MTA Monitoring Report 10/04/02 - 10/10/02

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Archive of monthly reports



ACIS/Radiation Environment correlations

Detrended CTI

CTI analysis is now computed with "detrending":
Detrend CTI = Measured CTI + S3 amplitude reject rate * Detrend factor.

Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 9.140e-9 CTI/day
Detrended slope 9.194e-9 CTI/day

ACIS Warm Pixels

The following pixels consistently showed a bias level more than 5 sigma away the chip's mean level during this period.
We suspect some of the recurring bad pixels may be due to biases which are taken just after perigee, when the focal plane is somewhat warm. For more information see the link above and MTA monthly reports.

ACIS Focal Plane Temperature

For this period, peaks are observed.

SIM Movements

16 TSC moves this period
weekly average time/step 0.00140 s
mission average time/step 0.00137 s


10/04 10/05 10/06 10/07 10/08 10/09 10/10