587,544) (952,1) | (150,373) | ||
Previously reported - not observed during this period |
Day (DOY) | Temp (C) | Width (Days) | |
39.49 | -113.73 | 0.58 | |
42.16 | -113.25 | 0.59 | |
44.56/44.73 | -117.93/-117.77 | 0.43 | double peaks |
From SOT Shift Report
MTA is monitoring radiation zone entry times and intervals. We are upgrading this monitoring to attempt to detect multiple rad. zone entries.
Davis Morris has performed a quick analysis of data for 2002. It looks like the AE-8 model is doing a pretty decent job of bracketing the high EPHIN radiation periods. There are no obvious trends in the relationship between the EPHIN data and the AE-8/AP-8 model predicted razone entry/exit times to explain the anomalously short entry time predicted during the FEB2502 schedule.
Ap has not run this week due to a new software release. All data reported below are based on manual processing. "Prob" means that there was probably bad time data included in the manual runs.
OBSID | DETECTOR | GRATING | TARGET | ANALYSIS | ACA | 3409 | ACIS-I | NONE | HDF-N | OK | PROB | 3084 | ACIS-S | NONE | M87 | OK | OK | 2545 | ACIS-S | NONE | M1-16 | OK | OK | 3437 | ACIS-I | NONE | GRB020127 | OK | OK | 3242 | ACIS-I | NONE | CL0442+0202 | OK | OK | 3272 | ACIS-I | NONE | MACSJ0520.7-1328 | OK | PROB | 2550 | AICS-I | NONE | NGC2264 | OK | OK | 2562 | ACIS-I | NONE | IRAM04191 | OK | OK | 2553 | ACIS-I | NONE | MADDALENA'SCLOUD | OK | OK | 2718 | HRC-I | NONE | GRS1758-258 | OK | OK |
Note: Due to telemetry data problems, currently the trending page is not updated.
This Week's focus Sim.
Daily average trends last reported on
Nov 29 .
The most interesting trends are indicated with "*".
3BTU_BPT | BTU BASEPLATE (+X)), ABORT HTR TSC2 | scattered between 250 and 275, upward trend |
3FABRAAT | FA STRUCTURE +X FACE AT +Y+Z END ABORT | scattered between 262 and 274. slightly upward trend |
3FABRCAT | FA STRUCTURE +X FACE AT -Y-Z END ABORT | scattered between 265 and 290, slightly upward trend |
3FAMYZAT | FA STRUCTURE AT BEARING C ABORT HTR | scattered between 280 and 305 |
3FAPYZAT | FA STRUCTURE AT BEARING A ABORT HTR | scattered between 286 and 298 |
3FARALAT | FA STRUCTURE AT RAIL -Z, ABORT HEATER | scattered between 270 and 300 |
3FLCABPT | FLCA BASEPLATE (+X) | scattered between 274 and 282, slightly increasing |
3RCTUBPT | RCTU BASEPLATE (+X) | scattered between 261 and 280, scattering widen |
3TSMXCET | -X TURTLE SHELL NR HRC CEA | scattered between 180 and 240 |
3TSMXSPT | -X TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS SS | scattered between 230 and 260 |
3TSMYDPT | -Y TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS DPA | scattered between 210 and 235 |
3TSPYFET | +Y TURTLE SHELL NR HRC FEA | scattered between 220 and 240 |
3TSPZDET | +Z TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS DEA | scattered between 250 and 270 |
3TSPZSPT | +Z TURTLE SHELL NR ACIS SS | scattered between 255 and 271 |
3TTACS1T | TT AT ACIS ATTACH #1, ABORT HTR | scattered between 262 and 270, slightly downward trend |
3TTACS2T | TT AT ACIS ATTACH #2, ABORT HTR TSC1 | scattered between 260 and 270 |
3TTACS3T | TT AT ACIS ATTACH #3, ABORT HTR TSC1 | scattered between 260 and 262 |
3TTBRGBT | TT AT BEARING B, ABORT HTR TSC4 | scattered between 250 and 275, slightly upward trend |
3TTHRC1T | TT AT HRC BIPOD ATTACH #1 | scattered between 255 and 285, scattering widen |
3TTHRC2T | TT AT HRC BIPOD ATTACH #2 | 262 and 285 |
3TTHRC3T | TT AT HRC BIPOD ATTACH #3 & ACIS #4 | scattered between 264 and 272 |
3TTRALAT | TT AT RAIL A, ABORT HTR TSC3 | around 250, some scattering to 230 |
3TTRALCT | TT AT RAIL C, ABORT HTR TSC5 | scattered between 258 and 274, slightly increasing |
3TTVALVT | TT AT VENT VALVE, ABORT HTR TSC7 | scattered between 230 and 265 |
BOXTEMP | SEA box temperature | scattered between 286 and 294 |
FAMTRTEMP | FA motor temperature | around 287, some scattering to 276 |
FLEXATEMP | Flexure A temperature | scattered between 273 and 282 |
FLEXATSET | Flexure A temperature setpoint | around 210 and 275, more concentration on 275 |
FLEXBTEMP | Flexure B temperature | scattered between 266 and 276, concentrating around 273/td> |
FLEXBTSET | Flexure B temperature setpoint | around 210 and 275 |
FLEXCTEMP | Flexure C temperature | scattered between 275 and 300 |
FLEXCTSET | Flexure C temperature setpoint | around 210 and 275 |
PSUTEMP | SEA power supply temperature | scattered between 316 and 322 |
TSCMTRTEMP | TSC motor temperature | scattered between 260 and 310, concentrating around 288 |
AGRNDADC | Analog fround A/D convert reading | flat @ 0 |
FATABADC | FA Tab Position Sensor A/D Converter | flat @5.0 |
N15VADC | -15V power supply A/D conv. reading | flat @-15, -1, and 0 |
P15VADC | +15V power supply A/D conv. reading | flat ~14.98 |
P5VADC | +5V power supply A/D conv. reading | flat @4.95/4.96 |
TSCTABADC | TSC Tab Position Sensor A/D Converter | flat @4.99 |
FAEDGE | FA Tab Edge Detection Flags | flat @ 0.0 |
FAPOS | FA position | mainly @ 0.0, but also -0.2, and ~-0.7 |
FATABWID | Most recently detected FA tab width | flat @ 0.0 |
LDRTNUM | FA Most Recent detected Tab Width | 3 levels @, 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0 |
LDRTRELPOS | Last detected ref tab relative position | 3 levels around 0.0, 0.10, and 0.30 |
MRMDEST | Most Recent Motor Move Destination | between 4.5 and 5, in log scale |
PWMLEVEL | max motor V PWM level most recent move | 3 levels around 0.1, 0.6 and 2.0 |
TSCEDGE | TSC Tab Edge Detection Flags | 2 levels around 0 and 250 |
TSCPOS | TSC position | 4 levels around -260, 0, 200, 240 |
TSCTABWID | Most recently detected TSC tab width | around 3.3 in log scale |
Cumulative translation moves | ~1110 | |
Cumulative translation steps | ~1.31e8 | |
Time per translation step | 0.00139 s, overall mission trend increasing by ~2.6e-8 s/s tep/day | |
Cumulative focus moves | ~585 | |
Cumulative focus steps | ~2.25e5 |